12 research outputs found

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    The marketing effectiveness of the agentic and communal advertisements: congruity effect with a pursuing and communal-slef

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    Autor przedstawia założenia i wyniki trzech badań pilotażowych oraz eksperymentu dotyczących efektywności marketingowej reklam nasyconych treścią sprawczą lub wspólnotową. Wykorzystując model podwójnej perspektywy sprawczości i wspólnotowości oraz teorię zbieżności z „Ja”, założono w nich, że reklama sprawcza będzie wartościowana przez „Ja” odbiorcy (zgodnie z perspektywą aktora dążącego do realizacji osobistego celu), a reklama wspólnotowa przez „Ja” wspólnotowe (zgodnie z perspektywą obserwatora oceniającego dobre intencje innych osób). W toku badań pilotażowych ustalono, że przygotowane animowane reklamy produktu (marchwi) charakteryzowały się wysoką sprawczością lub wspólnotowością. Eksperyment wykazał, że reklama sprawcza powodowała silniejszy związek między intencją odbiorcy do jedzenia marchwi a pozytywnymi postawami wobec produktu i reklamy. Reklama wspólnotowa powodowała natomiast silniejszy związek między wspólnotowością odbiorcy a pozytywnymi postawami wobec produktu i reklamy. Badanie potwierdziło, że wartościowanie reklamowanych produktów jest zgodne z podstawowymi wymiarami życia ludzi, tj. ich dążeniem do realizacji własnThe article shows three pilot studies and the exeperiment about marketing effectiveness adverisments ibued with agentic or communal content. Based on the dual perspective model of agency and communion and the self-congruity effect it was expected that the agentic advertisement will be valuated by recipient's pursuing-self (in accordance with actor perspective who is pursing to personal goal acheivement) and communal advertisement by communionself (in accordance with observer perspective who is assessing good intentions of the other people). The pilot studies showed that the prepeared animated advertisements of carrot characterised by high agency or communal content. The experiment showed that the agentic advertisement influence on more strong relations between recipient's intention to carrot eating and positive attitude toward product and advertisement. Wheres the communal advertisement influence on more strong relations between recipient's communion and positive attitude toward product and advertisement. Study shows that the valuation of an advertised products is consistent with fundamental dimensions of human living, that is pursiung to personal goals and initiating and maintaning social relationships

    How different autonomous vehicle presentation influences its acceptance: Is a communal car better than agentic one?

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    Public acceptance of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is still questionable. Nevertheless, it can be influenced by proper communication strategy. Therefore, our research focuses on (1) the type of information concerning AVs that consumers seek and (2) how to communicate this technology in order to increase its acceptance. In the first study (N = 711) topic modeling showed that the most sought for information concern the communion and the agency of AVs. In the second, experimental study (N = 303) we measured the participants' fear and goal-orientation in relation to AVs. Then, after the manipulation of the AV advertisement (imbued with communal vs agentic content), technology acceptance components (perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and behavioral intention) were verified. The comparative analysis of the structural model estimates showed that the both participants' fear and goal-orientation in relation to AVs were associated much more with the acceptance components of the communal AV rather than the agentic one. Therefore, people want to know both whether AVs are communal and agentic, but they are more prone to accept a communal AV than agentic one

    Well-Being of High-Level Managers during the Pandemic: The Role of Fear of Negative Appearance, Anxiety, and Eating Behaviors

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    (1) Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented changes in the contemporary world, significantly affecting the work of companies, especially management staff. This study investigated whether fear about one’s health (caused by the pandemic, disordered eating attitudes, or concerns about one’s body image) has a negative relationship with the well-being of managers. (2) Methods: N = 354 managers (222 women, 126 men, and 6 people with no gender identity) participated in the study. The following psychometric instruments were used: the psychological well-being scale, the coronavirus anxiety scale, the fear of negative appearance evaluation scale, and the eating attitude test-26. Results: the fear of negative appearance influenced the well-being of the studied managers. However, this relation was mediated by dieting as well as bulimia and food preoccupation. (4) Conclusions: the well-being level depended on the managers’ positive body images, but only when mediated by healthy dieting and eating attitudes. While the well-being level of managers was high, it is worth further exploring how they can flourish and develop in life and work, which can also transfer to the quality of life of their co-workers and companies. However, the subject of the well-being of managers warrants more research; for example, by considering different moderators, such as job experience, gender, and age. Moreover, experimental studies examining the effectiveness of different interventions for the physical and mental health of managers could be worth investigating