58 research outputs found

    Úroda a ukazovatele kvality vybraných odrôd konopy siatej (Cannabis sativa L.) pestovaných v Srbsku

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    Interest in growing hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is constantly increasing. Different varieties of hemp grown in Serbia (Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Bački Petrovac) were evaluated by plant height, stem yield, fibre content, fibre yield and seed yield. Carmagnola variety reached the highest height, Fedora 17 the lowest. Stem yields, which averaged 13.23±2.93 t/ha, had a high correlation relationship with plant height. The highest and demonstrably most significant fibre content was found in the variety Bialobrzeskia (30.77±0.78%). The fibre yield averaged 3.3±0.64 t/ha. The highest seed fertility was shown by the Novosadska variety. A significant difference (P≤0.05) between 2017 and 2018 in seed production was 51.28 kg/ha. The results of the experiment indicate the importance of the genotype x environment interaction in hemp production.Záujem o pestovanie konopy siatej sa neustále zvyšuje. Rôzne odrody konopy pestované v Srbsku (Ústav poľných a zeleninových plodín, Bački Petrovac) boli hodnotené podľa výšky rastlín, úrody stonky, obsahu vlákna, úrodnosti vlákna a úrody semena. Najvyššiu výšku dosiahla odroda Carmagnola, najnižšiu Fedora 17. Úrody stonky, ktoré boli v priemere 13,23±2,93 t/ha, s výškou rastlín mali vysoký korelačný vzťah. Najvyšší a preukázateľne najvýznamnejší obsah vlákna bol zistený v odrode Bialobrzeskia (30,77±0,78%). Úroda vlákna bola v priemere 3,3±0,64 t/ha. Najvyššiu úrodnosť semena vykazovala odroda Novosadska. Štatisticky preukazný rozdiel P≤0,05 medzi rokmi 2017 a 2018 v produkcii osiva bol 51,28 kg/ha. Výsledky experimentu poukazujú na dôležitosť interakcie genotyp x prostredie pri produkcii konopy siatej

    Postignuća u poboljšanju proizvodnje industrijske konoplje u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada

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    Program of improving of industrial hemp production at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad started in the middle of the 20th century. During seven decades, several generations of researchers have dedicated their work to develop an assortment that will meet producers’ needs in terms of improvement of yield and quality of hemp raw material. Starting from the available germplasm and the requirements of the fiber hemp producers, in the first cycle, an increase in the stalk fiber content by approximately 30% was achieved. Following the development of the market for hemp products in the second cycle, the fiber content was increased by another 10% and a monoecious high-yielding variety with a grain oil content of over 30% was selected. The latest global trends related to healthy food and natural raw materials have initiated the next breeding cycle based on the wide genetic variability of collected and newly developed germplasm. Modern breeding, in addition to yield, is focused to the quality of raw materials i.e. stalk, grain and flower, obtained by widespread production of hemp.Program unapređenja proizvodnje industrijske konoplje u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu započet je sredinom dvadesetog veka. Tokom sedam decenija generacije istraživača posvetile su se razvoju sortimenta koji bi zadovoljio potrebe proizvođača u smislu poboljšanja prinosa i kvaliteta konopljinih sirovina. Polazeći od dostupne germplazme i zahteva proizvodača konoplje za vlakno, u prvom je ciklusu postignuto povećanje sadržžaja vlakana u stabljici za oko 30%. U drugom ciklusu, nakon razvoja tržišta proizvoda od konoplje, sadržaj vlakana povećan je za dodatnih 10% i selekcionisana je visokoprinosna jednodoma konoplja sa sadržajem ulja u zrnu od preko 30%. Najnoviji globalni trendovi tržišta proizvoda zdrave hrane i prirodnih sirovina pokrenuli su naredni ciklus oplemenjivanja utemeljen na širokoj genetskoj varijabilnosti postojeće i novoproširene germplazme u Institutu. Savremeno oplemenjivanje osim ka povećanju prinosa usmereno je i ka poboljšanju kvaliteta konopljinih sirovina stabljike, zrna, lista i cveta

    Izazovi u oplemenjivanju industrijske konoplje

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    Although hemp is one of the earliest domesticated plant species, the breeding of hemp has long been neglected. In the new millennium, interest in hemp as a universal renewable raw material is growing rapidly. The high and stable yield of air-dried stems (over 15 t ha-1) with a high content (over 35%) of quality fibers and grains (over 1 t ha-1) are general objectives of breeding of new hemp varieties all over the world. Following various breeding procedures, the content of plant active substances cannabinoids and natural biocompounds can be also elevated. The plant content of A9-THC, a psychoactive cannabinoid, must be maintained below the legal maximum. Breeding methods for creating genetically modified hemp exist, but still are not applied in hemp production.lako je konoplja jedna od prvih odomaćenih biljnih vrsta, plansko selekcionisanje i oplemenjivanje konoplje dugo su zanemarivani. U novom milenijumu interesovanje za konopljom kao univerzalnom obnovljivom sirovinom naglo raste. Visok i stabilan prinos vazdušno suve stabljike (preko 15 t ha-1) s visokim sadržajem (preko 35%) kvalitetnih vlakana i zrna (preko 1 t ha-1) glavni su ciljevi oplemenjivačkih programa konoplje širom sveta. Različitim metodama i tehnikama oplemenjivanja moguće je povećati i sadržaj biljnih aktivnih komponenti - kanabinoida i prirodnih biomolekula. Sadrzaj A9-THC- psihoaktivnog kanabinoida u biljnom materijalu ne sme prelaziti zakonski maksimum. Metode za stvaranje genetski modifikovane konoplje postoje, ali još uvek se ne primjenjuju u oplemenjivanju

