766 research outputs found

    Baby boy blue - Why is this newborn lethargic?

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    Leapover lengths and first passage time statistics for L\'evy flights

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    Exact results for the first passage time and leapover statistics of symmetric and one-sided Levy flights (LFs) are derived. LFs with stable index alpha are shown to have leapover lengths, that are asymptotically power-law distributed with index alpha for one-sided LFs and, surprisingly, with index alpha/2 for symmetric LFs. The first passage time distribution scales like a power-law with index 1/2 as required by the Sparre Andersen theorem for symmetric LFs, whereas one-sided LFs have a narrow distribution of first passage times. The exact analytic results are confirmed by extensive simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, REVTe

    Does Law Matter Online - Empirical Evidence on Privacy Law Compliance

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    Does law matter in the information environment? What can we learn from the experience of applying a particular legal regime to the online environment? Informational privacy (or to use the European term, data protection) provides an excellent illustration of the challenges faced by regulators who seek to secure user rights and shape online behavior. A comprehensive study of Israeli website compliance with information privacy regulation in 2003 and 2006 provides insights for understanding these challenges. The study examined the information privacy practices of 1360 active websites, determining the extent to which these sites comply with applicable legal requirements related to information privacy and examining other privacy-related practices. Information practices were explored on three levels: first, we examined the legal requirements applicable to each information practice under current Israeli law (legal analysis); second, we analyzed the declared privacy policies posted on each website; and third, we studied the actual information practices of each website. The findings show that only a small minority of websites comply with legal requirements. Most websites do not provide privacy protection to users at the level required by the law. Websites routinely collect personal data from users, although the practice of collecting data is slightly lower among commercial and organization websites than in other categories. Among public and private sector websites, compliance was relatively low, with 16% and 22% of websites that collect personal data giving users some sort of notice. The popular and sensitive websites, generally owned by large corporations, had substantially higher levels of compliance, and the most popular websites had the lowest number of violations. The overall picture that emerges from the findings is one in which the law seems to have only a relatively minor role in shaping users\u27 privacy experiences online, while other forces and factors are clearly at play. The findings further suggest that information privacy regulation is most effective among commercial enterprises, which are better able to acquire legal advice and respond to potential legal liability. It is less effective among small enterprises and individual users who operate websites, because they typically cannot afford the somewhat sophisticated legal counsel that is required for establishing and maintaining a data protection policy. This is a troublesome conclusion, given growing threats to user privacy in the Web 2.0 environment. As a whole, the findings suggest that data protection regulators may be unable to craft a single legal measure that fits the Internet. Regulating the online behavior of various players may require tailored regulatory measures

    Long-Term Safety of a Novel Antianginal Agent in Patients With Severe Chronic Stable Angina The Ranolazine Open Label Experience (ROLE)

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    ObjectivesThis report describes safety and tolerability data from 746 chronic angina patients treated in the ROLE (Ranolazine Open Label Experience) program.BackgroundRanolazine treats angina without depressing hemodynamic status. The long-term safety and tolerability of ranolazine have not been previously reported.MethodsPatients with severe functional impairment from angina (mean Duke Treadmill Score [DTS] of −14.4) who completed 1 of 2 randomized treadmill trials entered the ROLE program. Ranolazine was titrated to optimal dosages between 500 and 1,000 mg twice daily. Physical examination, laboratory tests, and adverse event reporting were performed periodically. We conducted analyses to evaluate possible predictors of ranolazine intolerance, such as advanced age, diabetes, poor exercise tolerance, or history of myocardial infarctions or congestive heart failure (CHF). The ROLE program’s mortality was compared against the DTS predictive model and other contemporary cohorts of high-risk CHD patients.ResultsMean follow-up was 2.82 years. Two years after initial dosing, 571 patients (76.7%) remained on therapy and 72 patients (9.7%) discontinued ranolazine due to adverse events. Among 6 factors evaluated, only age ≥64 years predicted for higher withdrawal rates. Patients with a history of CHF had lower withdrawal rates. Mean QTc interval was prolonged by 2.4 ms. No treatment discontinuations occurred due to QTc prolongation, and no Torsades de Pointes was reported. Sixty-four deaths occurred during a total of 2,102 patient-years (3.0% annually) during the ROLE program. When extending observations to all patients exposed to ranolazine during the double-blind trials (n = 972) preceding the ROLE program, annual mortality was 2.8% compared with >5% as predicted by DTS.ConclusionsLong-term therapy with ranolazine seems well tolerated in high-risk CHD patients. Survival analyses suggest that symptomatic improvements attributable to ranolazine are not offset by increased mortality

    Flow Injection analysis with microdialysis probes enable minimally invasive and dynamic H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> measurements

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    This paper describes the optimization of a published flow injection analysis system coupled with microdialysis probes (MDP-FIA) for in-situ sampling and online measurements of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). By modifying the commonly used Na2CO3 buffer by addition of EDTA and a changed order in reagent injection, interfering transition metals such as Fe(II) and Fe(III) are complexed and removed from the system without interfering with the chemiluminescent reaction of the used acridinium ester and H2O2. The system was then used to monitor changes in H2O2 concentration upon microwaving seawater and filtered seawater in the presence and absence of agar

