3 research outputs found


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    Perubahan orientasi konsumen dari service oriented ke experience oriented menjadi tantangan baru bagi industri restoran korea di kota Bandung dalam mempertahankan agar pengalaman tidak membosankan. Pemasar dituntut untuk dapat menciptakan suasana hallyu wave yang tak hanya membangkitkan emosi dan perasaan namun juga terkenang. Sebagai restoran paling berkesan di Kota Bandung menurut hasil prasurvei, Chingu Korean Fan Café telah melakukan inovasi atmosfer ruang usaha yang diimbangi dengan fluktuasi peningkatan jumlah pengunjung. Mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh atmosfer terhadap kesan dan dampaknya pada minat beli ulang perlu dilakukan agar dapat menjaga citra perusahaan, meningkatkan penjualan dan kesetiaan pengunjung. Bertujuan untuk mempelajari gambaran tanggapan pengunjung tentang tujuh elemen mayor atmosfer, costumer’s impression, dan minat beli ulang, seberapa besar pengaruh tujuh elemen mayor atmosfer terhadap costumer’s impression, seberapa besar pengaruh kesan terhadap minat beli ulang dan seberapa besar pengaruh tujuh elemen mayor atmosfer terhadap minat beli ulang, penelitian ini menggunakan explanatory survey dengan teknik simple random sampling dengan jumlah sample 100 pengunjung dan dilakukan teknik analisis path analysis dengan menggunakan software SPSS 23.0 untuk mengukur besarnya pengaruh atmosfer terhadap kesan dan dampaknya pada minat beli ulang. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa gambaran atmosfer, costumer’s impression dan minat beli ulang berada dalam rentang yang tinggi dan terdapat pengaruh yang lebih besar yang dihasilkan oleh atmosfer melalui costumer’s impression dan berdampak pada minat beli ulang. Elemen pencahayaan menjadi elemen yang paling mempengaruhi dan warna yang tidak. Sehingga lebih diperhatian peningkatan atmosfer warna dalam melakukan inovasi dikemudian hari sebagai rekomendasi bagi pihak Chingu Korean Fan Café. ;---The change of consumer’s oriented from service oriented to experience oriented has became the new challenge in Korean Restaurant Industry at Bandung in terms of maintaining a memorable experience. Marketers are expected to create a hallyu wave ambiance that is not only creating feeling and emotion but also impression. As the most impressed Korean Restoran in Bandung due to prasurvey, Chingu Korean Fan Café has made a store atmosphere’s innovation that is followed by the rise of amount of the visitors. Knowing how much impact is given by atmosphere to visitors’ impression and its affection on repurchase intention is needed in order to maintain the brand image, selling and loyalty. Aiming to study the description of visitor responses about the atmospher, costumer’s impressions, and repurchase intention, how big the influence of the seven major elements of the atmosphere to the visitor's impression, how much influence impression of repurchase intention and how big the influence of the seven major elements of the atmosphere against repurchase intention, This study used explanatory survey with simple random sampling technique with the number of sample of 100 costumers and the technique of path analysis analysis using SPSS 23.0 software. The results revealed that firstly, the picture of atmosphere, costumer;s impression and repurchase intention is perceived in the high level. Secondly, there is a greater influence generated by the atmosphere through the impression of visitors and impact on minat beli ulang. The lighting element becomes the most affecting element and the color is treated as opposite. Increasing the color as one of innovations in the future is treated as a recommendation for the Chingu Korean Fan Café

    Exploratory factor analysis (efa) of social media attractiveness’ for MSMES

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    This study aims to determine the factors that encourage MSMEs in using of social media that they can help them optimizing sustainable marketing activities in the era of digital transformation. This research is explanatory quantitative research where the aim is to reduce the number of variables, detect the structure of the relationship between variables, and classify them into a new group of variables. This research involves 9 variables/factors with 38 indicators. The data were taken through questionnaires and interviews with 317 food and beverage MSMEs in West Java. The data were analyzed through Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA). The results of this study show the KMO Measure of Sampling (MSA) value is 0.939 and the Bartlett's Test value is 6850.368 with a significance number of 0.000. Then, the value of Anti Image Matrices on 38 indicators is above 0.5, so that all indicators are declared feasible. From Communalities in the attachment of factor analysis, it is known that the indicator X5.3 is the indicator that has the higest strongest value (0.736) meanwhile the indicator X2.3 is the indicator that has the lowest weakest value (0.377. According to the total initial eigenvalues, it is found that there are 6 factors that have values above 1. So that, in the rotated component matrix, each of 38 indicators put themselves into groups that have strong relationship. This study concludes that there are 6 main factors in encouraging SMEs in West Java to use social media, namely: earned benefit, communication, reliable, support tool, competition, price


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini berfokus pada investigasi dan analisis bagaimana pembaca sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) membuat makna pada novel Diary of A Wimpy Kid karya Jeff Kinney dan kategorisasi mereka sebagai pembaca. Penelitian ini melibatkan enam pembaca SMP yang menjadi anggota laman penggemar Wimpy Kid Indonesia. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian, studi ini menggunakan studi kasus deskriptif-kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari respon pembaca, kuisioner dan wawancara. Data disusun dan diidentifikasi berdasarkan prinsip pembuatan makna menurut Langer (1991) dan kategorisasi pembaca menurut Garrison dan Hynds (1991). Temuan menunjukan bahwa pertama, pembaca SMP membuat makna di setiap tingkatan dengan cara yang berbeda. Dari enam hanya tiga pembaca yang berhasil bertahan dan mengikuti tingkatan pertama sampai keempat. Berdasarkan hasil bagaimana pembaca membuat makna, temuan kedua menunjukan bahwa pembaca SMP berada di rangkaian pembaca mahir dan pembaca kurang mahir. Hal ini mengungkapkan bahwa pertama, pembaca mahir menggunakan cara membaca estetis yang didukung dengan kualitas membaca yang baik. Kedua, sebagai novel remaja yang membawa humor dan lelucon, Diary of A Wimpy Kid karya Jeff Kinney mampu menyediakan pembacaan yang aestetis karena novel ini mampu membangkitkan pengalaman emosional pembacanya. Terakhir, meskipun pembaca SMP adalah pembaca tersirat novel ini, mereka tidak menjamin mampu membuat response seperti yang diharapkan. Kata Kunci:Response Pembaca, Membaca Estetis, Proses Membuat Makna, Kategorisasi Pembaca Abstract: This study focuses on investigating and analyzing the way middle school readers make meaning on Jeff Kinney’s Diary of A Wimpy Kid and their readers’ categorization. This study involves six middle school readers who are members of a fan site named Wimpy Kid Indonesia. In order to answer the research questions, this study used descriptive-qualitative case study. The data were taken from written response, questionnaire and interview. The data were classified and identified based on Langer’s (1991) meaning-making process and Garrison and Hynds’ (1991) categorization of readers. The findings reveal that first, middle school readers mademeaning through each Langer’s (1991) stages with different ways. It was only half of readers who successfully survived and followed first stage until fourth stage. Second, it reveals the readers are in the continuum of proficient and less-proficient readers. Learning from the findings, there are three issues arrived in this study, first, it turns out that a proficient reader employs aesthetic reading which is supported by a good quality of reading. Second, as young adult novel which conveys humor and jokes, Jeff Kinney’s Diary of A Wimpy Kidoffers aesthetic reading since it evokes emotional experience of its readers. Last, even tough middle school readers are the implied readers of Jeff Kinney’s Diary of A Wimpy Kid, they do not guarantee to produce expected responses. Keywords:Reader Response, Aesthetic Reading, Making Meaning Process, Readers’Categorizatio