30 research outputs found

    Planung von Laserbestrahlungen durch simulationsbasierte Optimierung

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    Both individualised laser irradiations in medicine and the trend to a Jot size of 1 in industry require more sophisticated approaches to planning treatments and processes. In the best case, these approaches work in a fully automated manner. To achieve this, the thesis shows how the method of simulation-based optimization can be used to plan laser irradiations for medical applications.Individualisierte Laserbestrahlungen in der Medizin und der Trend in der Industrie hin zur Losgröße 1 erfordern immer ausgefeiltere Ansätze zur Behandlungs- und Bearbeitungsplanung, die im besten Fall vollautomatisiert erfolgen sollen. Um dies zu erreichen, wird in der Arbeit gezeigt, wie das Prinzip der simulationsbasierten Optimierung zur Planung von Laserbestrahlungen für medizinische Anwendungen eingesetzt werden kann

    Towards shifted position-diffuse reflectance imaging of anatomically correctly scaled human microvasculature

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    Due to significant advantages, the trend in the field of medical technology is moving towards minimally or even non-invasive examination methods. In this respect, optical methods offer inherent benefits, as does diffuse reflectance imaging (DRI). The present study attempts to prove the suitability of DRI—when implemented alongside a suitable setup and data evaluation algorithm—to derive information from anatomically correctly scaled human capillaries (diameter: 10μm, length: 45μm) by conducting extensive Monte–Carlo simulations and by verifying the findings through laboratory experiments. As a result, the method of shifted position-diffuse reflectance imaging (SP-DRI) is established by which average signal modulations of up to 5% could be generated with an illumination wavelength of λ=424nm and a core diameter of the illumination fiber of 50μm. No reference image is needed for this technique. The present study reveals that the diffuse reflectance data in combination with the SP-DRI normalization are suitable to localize human capillaries within turbid media

    Determination of the diameter of simulated human capillaries using shifted position‐diffuse reflectance imaging

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    Abstract Multiple diseases are associated with a wide spectrum of microvascular dysfunctions, microangiopathies and microcirculation disorders. Monitoring the microcirculation could thus be useful to diagnose many local and systemic circulatory disorders and to supervise critically ill patients. Many of the scores currently available to help identify the condition of a microcirculation disorder are invasive or leave scope for interpretation. Thus, the present study aims to investigate with Monte‐Carlo simulations (as numerical solutions of the radiative transfer equation) whether shifted position‐diffuse reflectance imaging (SP‐DRI), a non‐invasive diagnostic technique, reveals information on the capillary diameter to assess the state of the microcirculation. To quantify the SP‐DRI signal, the modulation parameter K is introduced. It proves to correlate almost perfectly with the capillary diameter (R¯2≈1), making it a valid parameter for reliably assessing microcirculation. SP‐DRI is emerging as an important milestone on the way to early and conveniently diagnosing microcirculation associated diseases

    Threshold behavior and tunability of a diffusive random laser

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    © 2023 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement: https://doi.org/10.1364/OA_License_v2#VOR-OAIn this study, it is shown that the dynamics of the lasing threshold and the intensity saturation of a diffusive random laser can be visualized by one spectral feature: the peak wavelength shift (tunability). The varied ink concentration and pump energy were utilized to experimentally induce the peak shift and the lasing threshold dynamics. It was found that the peak wavelength progressively turns from blueshift to redshift upon crossing the lasing threshold. A unique random laser threshold regime instead of a threshold point is revealed. This threshold regime was also compared with those deduced from the replica symmetry breaking and the Lévy statistics, both are the state-of-the-art methods to predict the behavior of a complex system. All three results show the high agreement in terms of unveiling the lasing nature of the random lasers.</jats:p

    Factors influencing the accuracy for tissue classification in multi spectral in-vivo endoscopy for the upper gastro-internal tract

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    Hyper spectral imaging is a possible way for disease detection. However, for carcinoma detection most of the results are ex-vivo. However, in-vivo results of endoscopic studies still show fairly low accuracies in contrast to the good results of many ex-vivo studies. To overcome this problem and to provide a reasonable explanation, Monte-Carlo simulations of photon trajectories are proposed as a tool to generate multi spectral images including inter patient variations to simulate 40 patients. Furthermore, these simulations have the huge advantage that the position of the carcinoma is known. Due to this, the effect of mislabelled data can be studied. As shown in this study, a percentage of 30–35% of mislabelled data might lead to significant decrease of the accuracy from around 90% to around 70–75%. Therefore, the main focus of hyper spectral imaging has to be the exact characterization of the training data in the future

