6,433 research outputs found

    Monodisperse Latex Reactor (MLR): A materials processing space shuttle mid-deck payload

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    The monodisperse latex reactor experiment has flown five times on the space shuttle, with three more flights currently planned. The objectives of this project is to manufacture, in the microgravity environment of space, large particle-size monodisperse polystyrene latexes in particle sizes larger and more uniform than can be manufactured on Earth. Historically it has been extremely difficult, if not impossible to manufacture in quantity very high quality monodisperse latexes on Earth in particle sizes much above several micrometers in diameter due to buoyancy and sedimentation problems during the polymerization reaction. However the MLR project has succeeded in manufacturing in microgravity monodisperse latex particles as large as 30 micrometers in diameter with a standard deviation of 1.4 percent. It is expected that 100 micrometer particles will have been produced by the completion of the the three remaining flights. These tiny, highly uniform latex microspheres have become the first material to be commercially marketed that was manufactured in space

    Health Care Expenditures in the National Health Expenditures Accounts and in Gross Domestic Product: A Reconciliation

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    This paper provides a most detailed reconciliation to date of the National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA), the official estimates of health care spending in the United States from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the estimates of health expenditures that are part of gross domestic product (GDP) produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) as part of the national income and product accounts (NIPAs). For the period from 1997-2008, the estimates of total national health spending in the NHEA and in the GDP data are relatively similar, differing by less than 2 percent annually. Well over 90 percent of the total estimated expenditures in the two accounts appear to consist of the same expenditures. The differences in the estimates of expenditures for specific categories of health care – physician services, hospitals, drugs, health insurance, investment in equipment, and government programs – are, however, proportionately larger. The differences in the estimates of spending for specific categories of health care partly reflect differences in the way CMS and BEA classify certain healthrelated expenditures that are included in both accounts. The differences in the two estimates of health care spending also reflect some differences in the composition of health care spending in the two accounts, the use of some different estimation methods, and the use of some different data sources.

    Engineering of GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase for production of highly phosphorylated lysosomal enzymes for enzyme replacement therapy

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    Several lysosomal enzymes currently used for enzyme replacement therapy in patients with lysosomal storage diseases contain very low levels of mannose 6-phosphate, limiting their uptake via mannose 6-phosphate receptors on the surface of the deficient cells. These enzymes are produced at high levels by mammalian cells and depend on endogenous GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase α/β precursor to phosphorylate the mannose residues on their glycan chains. We show that co-expression of an engineered truncated GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase α/β precursor and the lysosomal enzyme of interest in the producing cells resulted in markedly increased phosphorylation and cellular uptake of the secreted lysosomal enzyme. This method also results in the production of highly phosphorylated acid β-glucocerebrosidase, a lysosomal enzyme that normally has just trace amounts of this modification

    After the Paris Agreement: How India Can Use Climate Financing to Implement a Sustainable Clean Cookstove Program

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    The burning of biomass for cooking purposes without proper ventilation and filters poses a massive health and climate risk. Health implications from exposure to household air pollution from this type of fuel impacts women and children in many developing countries, who spend many hours a day cooking and gathering fuel. Climate implications from burning solid biomass results in increased carbon dioxide and black carbon emissions, which contribute to global climate change. This thesis aims to explore the issues associated with biomass cookstoves in terms of both health and climate, and seeks to understand how a new national clean cookstove program could be funded in India. This includes potential partnerships with United States agencies, nonprofit organizations, and other international funding sources. The topic of clean cookstoves has gained traction as a strategy to mitigate emissions and adapt to a changing climate, and with the recent passing of the United Nations Paris Agreement, funding is increasing to support programs that address climate impacts

    The Teletrickster\u27s Way: Transcending the Rational and Reconstituting Media Discourse

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    Qualities That Influence Guardian Ad Litem Effectiveness

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    The use of Guardians ad Litem (GALs) in child abuse and neglect cases has become increasingly common throughout the world. It has, in fact, become standard procedure in child welfare proceedings in the United States. GALs are charged with presenting children\u27s best interests in court and ensuring that each child has a voice in the process. Ideally, GALs are consistently effective in doing so. However, GALs have extremely high caseloads that potentially limit the time they can spend with their children. In addition, little research has been done on what qualities make an effective GAL. Knowing what qualities increase GAL effectiveness is of paramount importance because these attorneys are charged with representing disadvantaged children who otherwise may not get a voice in their fate. This pilot study involved conducting semi-structured interviews with youths aged 15-18 who are currently in foster care in Utah, or who have recently aged out, or who have been reunified with their parents in the past two years since living in foster care. These interviews were directed at their experience with GALs in court in order to gauge what makes or would make the court process the least stressful and most conducive to achieving the child\u27s best interests

    A Global Water Apartheid: From Revelation to Resolution

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    It is well settled in international human rights law that a human right to water exists. Nevertheless, to date, there has been little scholarship about what the practical contours of the right should be. If legal tools are to benefit the world\u27s poor and disenfranchised, they cannot be void due to the impossibility of implementation. This is the problem with the purported human right to water: it is quixotic. This Article proposes a pragmatic solution to the potable water problem for the world\u27s poor. The solution offered here is based on a model of privatized access to water grounded in a microfinancing paradigm that is in turn founded on a loan program incorporated into the New Deal\u27s Rural Electrification Act. The proposed paradigm therefore sidesteps the rights-based scheme by resting upon a more concrete foundation based on measurable results (i.e., the number of the world\u27s 2.2 billion people who lack potable water that will obtain access to water versus the number that will not)

    Beyond Disaster: Fear Transformed

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    Reflections about the experiences as a New York City pastoral psychotherapist, who counseled, supervised, taught, and consulted during the September 11, 2001 disaster
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