567 research outputs found

    Neuropsychological phenomenology of self-regulation processes

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    The research paper presents an analysis of the interrelation between the lateral organisation profiles’ indicators and self-regulation feature

    Individual and personal qualities of bailiffs with various types of professional deformation

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    Background. Insufficient knowledge of the professional deformation of bailiffs with the accumulated research material that reveals the essence of this phenomenon, as well as the need to take into account the specifics of the activity and individual and personal characteristics of this category of employees, determine the relevance of this study.The aim: to identify and describe the individual and personal qualities of bailiffs with various professional deformation types.Material and methods. In this work, the following research methods were used: the author’s questionnaire for assessing seven types of professional personal deformation; psychological testing of individual and personal qualities using methods regulated by departmental documents; statistical methods (descriptive statistics, two-stage cluster and correlation analyzes). The study involved 277 employees of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Arkhangelsk region.Results. Bailiffs showed such professional deformations as overcontrol, authoritarianism and conservatism. The interrelation of all professional deformation types severity with the individual and personal qualities of the bailiffs, which are among the professionally important qualities, has been established. At the same time, the insufficient expression of these qualities contributes to the professional deformation development. The only exceptions are the level of active communication and normativity, which, with excessive development, also contribute to the appearance of personality deformations and contribute to a decrease in the effectiveness of activities. Most types of character accentuations and their various combinations contribute to the professional deformation development of bailiffs, i. e., are her personality markers. Moderate severity of the dysthymic type of character accentuation reduces the likelihood of developing occupational deformity.Conclusion. Within the framework of the practical use of the results of this study, it is necessary, when conducting professional selection of personnel and periodic assessment of personnel, to pay attention to the level of expression of professionally important qualities that have a relationship with key types of professional deformation. This will allow timely implementation of measures to prevent the development of professional deformations of employees

    Features thinking of specialists oil and gas companies in various professional groups

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    The article discusses the features of mental activity of specialists oil and gas companies in various professional groupsВ статье рассматриваются особенности мыслительной деятельности специалистов нефтегазодобывающих компаний различных профессиональных груп

    The relationship of organizational ability and preparedness to choice profession high school students

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    This study was to explore the relationship of organizational capabilities for high school students with different levels of readiness to the choice of professionДанное исследование заключалось в изучении взаимосвязи организаторских способностей у старшеклассников с разным уровнем готовности к выбору професси

    Ideas about the future profession of students during obtaining of secondary education

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    This survey is to explore ideas about future profession of the respondents at the stage of secondary vocational educationДанное исследование заключалось в изучении представлений о будущей профессии у адептов на этапе получения среднего профессионального образовани

    Neuropsychological foundations of conscious self-regulation of students

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    This article presents an analysis of the interrelation between the lateral organisation profiles’ indicators and selfregulation features. The existence of significant distinctions in the processes of self-regulation among respondents with different variants of lateral profiles of the interhemispheric asymmetry is proved, as well as the common features of these processes that are peculiar to the individuals having identical options of the lateral profiles are specified to

    Chlamydia trachomatis Infection, Immunity, and Pregnancy Outcome

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    Chlamydia trachomatis can ascend from the cervix to the fallopian tubes and survive for long periods of time without causing symptoms. The immune response to infection clears the extracellular organisms but leads to development of a persistent intracellular infection. Repeated cycles of productive infection and persistence eventually induce tubal occlusion and infertility. Persistently infected cells continue to synthesize the chlamydial 60 kD heat shock protein (hsp60). Immunity to conserved regions of hsp60 may result in autoimmunity to human hsp60. Expression of hsp60 by the embryo and decidua during early pregnancy may reactivate hsp60-sensitized lymphocytes, disturb pregnancy-induced immune regulatory mechanisms, and lead to immune rejection of the embryo. Due to this mechanism women with tubal infertility who are sensitized to the human hsp60 may have a decreased probability of successful outcome after undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer

    Heat shock protein expression during gametogenesis and embryogenesis.

