12 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Structure of Aminoguanidinium Sulfite Monohydrate

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    Abstract—The reaction between sulfur(IV) oxide and an aqueous suspension of aminoguanidinium hydro carbonate yields (CN4H7)2SO3 ⋅ H2O, an “onium” sulfite, which has been characterized by Xray diffraction and IR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The structure of the salt is stabilized by numerous Hbonds, such as NH⋅⋅⋅O, OH⋅⋅⋅O, and NH⋅⋅⋅N. The incorporation of pyramidal ions into the network of Hbonds is accompanied by the lowering of their symmetry in comparison with C3v, thus complicating the IR spectra of the salt in the region where the vibrations of the anion appear

    Synthesis, Spectral Characteristics, and Some Properties of Methylammonium Sulfamate Monohydrate. A New Route to Sulfamic Acid Derivatives

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    Abstract—Redox transformations of the products of reactions of the CH3C(S)NH2–SO2–H2O system components yield methylammonium sulfamate monohydrate [CH3NH3] +[OSO2NH2] – H2O and elemental sulfur. The synthesized compound was characterized by IR, 1 H and 13C NMR, and mass spectroscopy and some of its properties were studied

    Crystal structures and solubility of 4,4´-bipyridinium and 2-brom-5-methylpyridinium hexafluorosilicates

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    Hexafluorosilicates with heterocyclic cations are convenient models for the estimation of H-bonds influence on structural characteristics and properties of this onium salts. As a part of our systematic investigation here we describe results of X-ray structure analysis and solubility data determination of the hexafluorosilicates (4,4´-DipyH2)SiF6 (I) and (2-Br-6-CH3C5H3NH)2SiF6·H2O (II)

    Condensation reactions in the systems “SO2 – L – CH2O – H2O” (L – primary amines)

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    We have previously shown that the interaction of sulfur (IV) oxide with hexamethylentetramine (HMTA) in aqueous solution results in the aminometansulfonic acid (AMSA):formulaAn attempt has been made to synthesize the AMSA derivatives using the reaction of formaldehyde with various amine components in two stages without isolation of the intermediate product in the first step:formulaR – alkyl, hydroxyalkyl. The compounds obtained by the above given scheme (R = HOCH2CH2-, (HOCH2)3C, (CH3)3C-, C6H5CH2-) have been identified by elemental analysis, mass spectrometry and IR spectroscopy. The crystal structure of N- (hydroxyethyl)aminometansulphonic acid has been determined by X-ray diffraction for the first time (Fig.). The spectral characteristics of the reaction products and the possibilities of synthesis related to the chemical transformations of ligands will be discussed

    Hexafluorosilicates of bis(carboxypyridinium) and bis(2-carboxyquinolinium)

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    The preparation and characterization of three isomeric carboxypyridinium and carboxyquinolinium hexafluorosilicate salts is described. The salts of the general formulas (LH)2[SiF6] (I–III, L = 2-carboxypyridine, 3-carboxypyridine, 4-carboxypyridine) and (LH)2[SiF6]2H2O (IV, L = 2-carboxyquinoline) were prepared from the protonation reaction of the corresponding pyridine carbonic acid by the fluorosilicic acid. The compounds were characterized by IR, mass-spectrometry, thermogravimetric analysis, solubility data, and in the case of III by X-ray crystallography. The relationship between the salts solubility and the H-bonding system was analysed

    The solubility of N, N-dimetylurea in solition of hexafluorosilicic acid

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    Методом ізотермічної розчинності при 25 °С вивчена взаємодія в потрійній системі кремнефтороводнева кислота — N,N-диметилсечовина-вода. Встановлено утворення сполуки складу 2Ме2МС(0)МН2-Н2SіР6, розчинність якої змінюється уздовж лінії кристалізації в межах 38,01 - 12,93 мас. %.Методом изотермической растворимости при 25 °С изучено взаимодействие в тройной системе кремнефтороводородная кислота-N,N-диметилмочевина-вода. Установлено образование соединения состава 2Ме2NС(O)NН2*Н2SlF6, растворимость которого изменяется вдоль линии кристаллизации в пределах 38,01 - 12,93 маc. %.The interaction of components in hexafluorosilicic acid-N,N-dimetylurea-H20 triple system was studied by isothermic solubility method at 25 °C. The compound form ation has been found. Its com position has been determ ined as 2Me2NC(0)NH2 H2SiF6 and its solubility has been to decrease along the crystallization line over the range of 38,01 - 12,93 wt. %

    Features of Interaction in the Sulfur(IV) Oxide–Hexamethylenetetramine–Water System: A First Example of Identification of the Product with a Sulfur–Carbon Bond

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    Hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA) is a ligand in the synthesis of coordination compounds and also is used as a pharmaceutical antiseptic drug and as hexogen precursor. An attempt is known to use aqueous solutions of HMTA as an absorbent for extracting hydrogen fluoride and sulfur dioxide from the flue gases of aluminum production. In the study on the interaction in the HMTA–H2SO3–H2O system a formation was found of compounds 2HMTA·H2SO3·6H2O and HMTA·2H2SO3·8H2O, the hexamethylenetetrammonium sulfite and bisulfite, respectively, hydrated forms. On the other hand, in acidic solutions HMTA is prone to hydrolysis to form ammonia and formaldehyde that does not exclude further deeper chemical reactions in the system HMTA–H2SO3–H2O (HMTA–SO2–H2O), as indicates indirectly the formation of Н2NCH2SO3Na in the reaction of sodium hydrosulfite with formaldehyde and ammonia

    Спектральные характеристики продуктов взаимодействия оксида серы (IV) с водными растворами этаноламинов

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    Методами элементного анализа, масс-спектрометрии и колебательной спектроскопии изучены продукты взаимодействия, выделенные в индивидуальном состоянии из реакционных систем SO2–L–H2O (L – моноэтаноламин, N–метилмоноэтаноламин, диэтаноламин, N–метилдиэтаноламин и триэтаноламин). Во всех случаях, за исключением сульфита N–метилмоноэтаноламмония состава (LH)2SO3, установлено образование "ониевых" гидросульфитов (LH) HSO3