4 research outputs found


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    Окреслено основні системні процеси розвитку національної економіки, які відбулися в минулих періодах і котрі слугують основою для її широкої інформатизації та комунікатизації в майбутньому. Крім того, обґрунтовано їхнє значення як для самого макроекономічного механізму України загалом, так і для впровадження інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій в нього зокрема. Обґрунтовано, що спадні тенденції в багатьох галузях української економіки впродовж останніх десятиліть лише наростали, що посилювалось відсутністю процесів масштабної модернізації, широкої деіндустріалізації, хронічним дефіцитом фінансових ресурсів для забезпечення перебудови національно-господарського механізму на якісно новій, інноваційній основі, переважно низькою конкурентоспроможністю продукції вітчизняного товаровиробника порівняно із багатьма зарубіжними конкурентами, відсутністю послідовної й ефективної державної економічної політики щодо розвитку національного виробництва, неефективним ресурсовикористанням, високим рівнем інтелектуальної міграції за кордон, значним негативним впливом наявних виробничих технологій на довкілля, постійним зниженням купівельної спроможності вітчизняних споживачів. Визначено та охарактеризовано поточні конкурентні переваги та можливості вітчизняного ІКТ-потенціалу. Виявлено, що макроекономічні процеси розвитку виступають одночасно важливою групою факторів ризиків ІКТ-процесів.The authors outline the main system processes of the development of the national economy that took place in past periods and serve as the basis for its wide informatization and communication in the future. In addition, their significance is substantiated both for the macroeconomic mechanism of Ukraine as a whole, and for the implementation of information and communication technologies in it in particular. It is substantiated that declining tendencies in many branches of the Ukrainian economy in the last decades only grew that amplified by the absence of processes of large-scale modernization, wide deindustrialization, chronic shortage of financial resources for ensuring of the restructuring of the national economic mechanism on a qualitatively new, innovative basis, mainly low competitiveness of products in domestic producers in comparison with many foreign competitors, lack of consistent and effective state economic policy of development of national production, inefficient resource use, high level of intellectual migration abroad, significant negative influence of existing production technologies on the environment, constant decrease of purchasing power of domestic consumers. The current competitive advantages and opportunities of domestic ICT-potential are determined and described. The authors have revealed that macroeconomic development processes can act not only as background of deployment of national and regional processes of informatization and communication, they are also an important group of risk factors of the above-mentioned ICT processes, which cannot be ignored. The development of some industries stimulates their activation of the intrusive ICT process, the stagnation of other industries, on the contrary, impedes the introduction of computer technological systems. Modern socio-political, geopolitical and military challenges that Ukraine has being facing recently predetermine the need for widespread use of the specific ICT developments needed for repelling the foreign military aggression, overcoming the socio-economic consequences of the latter, strengthening the protection against cyber-espionage and cyber-attacks on the centres and items of life support on the territory of Ukraine, etc.Обозначены основные системные процессы развития национальной экономики, которые происходили в прошлых периодах и которые служат основой для ее широкой информатизации и коммуникатизации в будущем. Кроме того, обосновано их значение как для самого макроэкономического механизма Украины в целом, так и для внедрения информационно-коммуникационных технологий в него в том числе. Обосновано, что нисходящие тенденции во многих отраслях украинской экономики в последние десятилетия только нарастали, что усиливалось отсутствием процессов масштабной модернизации, широкой деиндустриализации, хроническим дефицитом финансовых ресурсов для обеспечения перестройки национально-хозяйственного механизма на качественно новой, инновационной основе, преимущественно низкой конкурентоспособностью продукции отечественного товаропроизводителя по сравнению со многими зарубежными конкурентами, отсутствием последовательной и эффективной государственной экономической политики по развитию национального производства, неэффективным ресурсоиспользованием, высоким уровнем интеллектуальной миграции за границу, значительным негативным влиянием существующих производственных технологий на окружающую среду, постоянным снижением покупательной способности отечественных потребителей. Определены и охарактеризованы текущие конкурентные преимущества и возможности отечественного ИКТ-потенциала. Выявлено, что макроэкономические процессы развития выступают одновременно важной группой факторов риска ИКТ-процессов

    Restoration of unsteady heat flow from a thermal energy accumulator by solving the inverse heat conduction problem

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    This paper considers the problem restoring a non-stationary heat flow from a coolant to a heat-storing substance of a separate element of a thermal accumulator. Solving the problem allows avoiding errors associated with averaging the heat flow over all battery cells, and provides the opportunity to find the optimal sizes and composition of the filler for each battery cell. The problem is especially relevant for cascade batteries where cells with different fillers are simultaneously used. A comparison is made of two methods for solving the problem. The first method is based on numerical simulation of the thermal energy storage discharge process using the Computational Fluid Dynamics software package. The second approach proposed by the authors is based on the parametric identification of a differential-difference model of heat transfer with the solution of the inverse problem of heat conduction together with coefficient smoothing calculation. The proposed method makes it possible to smooth out abruptly changing thermophysical characteristics and take into account the moving phase boundary of a substance. The method for solving the inverse heat conduction problem can significantly reduce the recovery time of non-stationary boundary conditions of heat transfer for the entire battery and, thus, reduce the requirements for computing resources when designing and optimizing the battery by facilitating experimental search. For the first time, the use of the method of parametric identification and calculation of smoothing coefficients for solving the Stefan problem was considered and proposed. The results obtained can be used to calculate the heat flow from an individual element of a thermal energy accumulator

    Performance evaluation indicators of integrated systems of the controlling concept

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    <p>The subject of the study is the performance evaluation indicators of the integrated systems of</p><p>the controlling concept.</p><p>The purpose of the study is to identify and systematize indicators for evaluating the activity of</p><p>trade networks.</p><p>Research methods. The work uses the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the method of</p><p>analysis and synthesis, the comparative method, and the method of summarizing data.</p><p>Work results. The article formulates the essence of the concept of «controlling indicators in the</p><p>management of trade networks». The system of key performance indicators of trade networks is</p><p>defined. The sequence of implementation of the sub–stages of the implementation of controlling in the</p><p>management of trade networks is considered. The stages of the internal process of the controlling</p><p>service with key indicators are outlined.</p><p>Conclusions. The performance indicators of trade networks are absolute and relative values that</p><p>allow us to quantitatively present the state of the socio–economic system of the subject of network</p><p>trade business and are the basis for the implementation of both managerial functions and all controlling</p><p>functions. The system of key indicators of the activity of trade networks is a set of interconnected basic</p><p>data that meet certain requirements and characterize the state of the socio–economic system of the</p><p>trade network and the main factors of the external environment. This system makes it possible to</p><p>identify indicators affecting certain changes in the financial and economic activity of the trade network</p><p>and to quantitatively assess their impact. The process of developing and implementing a system of key</p><p>activity indicators should be a component of the structural and logical sequence of the introduction</p><p>of controlling in the management of entities of network trade business and foresee the consistent</p><p>implementation of the established sub–stages. The internal process of the controlling service work</p><p>with key indicators of the activity of the trade network should include the following stages: a comparison</p><p>of the strategic planned and actual indicators of the activity of the trade network according to the</p><p>key indicators of the higher level of activity, which characterize the state of implementation of the</p><p>strategy of the subject of network trade business; establishing the causes of detected deviations,</p><p>researching all levels of the system of key indicators of the trade network in order to identify indicators</p><p>that were not able to timely signal deviations in the actual parameters of economic activity; developing</p><p>recommendations for adjusting the system of key indicators of the trade network.</p&gt