77 research outputs found

    Het effect van schaal en fusie bij woningcorporaties

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    Woningcorporaties staan op het ogenblik in de spotlight. De parlementaire enquête naar de incidenten is gestart. De commissie betrekt ook doelmatigheid in haar onderzoek (Esmeijer, 2013). De discussie over doelmatigheid van corporaties is ook leven ingeblazen door drie rapporten (Dorr & Wittenberg, 2013; Dreimüller, Gruis, & Snoeijs, 2013; Veenstra, Allers, & Koolma, 2013). De verhuurderheffing van minister Blok zet corporaties nog eens extra onder druk. Deze ontwikkelingen maken het noodzakelijk om naar verbetering van doelmatigheid in de corporatiesector te streven

    The change from the creation to destruction of public value in social and institutional contexts:The case of CEO peer and policy networks within Dutch social housing sector

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    This study examines the question of which factors can explain the change from creation to destruction of public value in social and institutional environments. Second, what do CEO peer networks and policy networks in which CEOs participate contribute to such a change. The aim of the study is to design and test a comprehensive framework for understanding the change from value creation to destruction. This framework is constructed through an integration of two distinct theoretical approaches, public value management and destructive leadership. The second component is proposed, inasmuch public value management does not take into account the risk of unethical behavior of organizations’ leaders. The framework is applied to a qualitative analysis of public management in the Dutch social housing sector. Interviewed CEOs of housing corporations proudly explained public value creation in the nineties. However, indications of destructive leadership outnumbered references to value creation in the first decade of this millenium. In this period, CEOs competed for dominance in peer and policy networks. Reputation drive superseded improvement drive when determining mergers and hazardous projects, unrelated to social housing purposes. Instead of authorizing, the institutional environment has been conducive to value destructing courses of action by CEOs

    Corporatiesector en risico’s grond- en vastgoedtransacties

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    Beheersing en verantwoording van vastgoedactiviteiten door woningcorporaties

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    Corporaties zijn zelden in control bij vastgoedtransacties, terwijl dit hen zou kunnen behoeden voor slechte deals en integriteitsperikelen. Een toets op basis van transactiegegevens van het kadaster helpt daarbij

    TodT presentatie over fusie

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    In search of effective corporate governance: an explorative research within the context of semi public housing management in the Netherlands

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    In this paper the authors elaborate, supported by literature on trust, a framework for corporate governance that might overcome lacunas in the classical frameworks of the principal agency theory and the stewardship theory. A historical analysis of the development of corporate governance in the conext of the Dutch semipublic housing management shows that a mixture of principal agency and stewardship approach of semipublic managers proves to be contradictory and toxic. A discourse analysis and factor analysis report on the search of actors for a more effective corporate governance

    Samen verder, samen beter. Een onderzoek naar de kans op meerwaarde van een fusie tussen Trifolium Woondiensten Boskoop en stichting wonenCentraal te Alphen aan den Rijn

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    The report comprises the results of a ex-ante case study of the effects of a mergers between two housing corporations in a urbanized part of the Netherlands. The researcu follows the process perspective of Jemison and Sitkin by distinguishing issue of strategic fit, organizational fit and path dependency. The organizational fit is test by means of Q-methodology
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