    Proizvodnja semena industrijske konoplje u Vojvodini

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    Market demand for quality varietal seeds of industrial hemp has caused an increase in the production area of hemp certified seed crops in our country. Maintenance and multiplication of varietal seed is in the competence of a registered institution which is the owner or maintainer of the variety. Production, processing and marketing of industrial hemp certificated seed are regulated by the Seed Law. Many elements of agricultural practices are common in cultivation of hemp as certified seed crop and for the grain. There are also agricultural practices specific for certified industrial hemp seed crop production. Compared to the cultivation management of the hemp grain crop, main differences are in crop maintenance practices, sowing and harvesting.Potražnja za kvalitetnim sortnim semenom industrijske konoplje, kako na domaćem tako i na inostranom tržištu, uzrokovala je povećanje površina pod semenskim usevima kod nas. Održavanje i umnožavanje sortnog semena je u nadležnosti institucije koja je upisana u Registar proizvodača i doradivača semena konoplje i koja je vlasnik ili odrzivač sorte. Proizvodnja, dorada i plasman semena industrijske konoplje regulisani su Zakonom o semenu. Tehnologija proizvodnie semenske konoplje u mnogim elementima je istovetna sa agrotehnikom konopilje za proizvodnju zrna. Međutim, postoje i određene specifičnosti koje su karakteristične samo za proizvodnju semenskog useva. Najveće razlike su u načinu setve, merama nege i načinu i vremenu žetve

    Industrial hemp certified seed production in Vojvodina region

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    Market demand for quality varietal seeds of industrial hemp has caused an increase in the production area of hemp certified seed crops in our country. Maintenance and multiplication of varietal seed is in the competence of a registered institution which is the owner or maintainer of the variety. Production, processing and marketing of industrial hemp certificated seed are regulated by the Seed Law. Many elements of agricultural practices are common in cultivation of hemp as certified seed crop and for the grain. There are also agricultural practices specific for certified industrial hemp seed crop production. Compered to the cultivation management of the hemp grain crop, main differences are crop maintenance practices, sowing and harvesting

    Black and yellow soybean: contribution of seed quality to oxidative stress response during plant development

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    The purpose of this paper was to compare quality of seeds of two black and yellow soybean and the response of plants developed from these seeds to oxidative stress during vegetation and reproduction period. Content of carbohydrates: cellulose, starch, total and reduced sugars, as well as oil and protein content varied among all varieties, irrespective the colour. Bearing in mind all differences in seed quality, as well as response to oxidative stresses during development, black cultivars could be proposed as an excellent source of phenolic compounds (flavan-3-ols, antocyanins, genistein, glycitein, quercetin, laricitrin and isorhamnetin derivatives). Due to extreme fluctuation in precipitation amounts in the last years, information on the better performance of soybean varieties in oxidative stress conditions is of great importance to organic and conventional production of this cultivar

    Uticaj navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju konoplje za vlakno (Cannabis sativa L.)

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    The experiments showing the effect of drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) were conducted at the experimental field of the Alternative Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia. Irrigation was based on the water balance method. Daily evapotranspiration (ETd) was computed from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (kc) 0.5, 0.9 and 1.1 from sowing to 3-4 pair of leaves, from 3-4 pair of leaves to appearance of male flowers and from appearance of male flowers to the end of the season, respectively. ETo was calculated using Hargreaves equation. The irrigation depth was restricted to the soil depth of 0.4 m. In other words, irrigation started when readily available water in the soil layer of 0.4 m was completely depleted by plants. The irrigation rate was 30 mm at the beginning of the season, 40 mm in the middle of the season, and the amount of water added by irrigation was 320 mm during the entire season. Irrigation significantly affected the yield of fresh stems, fresh leaves, flowers and plant height, but not stem diameter and fibre content. Water used on evapotranspiration in irrigation conditions (ETm) was 470 mm, while in non-irrigated control variant it amounted to 129 mm (ETa). These preliminary results could be used as a good platform for hemp growers in the region, in terms of optimizing the use of irrigation water.Eksperimentalna istraživanja o uticaju navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju konoplje za vlakno (Cannabis sativa L.) su obavljena na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada u Odeljenju za alternativne biljne vrste u Bačkom Petrovcu. Vreme zalivanja je određivano obračunom vodnog bilansa. Dnevne vrednosti utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju biljaka (ETd) su obračunate korišćenjem referentne evapotranspiracije (ETo) i koeficijenata useva (kc) čije su vrednosti 0,5, 0,9 i 1,1 za potperiode vegetacije konoplje od setve do porasta 3-4 lista, od 3-4 lista do pojave muških cvetova i od pojave muških cvetova do žetve. Referentna evapotranspiracija (ETo) računata je formulom Hargreaves-a. Zalivanje je obavljano kada su rezerve lakopristupačne vode u sloju zemljišta dubine 0,4 m bile iskorišćene. Zalivna norma je na početku vegetacije iznosila 30 mm, a od sredine vegetacije 40 mm. Navodnjavanjem je ukupno dodato 320 mm vode. Navodnjavanje je signifikantno uticalo na prinos sveže stabljike, svežih listova i cvetova i visinu biljaka, ali ne i na dijametar stabla i sadržaj vlakna. Utrošak vode na evapotranspiraciju biljaka u uslovima navodnjavanja (ETm) iznosio je 470 mm, a u uslovima bez navodnjavanja (ETa) 129 mm. Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja mogu biti korišćeni kao dobra osnova za proizvođače konoplje u regionu, u smislu racionalnog korišćenja vode za navodnjavanje

