107 research outputs found

    Home Audio Observations of Parenting-in-Context: Evaluation of an Example Protocol

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    Observations are a valuable tool for the assessment of parenting. Direct observation of parenting behavior via audio recordings may be among the least intrusive observation methods. However, unobtrusive naturalistic audio observations of parenting behavior, and specifically continuous, longer, observations, are rarely collected. We therefore know little about the acceptability, feasibility, and validity of these types of observations. The current project therefore aimed to develop and pilot a protocol to collect audio data of parenting behavior within its natural context. We collected unobtrusive naturalistic audio observations during two predetermined timeframes: family dinner and bedtime routines. The procedure consisted of three steps: two short home visits and an online interview (approx. 30 minutes). Researchers or research assistants visited participants at home twice to bring and collect the audio recorder. After the recording was processed, one of the researchers scheduled an online interview (via Microsoft Teams) for the evaluation of participants’ experiences of wearing the recording device. We piloted this protocol with 11 families with two to four children between 10 months and 12 years of age. In this document we share the protocol and our pilot findings on the acceptability, feasibility, and validity of the protocol.e

    Home Audio Observations of Parenting-in-Context: Evaluation of an Example Protocol

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    Observations are a valuable tool for the assessment of parenting. Direct observation of parenting behavior via audio recordings may be among the least intrusive observation methods. However, unobtrusive naturalistic audio observations of parenting behavior, and specifically continuous, longer, observations, are rarely collected. We therefore know little about the acceptability, feasibility, and validity of these types of observations. The current project therefore aimed to develop and pilot a protocol to collect audio data of parenting behavior within its natural context. We collected unobtrusive naturalistic audio observations during two predetermined timeframes: family dinner and bedtime routines. The procedure consisted of three steps: two short home visits and an online interview (approx. 30 minutes). Researchers or research assistants visited participants at home twice to bring and collect the audio recorder. After the recording was processed, one of the researchers scheduled an online interview (via Microsoft Teams) for the evaluation of participants’ experiences of wearing the recording device. We piloted this protocol with 11 families with two to four children between 10 months and 12 years of age. In this document we share the protocol and our pilot findings on the acceptability, feasibility, and validity of the protocol.e

    Zelfregulatie: Resultaat van opvoeding en biologie?

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    Kinderen die al op jonge leeftijd in staat zijn om hun gedrag en hun emoties te controleren en te sturen, vertonen minder vaak gedragsproblemen en functioneren op latere leeftijd beter in sociale situaties en op school. In dit artikel wordt enerzijds beschreven hoe ouders de ontwikkeling van zelfregulatie bij hun kinderen kunnen beïnvloeden, via de kwaliteit van de relatie met hun kind en via specifiek opvoedgedrag. Anderzijds wordt het complexe samenspel tussen biologische processen en de opvoedingsomgeving in de ontwikkeling van zelfregulatie bij jonge kinderen belicht. De kwaliteit van de ouder-kindrelatie en de mate van sensitiviteit en positieve disciplinering blijken gerelateerd te zijn aan de mate waarin peuters en kleuters hun emoties, gedrag en denken kunnen reguleren. Deze relaties tussen opvoeding en zelfregulatie blijken echter deels afhankelijk van de hersenontwikkeling en genetische bagage van de kinderen. De mogelijke manieren waarop opvoeding de ontwikkeling van zelfregulatie kan beïnvloeden worden besproken en relevante interventies worden belicht

    Kweek je een leugenaar door te liegen tegen je kind?

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    Welk effect heeft liegen tegen je kinderen in de opvoeding? En is de ene leugen ‘erger’ dan de andere? Rianne Kok, expert op het gebied van sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling, verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, deed onderzoek naar het effect van liegen op kinderen. Ook het onderzoek van de Amerikaanse psychologieprofessor Gail Heyman, komt ter sprake, waaruit blijkt dat liegen door ouders, wel degelijk effect heeft op hun kinderen

    No differential susceptibility or diathesis stress to parenting in early adolescence: Personality facets predicting behaviour problems

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    This multi-sample study investigated the main and interactive effects of parenting (responsiveness, overreactivity) and young adolescents' personality traits (negative-affectivity: irritability and anxiety; and orienting-sensitivity) on behaviour problems during adolescence. Data from two samples (N1 = 222; girls 45.5%; Mean age = 11.54 years; N2 = 252; girls 50.4%; Mean age = 10.85 years) were analysed using a multivariate approach. Parenting and y

    No differential susceptibility or diathesis stress to parenting in early adolescence : personality facets predicting behaviour problems

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    This multi-sample study investigated the main and interactive effects of parenting (responsiveness, over-reactivity) and young adolescents' personality traits (negative-affectivity: irritability and anxiety; and orienting-sensitivity) on behaviour problems during adolescence. Data from two samples (N1 = 222; girls 45.5%; Mean age = 11.54 years; N2 = 252; girls 50.4%; Mean age = 10.85 years) were analysed using a multivariate approach. Parenting and young adolescents' personality traits were assessed at Time-1 and behaviour problems were assessed 2 to 3 years later. Mothers rated their overreactive parenting practices with the Parenting-Scale (both samples); parental responsiveness was measured with the Louvain-Adolescent-Perceived-Parenting-Scale (sample-1) and the Parenting-Practices-Questionnaire (sample-2). Adolescents reported on their behaviour problems with the overlapping items of the Brief-Problem-Monitor (sample-1) and the Youth-Self-Report (sample-2). Young adolescents' personality traits were measured with the Hierarchical-Personality-Inventory-for-Children rated by mothers in sample-1 and by fathers in sample-2. No evidence supporting diathesis stress or differential susceptibility was found. Analyses revealed one interaction suggesting that adolescents with high irritability (>= 1.4 SD; 9%) with more overreactive mothers presented less internalizing behaviour, when their mothers used less overreactive parenting they showed more internalizing behaviour. High-anxiety predicted internalizing behaviour. High-irritability and low-anxiety predicted externalizing behaviour. High-irritability and orienting sensitivity predicted attention problems. No main effects of parenting on behaviour problems were observed
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