7 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Pengukuran Daya Saing Dengan Metodologi World Economic Forum (WEF) Untuk Tingkat Propinsi Jawa Barat : Hasil Pengukuran Dan Identifikasi Faktor Kunci

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    Pengukuran daya saing suatu Negara telah popular dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak. Salah satu pihak tersebut adalah World Economic Forum/WEF yang menerbitkan Indeks Daya Saing Global (Global Competitiveness Index, CGI) dari ratusan negara dan merangkingnya. Peringkat ini sering dijadikan oleh suatu Negara untuk melihat posisinya dan melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan di dalam menghadapi persaingan dunia yang makin mengglobal. Tulisan ini mencoba mengikuti dan memodifikasi metodologi WEF untuk dimanfaatkan dalam mengukur daya saing pada level propinsi. Sebagai langkah awal, pada tahun 2006 dilakukan pengukuran daya saing di Jawa Barat dan diidentifikasi factor kunci yang perlu diperbaiki untuk meningkatkan daya saing Jawa Barat. Hasil pengukuran menyatakan bahwa faktor kunci yang perlu segera diperbaiki adalah pada bidang Kesehatan dan Pendidikan Dasar, Institusi dan Infrastuktur. Untuk meningkatkan daya saing Jawa Barat, diusulkan program-program perbaikan di ketiga bidang tersebut. Beberapa program diantaranya adalah pendidikan Gratis sampai tingkah sekolah menengah atas, program kesehatan bagi wanita hamil, Ibu menyusui, Bayi dan Anak dibawah lima tahun (program WIBA), efisiensi birokrasi dan pemberantasan korupsi dan kolusi, dan perbaikan infrastruktur jalan raya, pelabuhan, Bandar udara dan telekomunikasi.Katakunci: daya saing, metodologi WEF, factor kunci, Jawa Barat


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    The objective of this activity was to give problem solving of dental health promotion to kindergarten parents by simple innovation method including students and their parents, so that they both could be joining active emotionally. Until nowadays, dental health education to the kindergarten children doesn’t do much. As we know, decay in this age can make many problems related with nutrition intake that will influence their growth. It’s needed to make an effective education method to the kindergarten children that we hope it can make better dental health awareness since early. This paper describes a simple innovation method named the TOOTH FAN (KIPAS GIGI) which is recording system shaped like a fan where each piece represents each tooth element that informating the dental health status. Data in KIPAS GIGI is written in a simple language easily understood, eg. decay, filling and missing. Using KIPAS GIGI is reported can be done well and effective in Trisula Kindergarten and Mutiara Kindergarten in Kecamatan Kutoarjo and also Widodo Kindergarten in Kecamatan Butuh, Kabupaten Purworejo. It shows increasing knowledge and awareness in parents as the object of education. Therefore, KIPAS GIGI method is a prospective undertaking to be used in Kindergarten to increase their dental health awareness

    On the implementation effectiveness and efficiency of ecological interventions in operational contexts : the case of Working for Water

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    There is little understanding of the implementation efficiency and effectiveness of restoring plant invaded landscapes within operational contexts. South Africa's Working for Water (WfW) programme is arguably the most ambitious alien plant control programme in the world, yet little is known about its cost-effectiveness and the challenges it faces in linking poverty and environmental objectives. My first aim was to assess the cost-effectiveness of invasive plant removal, and the factors that underpin its effectiveness over large spatial and temporal scales. The second aim was to compare the accuracy of evidence-based findings with managers' experience-based beliefs, and to assess whether managers are willing to change their beliefs after being exposed to it. The third aim was to assess the costs and benefits of removal versus removal followed by active native re-vegetation. My final aim is to assess the challenges and lessons learnt by managers linking ecological restoration with poverty alleviation objectives, specifically within the public works model. My study area was focused primarily on two WfW river catchment projects in the western region of the Eastern Cape province. I adopted an interdisciplinary approach drawing from a range of methods such as observational studies, statistical modelling and interviews with managers. The key findings were that control efforts in the two catchment projects are largely inadequate owing to many sites being re-invaded and not enough resources being allocated to the catchments. It would take between 54 and 695 years to clear the respective catchments. In terms of cost-effectiveness, my results exceeded previous estimates by 1.5 to 8.6 times for each catchment project. After being exposed to the evidence-based findings, the managers did not change their beliefs when it came to forecasting the future effectiveness. I found that active native re-vegetation after removal of invasive plants is very costly and that priority should be given to understanding the effectiveness of the removal treatments on native species recovery. The managers cited significant challenges in effectively and efficiently meeting the programmes dual objectives. Based on a broader review of the public works literature I recommend WfW re-examine the type of public works they currently use