4,113 research outputs found

    Formation and structural characterization of Ni nanoparticles embedded in SiOâ‚‚

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    Face-centered cubic Ni nanoparticles were formed in SiOâ‚‚ by ion implantation and thermal annealing. Small-angle x-ray scattering in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy was used to determine the nanoparticle size as a function of annealing temperature, whereas the local atomic structure was measured with x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The influence of finite-size effects on the nanoparticle structural properties was readily apparent and included a decrease in coordination number and bond length and an increase in structural disorder for decreasing nanoparticle size. Such results are consistent with the non-negligible surface-to-volume ratio characteristic of nanoparticles. In addition, temperature-dependent x-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements showed the mean vibrational frequency (as obtained from the Einstein temperature) decreased with decreasing nanoparticle size. This reduction was attributed to the greater influence of the loosely bound, under-coordinated surface atoms prevailing over the effects of capillary pressure, the former enhancing the low frequency modes of the vibrational density of statesThis work was financially supported by the Australian Synchrotron and the Australian Research Council with access to equipment provided by the Australian Nanofabrication Facility

    Pt nanocrystals formed by ion implantation: a defect-mediated nucleation process

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    The influence of ion irradiation of SiOâ‚‚ on the size of metalnanocrystals (NCs) formed by ion implantation has been investigated. Thin SiOâ‚‚ films were irradiated with high-energy Ge ions then implanted with Pt ions. Without Geirradiation, the largest Pt NCs were observed beyond the Pt projected range. With irradiation, Ge-induced structural modification of the SiOâ‚‚ layer yielded a decrease in Pt NC size with increasing Ge fluence at such depths. A defect-mediated NC nucleation mechanism is proposed and a simple yet effective means of modifying and controlling the Pt NC size is demonstrated.The authors thank the Australian Research Council for financial support

    Nano-porosity in GaSb induced by swift heavy ion irradiation

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    Nano-porous structures form in GaSb after ion irradiation with 185 MeV Au ions. The porous layer formation is governed by the dominant electronic energy loss at this energy regime. The porous layer morphology differs significantly from that previously reported for low-energy, ion-irradiated GaSb. Prior to the onset of porosity, positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy indicates the formation of small vacancy clusters in single ion impacts, while transmission electron microscopy reveals fragmentation of the GaSb into nanocrystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix. Following this fragmentation process, macroscopic porosity forms, presumably within the amorphous phase.The authors thank the Australian Research Council for support and the staff at the ANU Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility for their continued technical assistance. R.C.E. acknowledges the support from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the U.S. DOE (Grant No. DE-FG02-97ER45656)

    NNLO QCD corrections to event shape variables in electron positron annihilation

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    Precision studies of QCD at electron-positron colliders are based on measurements of event shapes and jet rates. To match the high experimental accuracy, theoretical predictions to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD are needed for a reliable interpretation of the data. We report the first calculation of NNLO corrections O(alpha_s^3) to three-jet production and related event shapes, and discuss their phenomenological impact.Comment: Contributed to 2007 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Manchester, England 19-25 July 200

    Nanopatterning of epitaxial CoSiâ‚‚ using oxidation in a local stress field and fabrication of nanometer metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors

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    A patterning method for the generation of epitaxialCoSi₂nanostructures was developed based on anisotropic diffusion of Co∕Si atoms in a stress field during rapid thermal oxidation (RTO). The stress field is generated along the edge of a mask consisting of a thin SiO₂ layer and a Si₃N₄ layer. During RTO of the masked silicide structure, a well-defined separation of the silicide layer forms along the edge of the mask. The technique was used to make 50-nm channel-length metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors(MOSFETs). These highly uniform gaps define the channel region of the fabricated device. Two types of MOSFETs have been fabricated: symmetric transistor structures, using the separated silicide layers as Schottky source and drain, and asymmetric transistors, with n+ source and Schottky drain. The asymmetric transistors were fabricated by an ion implantation into the unprotected CoSi₂ layer and a subsequent out diffusion to form the n+ source. The detailed fabrication process as well as the I–V characteristics of both the symmetric and asymmetric transistor structures will be presented

    Swift heavy-ion irradiation-induced shape and structural transformation in cobalt nanoparticles

