5,091 research outputs found

    Water management strategies in urban Mexico: Limitations of the privatization debate

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    Water management provides a critical lens onto the development process. For the last several centuries, improvements in clean water and sanitation have contributed to better health and increased life expectancies. Currently, however, developing countries seem unable to make much progress in bringing these benefits of development to significant sectors of their citizens. Water coverage is incomplete and water is of uneven quality. Just as serious, however, are the environmental impacts of water extraction, untreated sewage disposal, and the depletion of water sources through excessive withdrawals and pollution. In this research report, we present a framework for the analysis of the social appropriation of water based upon the concept of the New Culture of Water. Using that framework, we review the Mexican water sector in light of a set of original case studies. Although privatization might have some role to play in improving the performance of certain functions of water management agencies, it has clearly not proved superior to the public agencies we review. More importantly, however, the privatization solution has proved incapable of tackling the very serious problems of environmental destruction and the over-exploitation of finite water sources that plague the country. Our review of water management in Mexico, therefore, sheds light on some of the contradictions of a development process that is far from sustainable.Water management; Mexico; New Culture of Water; Privatization

    U-Care: Requirements Elicitation For Ambient Assisted Living

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    Western countries are facing similar trends in healthcare: population is aging, life expectations are growing, the number of healthcare professionals is decreasing, cost pressure on healthcare systems is increasing and urbanization is taking place. ICT can however provide routes to more efficient healthcare solutions: it may provide both quantitative and qualitative improvements by improving access, reducing cost and raising quality.\ud Home care is one important healthcare area. It aids elderly to stay at home as long as possible before moving towards more intensive care environments; it has the potential to alleviate care needs and costs; and it potentially improves the health status of elderly by empowerment and context-dependent monitoring and treatment. This submission presents our requirements elicitation approach for ICT-based home care services, also referred to as Ambient Assisted Living (AAL).\u

    Thiamine, fasting and the kidney

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    Applying a Security Testing Methodology: a Case Study

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    Turvatestimine on tarkvara testimise haru, mille eesmärgiks on kontrollida, kas tarkvara on haavatav rünnete suhtes ning kas andmed, mida tarkvara töötleb, on kaitstud. Tarkvara turvalisuse standardeid töötatakse välja selleks, et tekitada ühine arusaam turvanõuetest, mida turvaline tarkvara peab täitma. Selles bakalaureusetöös kirjeldatakse ja rakendatakse tegevusi, mis on vajalikud veebirakenduse turvalisuse kindlakstegemiseks. Kombineerides OWASP ASVS veebirakenduste turvastandardit ja OWASP Top 10 riskide nimekirja, töötati välja turvanõuete nimekiri. Turvanõuete testimiseks töötati välja testjuhtumid ning testiti veebirakendust UXP Portal. Turvatestimise tulemusena tuvastati arvukalt turvaprobleeme. Juhtumiuuringu läbiviimise kogemuse põhjal vormistati õpitust lähtuvad soovitused.Security testing is a software testing discipline that aims to verify that the functionality of the software is resistant to attacks and data processed by the software is protected. To establish common requirements that the software must fulfill, software security standards are published. This thesis aims to describe and apply a process necessary to verify the security of a web application. A checklist of security requirements was gathered combining OWASP ASVS web application security standard and OWASP Top Ten project. Test cases were developed and web application UXP Portal was tested to verify the security requirements in the checklist. Numerous security vulnerabilities were identified by security testing. The recommendations based on lessons learned during the case study were presented

    Individual language change: a case study of Klavdiya Plotnikova’s Kamas

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