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    When cells are subjected to various stress factors, they increase the production of a group of proteins called heat shock proteins (hsp). Heat shock proteins are highly conserved proteins present in organisms ranging from bacteria to man. Heat shock proteins enable cells to survive adverse environmental conditions by preventing protein denaturation. Thus the physiological and pathological potential of hsps is enormous and has been studied widely over the past two decades. The presence or absence of hsps influences almost every aspect of reproduction. They are among the first proteins produced during mammalian embryo development. In this report, the production of hsps in gametogenesis and early embryo development is described. It has been suggested that prolonged and asymptomatic infections trigger immunity to microbial hsp epitopes that are also expressed in man. This may be relevant for human reproduction, since many couples with fertility problems have had a previous genital tract infection. Antibodies to bacterial and human hsps are present at high titers in sera of many patients undergoing in vitro fertilization. In a mouse embryo culture model, these antibodies impaired the mouse embryo development at unique developmental stages. The gross morphology of these embryos resembled cells undergoing apoptosis. The TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated X-dUTP nick end labeling) staining pattern, which is a common marker of apoptosis, revealed that embryos cultured in the presence of hsp antibodies stained TUNEL-positive more often than unexposed embryos. These data extend preexisting findings showing the detrimental effect of immune sensitization to hsps on embryo development

    Breeding columnar apple-tree cultivars for supercompact growth habit

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    This work was based on the combinatorial breeding technique using donors of the columnar growth type (Co gene), sources of winter hardiness and high consumer qualities, and scab immunity donors (Rvi6 gene). The selection in the columnar apple-tree hybrid progeny was accompanied by the assessment of growth vigor, compactness degree, and seedling cultivability in accordance with the guidelines.Due to the increasing popularity of apple trees with the columnar crown type, the volume of breeding work for columnar growth  habit  at  the  Russian  Research  Institute  of  Fruit  Crop  Breeding  (VNIISPK)  over  the  past  9 years  amounted  to 133,582 flowers, or one third of the entire hybridization envisaged by the apple-tree breeding program. Meticulous selection of parent forms is carried out in order to incorporate a set of useful traits in the columnar growth habit genotype. Both cultivars and hybrid forms serve as sources and donors of the traits interesting for breeders. All the studied cultivars released by VNIISPK are dwarf: their height is within the range from 287 cm (cv. ‘Priokskoe’) to 198 cm (cv. ‘Orlovskaya Yesenia’), and they can be recommended for both commercial plantations and amateur gardens. The columnar form 34-34-98 is characterized by a unique degree of compactness (the ratio of the internode length to the shoot diameter) equal to 0.4 versus the average value of 1.6 for this indicator in the studied columnar cultivars. This form was involved in the release of 78 promising hybrid seedlings, the best of which (38.5%) were transferred to the garden for primary variety trials. A large yield of seedlings characterized by high compactness in the progeny of the columnar apple tree 34-34-98 makes it possible to recommend it for the development of new apple-tree genotypes for highly cost-effective orchards with high tree planting density

    Polymorphism of RAPD and ISSR markers in grain amaranth species

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    Different molecular genetic markers are effectively used in agricultural genetic selection programs. Genetic markers can be used in commercial breeds certification performance, fast and reliable genotype identification, genetic maps creation, genetics, phylogeny and plant systematic studies, which can accelerate selection, provide effective study and culture genofond maintenance. Amaranth, in this regard, has not been studied well, there is not enough data to effectively perform amaranth marker selection or for the certification of new and existing varieties; there are inaccuracies in the systematization of the crop. Important are the questions about the origin of grain amaranth species and the processes of their evolutionary formation. Amaranth is a pseudo-cereal with a millennia-long history, it has been actively cultivated in many countries around the world in recent decades. A high level of alterability and the formation of a huge number of spontaneous hybrids in natural populations of amaranth significantly complicate the identification of individual genotypes and entire taxonomic units of Amaranthus L. Due to the lack of research and depending on the environmental conditions, the morphological markers of amaranth are not able to provide sufficient genomic information to the breeder; thus it is necessary to search for reliable genetic markers that allow the genetic diversity of the Amaranthus L. species to be studied and effectively maintained. This research includes grain amaranth species DNA polymorphism analysis. Using RAPD and ISSR technologies, 203 loci have been identified, of which 173 appear to be polymorphic, 30 monomorphic (found in all genotypes analyzed) and 13 unique (found only in one genotype). Unique and monomorphic DNA loci can be used as specific genetic markers, in particular, for the certification of breeds, which is especially important for the identification of plant material and plant genetic variability monitoring. A high level of DNA polymorphism was revealed (about 85 %), a genetic relationship between grain amaranth species established, their monophyletic origin theory verified. A. mantegazzianus Passer. was proved to be an A. caudatus L. subspecies