22 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of zeolite A from crushed particles of aluminoborosilicate glass used in LCD panels

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    AbstractWe tried to synthesize zeolite from the sand-like particles of crushed LCD panel glass collected from discarded electronics devices. In the previous study, zeolite A was synthesized using fine glass particles of <10μm. Acid treatment was found effective toward synthesizing single phase zeolite A. Using sand-like coarse glass particles, of which the internal-core consists of glass and the surficial shell transforms into zeolite, we investigated the effect of acid-treatment by evaluating the surface of the coarse glass particles. Under acid-treatment, components other than Si eluted from the glass. The elution amounts were several percent of the total glass mass. After acid-treatment, the surface of the glass particle was discovered to be covered in a thin layer of poor components other than Si and a relatively rich quantity of Si, by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrum analysis. The synthesized zeolite A increased the longer the acid-treatment time, which suggest the thin layer increased. When the concentration of the acid solution decreased, glass components other than Si dissolved well, and the synthesized zeolite A increased as a result. This indicates that the Si-rich layer is necessary for preferential synthesis of zeolite A from crushed particles of aluminoborosilicate glass

    Calcineurin antagonists inhibit interferon-gamma production by downregulation of interleukin-18 in human mixed lymphocyte reactions.

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    Tacrolimus (FK-506) and cyclosporin A (CsA) are calcineurin antagonists used widely as T-cell immunosuppressants; however, their relative efficacy on the production of interleukin-18 (IL-18) remains undefined. We have examined the effects of FK-506 and CsA on the cytokine generation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We studied the levels of interleukin-18 (IL-18), IL-12, IL-10, IL-6, IL-2 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in the supernatant in allo-MLR by ELISA assay. Supernatant levels of IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 were detected 12 h after MLR and markedly increased thereafter. In contrast, production of IL-18 was detected at 12 h, reached a near maximum level at 24 h and decreased at 72 h. These results suggested that IFN-gamma production depended on IL-18, IL-12 and IL-2 in the early phase of MLR and depended mainly on IL-12 and IL-2 in the late phase. Both calcineurin antagonists inhibit the generation of IL-18, which plays a large role in allogeneic cell interactions, in macrophages and they also promote an equivalent down-regulation of T helper 1 (Th1) and Th2 responses in a concentration-dependent manner. About 90% of IFN-gamma production induced by MLR was inhibited by an anti-IL-18 antibody, showing that IL-18 can trigger IFN-gamma production in MLR. These results suggest that dual signaling consisting of antigen-driven nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) activation and LPS-mediated NF-kappaB activation is crucial for IL-18 production in macrophages, and that IL-18 can trigger IFN-gamma production in T-cells by MLR.</p

    Present developments in reaching an international consensus for a model-based approach to particle beam therapy

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    Particle beam therapy (PBT), including proton and carbon ion therapy, is an emerging innovative treatment for cancer patients. Due to the high cost of and limited access to treatment, meticulous selection of patients who would benefit most from PBT, when compared with standard X-ray therapy (XRT), is necessary. Due to the cost and labor involved in randomized controlled trials, the model-based approach (MBA) is used as an alternative means of establishing scientific evidence in medicine, and it can be improved continuously. Good databases and reasonable models are crucial for the reliability of this approach. The tumor control probability and normal tissue complication probability models are good illustrations of the advantages of PBT, but pre-existing NTCP models have been derived from historical patient treatments from the XRT era. This highlights the necessity of prospectively analyzing specific treatment-related toxicities in order to develop PBT-compatible models. An international consensus has been reached at the Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education (GI-CoRE) joint symposium, concluding that a systematically developed model is required for model accuracy and performance. Six important steps that need to be observed in these considerations include patient selection, treatment planning, beam delivery, dose verification, response assessment, and data analysis. Advanced technologies in radiotherapy and computer science can be integrated to improve the efficacy of a treatment. Model validation and appropriately defined thresholds in a cost-effectiveness centered manner, together with quality assurance in the treatment planning, have to be achieved prior to clinical implementation

    Effects of cellooligosaccharide or a combination of cellooligosaccharide and live Clostridium butyricum culture on performance and intestinal ecology in Holstein calves fed milk or milk replacer

