2 research outputs found

    Commitment – an important value for the student and future employee

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    Publikacja przynosi różne spojrzenia na zjawisko zaangażowania (się) / angażowania (się) w dydaktyce. Znajdziemy tu teksty ujmujące ów proces z teoretycznej bądź historycznej perspektywy, a także takie, których autorzy ukazują realne – wypływające z ich dydak¬tycznych doświadczeń – efekty stosowania twórczych rozwiązań edukacyjnych w motywowaniu studentów. Jakie to metody? Stoliki negocjacyjne, audiodeskrypcja, personalizacja zadań, realizacja projektu – to niektóre z propozycji. Autorzy piszą nie tylko o konieczności angażowania studentów w proces edukacyjny. Zwracają też uwagę na konieczność rozbudzania i podtrzymywania pasji dydaktycznej i badawczej zarówno u nauczycieli, jak i u studentów.Education in a higher school is based on gradually obtaining knowledge, skills and competency by a student, who is granted a diploma on graduation, confirming the read¬iness to undertake an independent work. The level of student`s engagement in learning process is essential. A lot depends on the personality of the student, which consists of: motivation, interests, attitudes and emotions adopted. The article presents the engagement as an important value in the study for the students and staff of the future of the company. The aim of the article is to systematize the knowledge of the issue the definitions and the level of employee engagement in various organizations and values that were considered as well as felt. There is a presentation of components and related types of workers involvement according to the model of Meyer and Allen, as well as chosen mechanisms of pro-community stimulation of this involvement. In this paper an attempt has been made to describe motivation. Motivation is an important factor for employee involvement in the implementation of the objectives of the company. There is no doubt that in the situation when innovation, efficiency and competitiveness have a decisive effect on the success of an organization, companies are looking for creative, dedicated to their work, full of energy and enthusiasm, and constantly developing employees. As a result, taking care of mutual relationships and building employee commitment is becoming not only an element of looking after the corporate image, but also a decisive influence on the overall performance of a company