4 research outputs found

    Literatuurstudie waarde halen uit groenresten in het waterbeheer

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    Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van de verkennende literatuurstudie naar de mogelijkheden voor verwaarding via bioraffinage van vrijkomend maaisel en in het waterbeheer af te voeren waterplanten. Daartoe is een inventarisatie gemaakt van de vrijkomende hoeveelheden en samenstelling van maaisels bij de acht deelnemende waterschappen en is via een literatuurstudie informatie verzameld over de fysisch-chemische samenstelling van de meest voorkomende planten in de maaisels. Daarbij is een literatuurscan uitgevoerd van de wetenschappelijke literatuur naar wat bekend is over biomassa samenstelling van de meest voorkomende niet-inheemse waterplanten en de aanwezigheid van specifieke inhoudstoffen voor verwaarding. Op basis van deze informatie en inzicht in biobased conversie technieken, is een inschatting gemaakt van het potentieel voor verwaarding van deze groenresten door waterschappen. Mogelijke producten zijn eiwitten voor veevoeder of technische toepassingen, vezels voor papier/karton of diverse biocomposiet-toepassingen, en soms zijn specifieke inhoudstoffen aanwezig, zoals gelerende stoffen of antioxidantia

    A carbon footprint assessment of multiā€output biorefineries with international biomass supply: a case study for the Netherlands

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    The efficient use of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of advanced fuels and bioā€based materials has become increasingly relevant. In the EU, regulatory developments are stimulating the mobilization and production of bioā€based chemicals / materials and biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass. We used an attributional lifeā€cycle assessment approach based on regionā€specific characteristics to determine the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) performance of different supplyā€chain configurations with internationally sourced lignocellulosic biomass (stem wood, forest residues, sawmill residues, and sugarcane bagasse) from the USA, the Baltic States (BS), and Brazil (BR) for the simultaneous production of lactide and ethanol in a biorefinery located in the Netherlands (NL). The results are compared with a biorefinery that uses locally cultivated sugar beets. We also compared GHG emissions savings from the supplyā€chain configurations with the minimum GHG saving requirements in the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and relevant fossilā€based counterparts for bioā€based materials. The GHG emissions ā€˜from cradle to factory gateā€™ vary between 692 g CO2eq/kglactide (sawmill residues pellets from the BS) and 1002 g CO2eq/kglactide (sawmill chips from the USA) for lactide and between 15 g CO2eq/MJethanol (sawmill residues pellets from the BS) and 28 g CO2eq/MJethanol (bagasse pellets from BR) for ethanol. Upstream GHG emissions from the conversion routes have a relatively small impact compared with biomass conversion to lactide and ethanol. The use of woody biomass yields better GHG emissions performance for the conversion system than sugarcane bagasse or sugar beets as result of the higher lignin content that is used to generate electricity and heat internally for the system. Only the sugar beet from the NL production route is able to comply with RED II GHG savings criteria (65% by 2021). The GHG savings from polylactide acid (a derivate of lactic acid) are high and vary depending on choice of fossilā€based counterpart, with the highest savings reported when compared to polystyrene (PS). These high savings are mostly attributed to the negative emission credit from the embedded carbon in the materials. Several improvement options along the conversion routes were explored. Efficient feedstock supply chains (including pelletization and large ocean vessels) also allow for longā€distance transportation of biomass and conversion in largeā€scale biorefineries close to demand centers with similar GHG performance to biorefineries with a local biomass supply

    A carbon footprint assessment of multiā€output biorefineries with international biomass supply: a case study for the Netherlands

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    The efficient use of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of advanced fuels and bioā€based materials has become increasingly relevant. In the EU, regulatory developments are stimulating the mobilization and production of bioā€based chemicals / materials and biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass. We used an attributional lifeā€cycle assessment approach based on regionā€specific characteristics to determine the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) performance of different supplyā€chain configurations with internationally sourced lignocellulosic biomass (stem wood, forest residues, sawmill residues, and sugarcane bagasse) from the USA, the Baltic States (BS), and Brazil (BR) for the simultaneous production of lactide and ethanol in a biorefinery located in the Netherlands (NL). The results are compared with a biorefinery that uses locally cultivated sugar beets. We also compared GHG emissions savings from the supplyā€chain configurations with the minimum GHG saving requirements in the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and relevant fossilā€based counterparts for bioā€based materials. The GHG emissions ā€˜from cradle to factory gateā€™ vary between 692 g CO2eq/kglactide (sawmill residues pellets from the BS) and 1002 g CO2eq/kglactide (sawmill chips from the USA) for lactide and between 15 g CO2eq/MJethanol (sawmill residues pellets from the BS) and 28 g CO2eq/MJethanol (bagasse pellets from BR) for ethanol. Upstream GHG emissions from the conversion routes have a relatively small impact compared with biomass conversion to lactide and ethanol. The use of woody biomass yields better GHG emissions performance for the conversion system than sugarcane bagasse or sugar beets as result of the higher lignin content that is used to generate electricity and heat internally for the system. Only the sugar beet from the NL production route is able to comply with RED II GHG savings criteria (65% by 2021). The GHG savings from polylactide acid (a derivate of lactic acid) are high and vary depending on choice of fossilā€based counterpart, with the highest savings reported when compared to polystyrene (PS). These high savings are mostly attributed to the negative emission credit from the embedded carbon in the materials. Several improvement options along the conversion routes were explored. Efficient feedstock supply chains (including pelletization and large ocean vessels) also allow for longā€distance transportation of biomass and conversion in largeā€scale biorefineries close to demand centers with similar GHG performance to biorefineries with a local biomass supply