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    The effects of oral administration of a prebiotic (cellooligosaccharide [CE]) and a combination of a probiotic (a commercial Clostridium butyricum strain) and prebiotics (referred to as symbiotics [SB]) on performance and intestinal ecology in Holstein calves fed milk replacer (MR) or whole milk were evaluated. Forty female calves (experiment 1) and 14 male and female calves (experiment 2) were used in this study. Calves were fed MR (experiment 1) or whole milk (experiment 2) necessary for daily weight gain of 0.3 kg based on birth weight in two daily feedings and weaned at 46 days. Calves were divided into a CE feeding group, SB feeding group (only in experiment 1), and control group. The CE and SB groups were fed CE at 5 g/day before weaning and 10 g/day postweaning. Only the SB group received 108 colony-forming units (CFU) of C butyricum culture per day. Commercial calf starter was offered for ad libitum intake. Health and feed intake of the animals were monitored daily, and body weight was measured weekly. Fecal samples were analyzed for determination of bacterial community composition by an RNA-based method (sequence-specific SSU rRNA cleavage method) and for organic acid profiling. In 49-day experiments, feed intake, daily gain, and occurrence of diarrhea of the calves were unaffected by either CE supplementation or SB supplementation, and all calves were healthy during each experiment. The fecal bacterial community compositions and the organic acid profiles were not different among groups in experiment 1. In experiment 2, the level of the Clostridium coccoides-Eubacterium rectale group was higher in the feces of CE group than controls at 4 weeks of age and fecal butyric acid concentration was higher (8.0 vs. 12.2 [mmol/kg feces], P <0.05) at that time. There were no differences in prebiotic bacteria (the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) between groups at this time point. These results suggested that CE and C. butyricum supplementation have less effect on the performance of healthy calves fed MR. However, prebiotic supplementation seems effective for modulation of the intestinal bacterial community of calves when administered with whole milk.ArticleLIVESTOCK SCIENCE. 153(1-3):88-93 (2013)journal articl

    For the improvement of English teacher training : A study on student teachers' beliefs about learning and teaching English (II)

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    本研究は,英語科教育実習の充実・改善への示唆を得るため,「①英語科実習生がどのようなbeliefs(言語や言語の指導・学習に関する思い込み)を持っているのか」,「②英語科実習生と現職英語教員との間にbeliefsにおいてどのような差異があるのか」,「③英語科実習生のbeliefsが教育実習を経てどのように変化するのか」の3つを明らかにすることを目的として行った。 先行研究を元に75の質問項目からなる質問紙を作成し,31名の英語科実習生と10名の現職英語教員から5件法で回答を得て分析を行った。①英語科実習生の特徴として,「演繹的な学習より帰納的な学習重視」,「ペア,グループ活動重視」,「コミュニケーション志向」,「形式よりも内容重視」,「文化的側面の重視」,「生徒の誤りに対する寛容的態度」があること,②英語科実習生は現職英語教員に比べて,「文法を軽視していること」,「誤りの訂正に対して消極的であること」,③教育実習前・後で6つの項目で変化が見られたが,「文法指導」,「誤りの訂正」に関する項目での変化は見られなかったこと等が明らかになった

    Enhancement and assessment of English academic ability and skills in elementary, junior, and senior high school : Goal setting and assessment in learning English from the viewpoint of CAN-DO statements

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    各中・高等学校は学習指導要領に基づき,生徒に求められる英語力を達成するための学習到達目標を「CAN-DOリスト」の形で具体的に設定することについて提言が平成23年になされてから,平成25年には『各中・高等学校の外国語教育における「CAN-DOリスト」の形での学習到達目標設定のための手引き』が公表された。このことを背景として,本研究は学習到達目標が学習指導要領に基づいた「CAN-DOリスト」を作成することを目的とした。作成にあたり,「CAN-DOリスト」における能力記述子は学習指導要領に準拠し,CEFR-Jにおけるそれとの整合性を図った。また,広島大学附属小学校が英語科として体制を整え,小学校1年生から外国語活動を取り入れていることから,附属中・高等学校の6年間に加えて,附属小学校を含めた12年間を見通した「CAN-DOリスト」の作成を試みた。加えて,学年ごとに様々な評価材や評価方法を集積するための評価フレームを構築し,「CAN-DOリスト」の中へ組み入れた。このことにより,授業内外で行われる評価と学習到達目標との関係がより明瞭になり,評価規準や判定基準の共有化が図られるようになった。評価を組み入れた「CAN-DOリスト」の在り方を提言する。The purpose of this study is to establish a CAN-DO list for learning English as a foreign language based on the designated course of study implemented in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools in Japan. While it is important to establish appropriate educational goals in each grade, this list emphasizes the idea that it is essential that rational and accurate evaluations should be conducted at each level of learning. This list-making process provided us with opportunities of reflection about ongoing methods for evaluating students' academic ability and skills in English. We established an evaluation framework in each grade or level to accumulate and share the proper assessment tools and procedures with teachers. Furthermore, evaluation results can be used to provide feedback to the learners so that they easily know their evaluation and how they are evaluated on the list

