22 research outputs found

    Measurement of hadronic shower punchthrough in magnetic field

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    The total punchthrough probability of showers produced by negative pions, positive pions, positive kaons and protons, has been measured as a function of depth in an absorber in a magnetic field ranging from 0 to 3 Tesla. The incident particle momentum varied from 10 to 300 GeV/c. The lateral shower development and particle multiplicity at several absorber depths have been determined. The measurements are compared with the predictions of Monte Carlo simulation programs

    Реконструкция Гусиноозерской ГРЭС

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 95 страниц, 39 рисунков, 34 таблицы, 6 источников литературы и всего 4 приложения. Ключевые слова: электрическая станция, элегазовый выключатель, турбогенератор, короткое замыкание, асинхронный режим, «Mustang».The Degree Work contains 95 pages, 39 pictures, 34 tables sheets, 6 information sourses and 4 application. Key words: power station, generator, short curcuit, Mustang, Sulfur hexafluoride switche