12 research outputs found

    A cytoskeletal network in the MEDYAN model.

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    <p>A complex cytoskeletal network can be simulated with MEDYAN’s stochastic reaction-diffusion scheme. Chemical interactions will cause complex network evolution, such as the process of actin filament bundling. See Section A in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004877#pcbi.1004877.s001" target="_blank">S1 Text</a> for a more detailed description of all chemical reactions that can be included in a simulation.</p

    Single trajectory snapshots of the actomyosin systems with various concentrations of R<sub>α:a</sub> and R<sub>m:a</sub> after 2000 s of network evolution.

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    <p>These snapshots are shown without diffusing species for simplicity. For increasing <i>α</i>-actinin and NMIIA concentration, actin filament bundle formation is increasingly more apparent.</p

    Actomyosin network R<sub>g,f</sub> / R<sub>g,i</sub> and S for various <i>χ</i>.

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    <p>(A) <i>R</i><sub>g,f</sub>/<i>R</i><sub>g,i</sub> over the 2000 <i>s</i> network evolution for varying values of <i>χ</i>. Contractile behavior increases with decreasing <i>χ</i>. Standard deviations of the <i>R</i><sub>g,f</sub>/<i>R</i><sub>g,i</sub> values over all trajectories are shaded. (B) <i>S</i> after 2000 <i>s</i> of network evolution for varying values of <i>χ</i>. Global alignment peaks around <i>χ</i> = 0.5 to 2, and decreases for values outside of this range. Error bars represent standard deviation of <i>S</i> values over all trajectories.</p

    A heat map of actomyosin network R<sub>g</sub> as a function of R<sub>m:a</sub> and R<sub>α:a</sub> after 2000 s of network evolution.

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    <p>As NMIIA and <i>α</i>-actinin concentrations are increased, a very apparent correlation in overall network contraction results.</p

    MSD analysis of actin filaments in simulation.

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    <p>(A) MSD over time for various values of <i>χ</i>. Error bars represent the standard error of the MSD, for each set of trajectories, are smaller than the data points. (B) Diffusion exponent <i>ν</i> acquired from a log-log linear fit of (A). Error bars represent the standard linear regression error in <i>ν</i>.</p

    Actomyosin network R<sub>g,f</sub>/R<sub>g,i</sub> over time for various R<sub>α:a</sub> with fixed R<sub>m:a</sub> = 0.01.

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    <p>We see that above a threshold <i>α</i>-actinin concentration, contraction is observed, and the time of bundle formation for these contractile structure formations decreases with increasing <i>α</i>-actinin concentration. Standard deviations of the <i>R</i><sub>g,f</sub>/<i>R</i><sub>g,i</sub> values over all trajectories are shaded.</p

    A flow diagram of a MEDYAN simulation.

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    <p>(1) After the chemical stochastic simulation evolves the network in time and (2) local deformations are formed, (3) a mechanical equilibration is performed and (4) reaction rates are updated according to chosen functional forms <i>f</i>(<i>F</i><sub><i>current</i></sub>) where <i>F</i><sub><i>current</i></sub> is the force on that reacting molecule after equilibration.</p

    A polymer in the MEDYAN model.

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    <p>A cylinder based scheme is used in the MEDYAN force fields to model semi-flexible polymers. Here, <i>σ</i><sub>0</sub> is the diameter of the cylinder and <i>l</i><sub>0</sub> is the equilibrium length, where <i>l</i><sub>0</sub> > > <i>σ</i><sub>0</sub>. We assume that axial deformations of the cylinders are small and radial deformations are forbidden.</p

    A heat map of actomyosin network S as a function of R<sub>m:a</sub> and R<sub>α:a</sub> after 2000 s of network evolution.

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    <p>As NMIIA and <i>α</i>-actinin concentrations are increased, a correlation in alignment results in a similar fashion to <i>R</i><sub>g</sub> in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004877#pcbi.1004877.g006" target="_blank">Fig 6</a>.</p