    Yield and quality parameters of hokkaido type pumpkins grown in Serbia

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    The aim of this study was to assess a set of 40 accessions of Hokkaido type pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne) in terms of the traits of agronomic importance and the basic fruit flesh quality parameters, with the emphasis on Serbian environmental conditions. The pumpkins are a part of the larger Cucurbita collection belonging to the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops from Novi Sad, where the two-year (2016, 2017) field trial was conducted. The accessions significantly differed in all analyzed parameters. The average values for the traits of agronomic importance were: yield per plant 3.56 kg, fruit weight 1.84 kg, number of fruits per plant 2.03, and anthesis date 180.29. Length of the main stem was in most cases short. Among fruit flesh quality parameters; the average dry weight content was 11.49%, sugars content 43.32 mg/g fresh weight, carotenoids content 50.12 mg/kg fresh weight, proteins content 4.04 mg/g fresh weight, total soluble solids content 8.63 degrees Brix, refractive index 1.347, and pH 6.98. The highest coefficients of variation for agronomic and quality traits were those calculated for yield per plant and carotenoids content. The pumpkins performed better in the first season of the experiment due to more favorable weather, firstly temperature, conditions. The most pronounced adverse effect of high temperatures occurring in 2017 was the one expressed on the content of carotenoids, which was on average 48.4% lower when compared to 2016. Principal component analysis was employed to clarify the relationships among the investigated parameters, and to distinguish those with the most important contribution to the pumpkin variability. The analysis revealed strong correlations among yield per plant, fruit weight and length of the main stem. Carotenoids content and pH also correlated to yield, while the other quality parameters correlated to each other. Defining both first and second principal components, yield per plant and fruit weight were the parameters with the highest contribution to the variability among the assessed pumpkins Concerning quality parameters, fruit flesh dry weight contributed the most to the variability. Therefore, the strategy for breeding Hokkaido type pumpkins adapted to Serbian environmental conditions should be based on combining irrespectively selected high-yield and high-quality accessions

    Influence of Cannabis sativa L. on guaiacol peroxidase activity in Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.

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    Agricultural research is increasingly focused on finding alternative, biological methods of pest control. It is known that many plant species have allelopathic properties and allelopathy may be one of the mechanisms of biological weed control in the future. Allelopathic substances responsible for biochemical interactions between plants are secondary metabolites of plants. Unlike many pesticides on natural bases present on the market, the number of preparations based on allelochemicals with herbicidal action is insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the influence of allelochemicals on weed plant species. Cannabis sativa L., as a type of confirmed allelopathic properties, has a significant impact on cultivated and weed plant species. Finding allelopathic substances that would have negative effect on A. artemisiifolia L. is very important due to its invasiveness. Changes in guaiacol peroxidase activity are one of the indicators of oxidative stress in plants produced by allelochemicals

    Effect of extraction solvent on total polyphenols content and antioxidant activity of Cannabis sativa L.

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    In this study, water and various concentrations of ethanol in water (30 %, 50 %, 70 %, and 90 %) were used as a solvent in the extraction of two different samples of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). The extraction yield, total phenols content, total flavonoids content, antioxidant activity, and reductive capacity were determined in the obtained extracts. The extraction yield was from 8.16 to 19.56 %, the content of total phenols was in the range from 5.85 to 17.05 mg GAE/g dw, and content of total flavonoids was in the range from 5.85 to 9.25 mg CE/g dw. Antioxidant activity was tested by DPPH assay and EC50 values were from 0.1331 to 0.7563 mg/mL, while EC50 values obtained by reducing power test ranged from 0.4450 to 1.1980 mg/mL. Ethanol/water mixture (50 %) was determined to be the best solvent for the extraction of phenolic compounds from both hemp samples. Total phenols content in 50 % ethanolic extracts were 17.05 mg/g dw and 9.25 mg/g dw for young and mature hemp, respectively