62 research outputs found

    Sector coupling technologies in gas, electricity, and heat networks: Competition or synergy?

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    Current investment in distribution networks for electricity, gas, and heat is high, and the distribution networks play a prominent role in the necessary transformation of the energy system. This paper provides insights into the relationship between residential end-user decisions on heat supply and their effect on infrastructure planning. Therefore, the gas, electricity, and heat networks are analyzed together. After a review of the characteristics of the networks, the most common sector coupling technologies are compared economically and environmentally. The results show that, under the assumptions made, heat pumps are the cheapest option for residential end-users in the long run. This raises the question of whether a parallel development of three different infrastructures for the heat supply of buildings is the best path to a successful energy transition.Die derzeitigen Investitionen in die Verteilnetze für Strom, Gas und Wärme sind hoch und die Verteilnetze spielen eine bedeutende Rolle bei der notwendigen Transformation des Energiesystems. Diese Arbeit gibt Einblicke in den Zusammenhang zwischen Entscheidungen privater Endnutzer zur Wärmeversorgung und deren Auswirkungen auf die Infrastrukturplanung. Dafür werden die Gas-, Strom- und Wärmenetze gemeinsam analysiert. Nach einem Überblick über die Charakteristika der Netze werden die gängigsten Sektorkopplungstechnologien ökonomisch und ökologisch verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unter den getroffenen Annahmen Wärmepumpen langfristig die kostengünstigste Option für private Endnutzer sind. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob eine parallele Entwicklung von drei verschiedenen Infrastrukturen zur Wärmeversorgung von Gebäuden der beste Weg hin zu einer erfolgreichen Energiewende ist

    Dekarbonisierung des Energiesystems durch verstärkten Einsatz erneuerbaren Stroms im Wärme-, Verkehrs- und Industriesektor bei gleichzeitigen Stilllegungen von Kraftwerken – Auswirkungen auf die Versorgungssicherheit in Süddeutschland

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    Der Umbau der Energieversorgung zu einem von erneuerbaren Energien dominierten Energiesystem stellt die Versorgungssicherheit im Stromsektor vor neuen Herausforderungen. Zur Analyse der Versorgungssicherheit wird daher ein Modellkonzept entwickelt und angewendet, das sowohl die Untersuchung der Entwicklung der Stromnachfrage als auch die der optimalen Erzeugungstechnologien unter Berücksichtigung technischer, ökonomischer und klimapolitischer Restriktionen gestattet

    Weiterentwicklung der Stromnetzentgelte: Fixere oder flexiblere Entgelte oder beides?

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    Netzentgelte machen einen bedeutenden Teil der Strompreise für die Endverbraucher aus. Damit beeinflussen sie das Verhalten der Verbraucher am Strommarkt und somit auch den Fortgang der Energiewende. Zugleich wirken sich energiewendebedingte Entwicklungen auf die Höhe der Netzentgelte aus. Eine Untersuchung verschiedener Vorschläge aus der Debatte über die Struktur und Höhe der Netzentgelte zeigt, dass durchaus verschiedene Ziele etwa hinsichtlich der Anreize für Sektorkopplung und Flexibilitätseinsatz oder eines effizienten Netzausbaus in Einklang gebracht werden können. Es müssen aber auch Abwägungen getroffen werden, da es keine in jeder Beziehung optimale Gestaltung der Entgelte gibt

    Impact of a yearly reference period on the sliding feed-in premium for onshore wind in Germany

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    In Germany, support for onshore wind is calculated based on technology-specific monthly market values. To increase market integration of renewables, changing to a yearly reference period is under consideration. This reference period increases the price exposure and thus the overall risk for generators. To understand the effects and quantify this risk, we examine an individual turbine’s average annual income at three locations in Germany between 2012-2018, as well as the maximum difference under the two alternative reference periods. We find no difference in income for strike prices between 0-15 EUR/MWh and a lower income under the yearly reference period for strike prices close to the nationwide market value (15-45 EUR/MWh). Starting from 45 EUR/MWh, we observe increased incentives for market integration. Furthermore, we find a maximum income loss of 3.6-3.9 EUR/MWh. Thus, although a yearly reference period could affect the income negatively, the difference is rather marginal

    How much shift in demand? Findings from a field experiment in Germany

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    In this paper we evaluate the effects of time of use (TOU) pricing in a field experiment in Germany on residential peak and off-peak demand, which involves more than 1,500 households in the TOU treatment and the control group. The TOU experiment lasted for six months and the ratio of peak-to off peak prices was 177 %. Results from econometric difference-in-difference analyses suggest that TOU pricing corresponds to average percentage reductions in peak-demand of 6 % to 7 %, for a household in the TOU treatment group. In comparison, the TOU tariff was not found to affect off-peak demand. Households mainly respond to TOU tariffs by shaving peak demand, but not by shifting demand from peak periods to off-peak periods. Thus, TOU pricing also lowers total electricity use. Our findings further suggest that there is no difference in the effects of TOU pricing between weekdays and weekends. Finally, we find no differences in the effectiveness of TOU pricing over time

    Persistence of the effects of providing feedback alongside smart metering devices on household electricity demand

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    Using large-sample high temporal resolution data from a smart metering field trial, we econometrically estimate the effects of providing feedback in addition to smart metering devices. We compare consumption levels and patterns between a pilot group that received feedback in addition to smart metering devices and a control group with only smart metering devices. We investigate, in particular, the persistence of the effects and whether the effects differ between periods of high and low household occupancy, i.e. between morning and evening periods, and between weekdays and weekend days. The findings show that feedback is effective, leading to about 5% electricity consumption reduction that is persistent over an eleven month period. Furthermore, our results show that this reduction affects both low and high occupancy periods, suggesting that feedback is associated with rather permanent changes in habitual behavior and/or investments in energy-efficient technologies

    Effects of heat pump scheduling on low-voltage grids using a receding horizon control strategy

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    Heat pumps (HPs) are a promising option for decarbonizing the residential heating sector. Their use leads to an increased demand for electricity, which can burden the grid in uncontrolled operation, while controlled HPs can provide additional flexibility to the system. In this paper, the integration of HPs through a receding horizon approach into a power market model is presented to study the behavior of HPs considering electricity market prices and network constraints of a low-voltage grid. In a case study with centralized and self-consumption optimized control strategies, the effects of HPs are analyzed. Furthermore, the authors investigate how the aggregation of several households into energy communities affects the system. The results show that for the considered grid, the additional power demand of HPs is usually uncritical and a strictly cost-minimizing operation is often possible from a grid perspective. Typically, critical grid situations occur only at times of high PV feed-in with low HP flexibility. The formation of energy communities compared to individual households differs primarily in the allocation of cost savings to individual consumers. The difference in the impact of the two control strategies on the grid is negligible in this case.ISSN:2515-294