    On the enhancement and assessment of academic ability and skills in English in elementary, junior high, and senior high school : Goal setting and assessments for learning English from the viewpoint of “CAN-DO” statements (2)

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    附属小学校・中学校・高等学校英語科では,2013年度の学部・附属学校共同研究において,小中高12年間を見通した学習到達目標を「CAN-DOリスト」の形で記述し,それと連動するように評価方法を「CAN-DOテストパック」として体系化した「FUZOKU CAN-DO」という枠組みを作成した。本研究は,その研究を引き継ぐものとして,FUZOKU CAN-DOを全面的に運用することにより,この枠組みに即した具体的な教材・評価材を開発すること,また,運用を通じてこの枠組みをさらに整備することを目的とした。本稿では,小学校3・4年生と,中高各学年における指導と評価の具体例を示し,FUZOKU CAN-DO運用の実際を詳らかにしている。ただし,全面運用に当たっては,年間指導計画をFUZOKU CAN-DOに適合するように調整するなどの手順を要したため,この枠組み全部の完全実施には至らなかった。しかし,学年を超えて到達目標と評価方法を教員間で共有することにより,従前にもまして,指導と評価に対する共通認識を持つことが促された。This study primarily aims to implement FUZOKU CAN-DO (a framework comprising the learning objectives to be achieved in each grade of elementary and secondary schools) and to evaluate the measures related to the objectives. The goals of implementing this framework are as follows: (1) to develop materials for teaching and evaluation based on FUZOKU CAN-DO and (2) to modify the framework itself. This report provides specific examples of how the framework was implemented. One thing to be noted here is that this is the first attempt of a full-scale implementation of the framework, which was developed in the previous year. The initial phase of the study involved amending the existing syllabus to include FUZOKU CAN-DO, which prevented the complete implementation of all the framework’s components. The results of the study indicate that using FUZOKU CANDO promoted a shared understanding of teaching objectives among the teaching staff

    Change in Fibrosis 4 Index as Predictor of High Risk of Incident Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Eradication of Hepatitis C Virus.

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    BackgroundIt is unclear whether the fibrosis 4 index (FIB-4), a marker of liver fibrosis, at baseline and change in FIB-4 after sustained virological response (SVR) is associated with incident hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) risk. In this study, we examined the association of incident HCC risk with baseline FIB-4 and sustained high FIB-4 (&gt;3.25) at any time point after SVR.MethodsA total of 3823 patients who received direct-acting antiviral treatment and achieved SVR were enrolled. The FIB-4 was measured 24 weeks after the end of direct-acting antiviral treatment and achievement of SVR (SVR24), and 1, 2, and 3 years after SVR24, after which subsequent HCC development was investigated.ResultsIn patients with an FIB-4 &gt;3.25 at SVR24 and 1, 2, and 3 years after SVR24, subsequent HCC development was significantly higher than in those with an FIB-4 ≤3.25 at each point. The rates of HCC development 1, 2, 3, and 4 years after SVR24 were significantly higher in patients with sustained FIB-4 &gt;3.25 than in those whose FIB-4 decreased to ≤3.25 (5.4%, 9.2%, 11.7%, and 16.0%, respectively, vs 2.2%, 3.1%, 3.7%, and 4.4%; P &lt; .001). The adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) for an FIB-4 &gt;3.25 at SVR24 and 1, 2, and 3 years later were 3.38 (2.4-4.8), 2.95 (1.9-4.7), 2.62 (1.3-5.1), and 3.37 (1.4-9.8), respectively.ConclusionsThe FIB-4 could be used to assess HCC development risk at any time after SVR, and changes in FIB-4 were associated with changes in the HCC development risk. Repeated assessments of FIB-4 could serve as a prognostic indicator of a high-risk HCC cohort that may require more intensive HCC surveillance strategy