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    The shape and structural evolution of Co nanoparticles embedded in SiO₂ and subjected to swift heavy-ion irradiation have been investigated over a wide energy and fluence range. Modifications of the nanoparticle size and shape were characterized with transmission electron microscopy and small-angle x-ray scattering.Nanoparticles below a threshold diameter remained spherical in shape and progressively decreased in size under irradiation due to dissolution.Nanoparticles above the threshold diameter transformed into nanorods with their major dimension parallel to the incident ion direction. Modifications of the atomic-scale structure of the Co nanoparticles were identified with x-rayabsorption spectroscopy. Analysis of the x-rayabsorption near-edge spectra showed that prior to irradiation all Co atoms were in a metallic state, while after irradiation Co atoms were in both oxidized and metallic environments, the former consistent with dissolution. The evolution of the nanoparticle short-range order was determined from extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Structural changes in the Co nanoparticles as a function of ion fluence included an increase in disorder and asymmetric deviation from a Gaussian interatomic distance distribution coupled with a decrease in bondlength. Such changes resulted from the irradiation-induced decrease in nanoparticle size and subsequent dissolution.This work was financially supported by the Australian Synchrotron and the Australian Research Council with access to equipment provided by the Australian Nanofabrication Facility. ChemMatCARS Sector 15 is principally supported by the NSF/ DOE under Grant No. NSF/CHE–0822838

    Precision measurements of alphas at HERA

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    Recent determinations of alphas(Mz) from the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations using inclusive-jet cross-section measurements in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at high Q2 are presented. A combined value of alphas(mz)=0.1198 +- 0.0019 (exp.) +- 0.0026 (th.) was obtained from these measurements. The determinations of alphas at various scales clearly show the running of the coupling from HERA jet data alone and in agreement with the prediction of QCD.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The influence of annealing conditions on the growth and structure of embedded Pt nanocrystals

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    The growth and structure of Pt nanocrystals (NCs) formed by ion implantation in a-SiO₂ has been investigated as a function of the annealing conditions. Transmission electron microscopy and small-angle x-ray scatteringmeasurements demonstrate that the annealing ambient has a significant influence on NC size. Samples annealed in either Ar, O₂, or forming gas (95% N₂: 5% H₂) at temperatures ranging from 500 °C–1300 °C form spherical NCs with mean diameters ranging from 1–14 nm. For a given temperature, annealing in Ar yields the smallest NCs. O₂ and forming gas ambients produce NCs of comparable size though the latter induces H chemisorption at 1100 °C and above, as verified with x-ray absorption spectroscopy. This H intake is accompanied by a bond-length expansion and increased structural disorder in NCs of diameter >3 nm.We thank the Australian Synchrotron Research Program and the Australian Research Council for financial support

    Measurement of the strong coupling alpha_S from the three-jet rate in e+e- - annihilation using JADE data

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    We present a measurement of the strong coupling alpha_S using the three-jet rate measured with the Durham algorithm in e+e- -annihilation using data of the JADE experiment at centre-of-mass energies between 14 and 44 GeV. Recent theoretical improvements provide predictions of the three-jet rate in e+e- -annihilation at next-to-next-to-leading order. In this paper a measurement of the three-jet rate is used to determine the strong coupling alpha_s from a comparison to next-to-next-to-leading order predictions matched with next-to-leading logarithmic approximations and yields a value for the strong coupling alpha_S(MZ) = 0.1199+- 0.0010 (stat.) +- 0.0021 (exp.) +- 0.0054 (had.) +- 0.0007 (theo.) consistent with the world average.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Determination of the Strong Coupling \boldmath{\as} from hadronic Event Shapes and NNLO QCD predictions using JADE Data

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    Event Shape Data from e+e−e^+e^- annihilation into hadrons collected by the JADE experiment at centre-of-mass energies between 14 GeV and 44 GeV are used to determine the strong coupling αS\alpha_S. QCD predictions complete to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO), alternatively combined with resummed next-to-leading-log-approximation (NNLO+NLLA) calculations, are used. The combined value from six different event shape observables at the six JADE centre-of-mass energies using the NNLO calculations is αS(MZ)\alpha_S(M_Z)= 0.1210 +/- 0.0007(stat.) +/- 0.0021(expt.) +/- 0.0044(had.) +/- 0.0036(theo.) and with the NNLO+NLLA calculations the combined value is αS\alpha_S= 0.1172 +/- 0.0006(stat.) +/- 0.0020(expt.) +/- 0.0035(had.) +/- 0.0030(theo.) . The stability of the NNLO and NNLO+NLLA results with respect to missing higher order contributions, studied by variations of the renormalisation scale, is improved compared to previous results obtained with NLO+NLLA or with NLO predictions only. The observed energy dependence of αS\alpha_S agrees with the QCD prediction of asymptotic freedom and excludes absence of running with 99% confidence level.Comment: 9 pages, EPHJA style, 4 figures, corresponds to published version with JADE author lis
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