    The Aharanov-Bohm Phase Shift and Magnetic Vector Potential A Could Accommodate for Optical Coupler, Digital-to-Analogue Magnetic Field Excess Correlations of Photon Emissions Within Living Aqueous Systems

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    Quantitative convergence for solutions involving electron drift velocity, the magnetic A vector and phase shifts reveal an increment of energy in the range of 10-20 J that could relate the Aharanov-Bohm phase modulation of the orbital frequency of a Bohr atom to the electrons Compton wavelength. The universal persistence of 10-12 W per m2 whose energy applied the square of the hydrogen wavelength solves for the energy equivalence of the rest mass of an electron could set the conditions for excess correlations between electronic systems that produce magnetic fields through optocouplers. Experimental evidence and quantitative solutions indicate variations of the Lorentz Lemma and circularly rotating magnetic fields whose phase and group velocities are uncoupled could create the conditions for excess correlations. Modification of Basharovs operator of resonance interaction for decoherence and entanglement in the radioactive decay of a diatomic system and Das and Misras estimates for the fractal charge of a photon strongly suggests that the efficacy for optocoupler circuits to generate non-local magnetic field effects in living and non-living aqueous systems originates from a single photon wave across the circuits p-n junctions. A review of the concepts and data indicate that excess correlations involving photons under optimal conditions are measureable within macrosystem

    The Product of the Calculated Impedance and the Capacitance of the Universe Solves for Plancks Time and 8

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    The prominence of 8Ï€ in cosmological solutions regarding the structure of space might be accommodated by factors other than the presence of mass. When the total set is considered a LC (inductance-capacitance) circuit, the “time constant†differs from Plancks time by a factor of 8Ï€ which satisfies the numbers of turns (N) within the geometry of a universal solenoid. The calculated separation between two concentric spherical Casimir boundaries whose energies and pressures define the current universe is ~54 μm. If the volume of the universe was held constant the linear distance of this extraordinarily flat space would require the hypothetical entanglement velocity (~1023Â&nbsp;m·s-1) continuing until the final epoch (~1018Â&nbsp;s) of the universe to be integrated into a singular entity. We suggest that 8Ï€ may be a reflection of the temporal properties of an implicit solenoid-like spatial structure that will ultimately be manifested quite differently as the temporal boundary of the universe is approached. Two perspectives emerge. The first reflects the topological properties of a line that become the second derivative of the surface of a sphere. The second is the shape would be extraordinarily flat

    Detection of Transient 1.42 GHz (Hydrogen Line) Bursts From the Human Brain-Body During Specific Angular Velocities

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    Basic physical principles should be reflected at the macro- and micro-levels. The 1.42 GHz neutral hydrogen lineis a primary signature of the universe but has also been measured over large bodies of water. Pursuant to ourcalculations indicating that the human brain contained sufficient proton-electron pairs to be conducive to photon flux densities of ~10-13 to 10-11 W·m-2 for this phenomenon, we designed an experiment to measure the 1.42 GHz emission. When human subjects who were sitting within a very shielded chamber moved towards and away at angular velocities of about 4 m per s to within 21 cm of a sensitive Yagi antenna-sensor system connected to a RF field strength analyzer highly reliable discrete (~250 ms) bursts were detected for the hydrogen line. Static positions near the antenna did not produce this configuration. Quantification indicated that angular momentum of each electron within the peripheral extent of the moment of inertia of the moving mass (the subjects head) multiplied by the hydrogen line frequency would have been equivalent to ~10-12 W·m-2. If this universal frequency is generated by specific angular momentum of the human head with respect to the coccyx (fulcrum), then the potential interaction between cerebral electromagnetic phenomena and moreuniversal energies might be re-evaluated

    Quantitative Conditions and Convergent Operations That Are Compatible With the Universe as a Persistent Generator of Successive Simulations

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    The capacity for computer-like simulations to be generated by massive information processing from electron-spin potentials supports Bostroms hypothesis that matter and human cognition might reflect simulations. Quantitative analyses of the basic assumptions indicate the universe may display properties of a simulation where photons behave as pixels and gravitons control the structural organization. The Lorentz solution for the square of the light and entanglement velocities converges with the duration of a single electron orbit that ultimately defines properties of matter. The approximately one trillion potential states within the same space with respect to the final epoch of the universe indicate that a different simulation, each with intrinsic properties, has been and will be generated as a type of tractrix defined by ±2 to 3 days (total duration 5 to 6 days). It may define the causal limits within a simulation. Because of the intrinsic role of photons as the pixel unit, phenomena within which flux densities are enhanced, such as human cognition (particularly dreaming) and the cerebral regions associated with those functions, create the conditions for entanglement or excess correlations between contiguous simulations. The consistent quantitative convergence of operations indicates potential validity for this approach. The emergent solutions offer alternative explanations for the limits of predictions for multivariate phenomena that could be coupled to more distal simulations