73 research outputs found

    Expression of CD226 is associated to but not required for NK cell education

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    AbstractDNAX accessory molecule-1 (DNAM-1, also known as CD226) is an activating receptor expressed on subsets of natural killer (NK) and T cells, interacts with its ligands CD155 or CD112, and has co-varied expression with inhibitory receptors. Since inhibitory receptors control NK-cell activation and are necessary for MHC-I-dependent education, we investigated whether DNAM-1 expression is also involved in NK-cell education. Here we show an MHC-I-dependent correlation between DNAM-1 expression and NK-cell education, and an association between DNAM-1 and NKG2A that occurs even in MHC class I deficient mice. DNAM-1 is expressed early during NK-cell development, precedes the expression of MHC-I-specific inhibitory receptors, and is modulated in an education-dependent fashion. Cd226−/− mice have missing self-responses and NK cells with a normal receptor repertoire. We propose a model in which NK-cell education prevents or delays downregulation of DNAM-1. This molecule endows educated NK cells with enhanced effector functions but is dispensable for education.</jats:p

    A Signal Peptide Derived from hsp60 Binds HLA-E and Interferes with CD94/NKG2A Recognition

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    Human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)-E is a nonclassical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule which presents a restricted set of nonameric peptides, derived mainly from the signal sequence of other MHC class I molecules. It interacts with CD94/NKG2 receptors expressed on the surface of natural killer (NK) cells and T cell subsets. Here we demonstrate that HLA-E also presents a peptide derived from the leader sequence of human heat shock protein 60 (hsp60). This peptide gains access to HLA-E intracellularly, resulting in up-regulated HLA-E/hsp60 signal peptide cell-surface levels on stressed cells. Notably, HLA-E molecules in complex with the hsp60 signal peptide are no longer recognized by CD94/NKG2A inhibitory receptors. Thus, during cellular stress an increased proportion of HLA-E molecules may bind the nonprotective hsp60 signal peptide, leading to a reduced capacity to inhibit a major NK cell population. Such stress induced peptide interference would gradually uncouple CD94/NKG2A inhibitory recognition and provide a mechanism for NK cells to detect stressed cells in a peptide-dependent manner

    Pivotal Role of KARAP/DAP12 Adaptor Molecule in the Natural Killer Cell–mediated Resistance to Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are major contributors to early defense against infections. Their effector functions are controlled by a balance between activating and inhibiting signals. To date, however, the involvement of NK cell activating receptors and signaling pathways in the defense against pathogens has not been extensively investigated. In mice, several NK cell activating receptors are coexpressed with and function through the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-bearing molecule KARAP/DAP12. Here, we have analyzed the role of KARAP/DAP12 in the early antiviral response to murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV). In KARAP/DAP12 mutant mice bearing a nonfunctional ITAM, we found a considerable increase in viral titers in the spleen (30–40-fold) and in the liver (2–5-fold). These effects were attributed to NK cells. The formation of hepatic inflammatory foci appeared similar in wild-type and mutant mice, but the latter more frequently developed severe hepatitis with large areas of focal necrosis. Moreover, the percentage of hepatic NK cells producing interferon Îł was reduced by 56 ± 22% in the absence of a functional KARAP/DAP12. This is the first study that shows a crucial role for a particular activating signaling pathway, in this case the one induced through KARAP/DAP12, in the NK cell–mediated resistance to an infection. Our results are discussed in relation to recent reports demonstrating that innate resistance to MCMV requires the presence of NK cells expressing the KARAP/DAP12-associated receptor Ly49H

    Probing Natural Killer Cell Education by Ly49 Receptor Expression Analysis and Computational Modelling in Single MHC Class I Mice

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    Murine natural killer (NK) cells express inhibitory Ly49 receptors for MHC class I molecules, which allows for “missing self” recognition of cells that downregulate MHC class I expression. During murine NK cell development, host MHC class I molecules impose an “educating impact” on the NK cell pool. As a result, mice with different MHC class I expression display different frequency distributions of Ly49 receptor combinations on NK cells. Two models have been put forward to explain this impact. The two-step selection model proposes a stochastic Ly49 receptor expression followed by selection for NK cells expressing appropriate receptor combinations. The sequential model, on the other hand, proposes that each NK cell sequentially expresses Ly49 receptors until an interaction of sufficient magnitude with self-class I MHC is reached for the NK cell to mature. With the aim to clarify which one of these models is most likely to reflect the actual biological process, we simulated the two educational schemes by mathematical modelling, and fitted the results to Ly49 expression patterns, which were analyzed in mice expressing single MHC class I molecules. Our results favour the two-step selection model over the sequential model. Furthermore, the MHC class I environment favoured maturation of NK cells expressing one or a few self receptors, suggesting a possible step of positive selection in NK cell education. Based on the predicted Ly49 binding preferences revealed by the model, we also propose, that Ly49 receptors are more promiscuous than previously thought in their interactions with MHC class I molecules, which was supported by functional studies of NK cell subsets expressing individual Ly49 receptors

    Natural killer cell education in mice with single or multiple major histocompatibility complex class I molecules

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    The ability of murine NK cells to reject cells lacking self MHC class I expression results from an in vivo education process. To study the impact of individual MHC class I alleles on this process, we generated mice expressing single MHC class I alleles (Kb, Db, Dd, or Ld) or combinations of two or more alleles. All single MHC class I mice rejected MHC class I–deficient cells in an NK cell–dependent way. Expression of Kb or Dd conveyed strong rejection of MHC class I–deficient cells, whereas the expression of Db or Ld resulted in weaker responses. The educating impact of weak ligands (Db and Ld) was further attenuated by the introduction of additional MHC class I alleles, whereas strong ligands (Kb and Dd) maintained their educating impact under such conditions. An analysis of activating and inhibitory receptors in single MHC class I mice suggested that the educating impact of a given MHC class I molecule was controlled both by the number of NK cells affected and by the strength of each MHC class I–Ly49 receptor interaction, indicating that NK cell education may be regulated by a combination of qualitative and quantitative events

    The Crystal Structure of H-2Dd MHC Class I Complexed with the HIV-1-Derived Peptide P18-I10 at 2.4 Å Resolution Implications for T Cell and NK Cell Recognition

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    AbstractThe structure of H-2Dd complexed with the HIV-derived peptide P18-I10 (RGPGRAFVTI) has been determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.4 Å resolution. This MHC class I molecule has an unusual binding motif with four anchor residues in the peptide (G2, P3, R/K/H5, and I/L/F9 or 10). The cleft architecture of H-2Dd includes a deep narrow passage accomodating the N-terminal part of the peptide, explaining the obligatory G2P3 anchor motif. Toward the C-terminal half of the peptide, p5R to p8V form a type Iâ€Č reverse turn; residues p6A to p9T, and in particular p7F, are readily exposed. The structure is discussed in relation to functional data available for T cell and natural killer cell recognition of the H-2Dd molecule