    Recovering the superficial microvascular pattern via diffuse reflection imaging: phantom validation

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    Background: Diffuse reflection imaging could potentially be used to recover the superficial microvasculature under cutaneous tissue and the associated blood oxygenation status with a modified imaging resolution. The aim of this work is to deliver a new approach of local off-axis scanning diffuse reflection imaging, with the revisit of the modified Beer–Lambert Law (MBLL). Methods: To validate this, the system is used to recover the micron-scale subsurface vessel structure interiorly embedded in a skin equivalent tissue phantom. This vessel structure is perfused with oxygenated meta-hemoglobin solution. Results: Our preliminary results confirm that the thin vessel structure can be mapped into a 2-D planar image. The distributions of oxygenated hemoglobin concentration (CtHbO2) and deoxygenated hemoglobin concentration (CtRHb) can be co-registerated through the MBLL upon the CW spectroscopy, the scattering issue is addressed in the reformed MBLL. The recovered pattern matches to the estimation from the simultaneous optical coherence tomography studies. Conclusions: With further modification, this system may serve as the first prototype to investigate the superficial microvasculature in the expotential skin cancer loci, or a micro-lesion of vascular dermatosis

    The influence of the optical properties on the determination of capillary diameters

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    Various clinically applicable scores and indices are available to help identify the state of a microcirculatory disorder in a patient. Several of these methods, however, leave room for interpretation and only provide clues for diagnosis. Thus, a measurement method that allows a reliable detection of impending or manifest circulatory malfunctions would be of great value. In this context, the optical and non-invasive method of shifted position-diffuse reflectance imaging (SP-DRI) was developed. It allows to determine the capillary diameter and thus to assess the state of the microcirculation. The aim of the present study is to investigate how the quantification of capillary diameters by SP-DRI behaves in different individuals, i.e. for a wide range of optical properties. For this, within Monte-Carlo simulations all optical properties (seven skin layers, hemoglobin) were randomly varied following a Gaussian distribution. An important finding from the present investigation is that SP-DRI works when the optical properties are chosen randomly. Furthermore, it is shown that appropriate data analysis allows calibration-free absolute quantification of the capillary diameter across individuals using SP-DRI. This underpins the potential of SP-DRI to serve as an early alert system for the onset of microcirculatory associated diseases

    Development and evaluation of a scoring system for assessing incisions in laser surgery

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    The idea of laser surgery is nearly as old as the laser itself. From the first trials to modern laser surgery systems, it was and is the aim to selectively cut the tissue in the focus spot without causing harm to surrounding structures. This is only possible when the correct parameters for the surgical laser are chosen. Usually, this is done by parameter studies. However, the concrete evaluation scheme often differs between groups and more precise approaches require staining and microscopic evaluation. To overcome these issues, a macroscopic scoring system is presented and evaluated. It can be shown that the scoring system works well and, thus, a laser cut can be evaluated within a few seconds. At the same time, the whole cutting front is taken into account. The presented scoring system is evaluated by the intra class correlation (ICC). The final agreement between different raters is more than 0.7. Therefore, the scoring system can be used to optimize and evaluate the cutting process and it should be suitable for comparing the results between different groups. Definitely, it can be applied for scoring within a group to enable e.g., a profound statistical analysis for a parameter study

    Proof of Principle for Direct Reconstruction of Qualitative Depth Information from Turbid Media by a Single Hyper Spectral Image

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    In medical applications, hyper-spectral imaging is becoming more and more common. It has been shown to be more effective for classification and segmentation than normal RGB imaging because narrower wavelength bands are used, providing a higher contrast. However, until now, the fact that hyper-spectral images also contain information about the three-dimensional structure of turbid media has been neglected. In this study, it is shown that it is possible to derive information about the depth of inclusions in turbid phantoms from a single hyper-spectral image. Here, the depth information is encoded by a combination of scattering and absorption within the phantom. Although scatter-dominated regions increase the backscattering for deep vessels, absorption has the opposite effect. With this argumentation, it makes sense to assume that, under certain conditions, a wavelength is not influenced by the depth of the inclusion and acts as an iso-point. This iso-point could be used to easily derive information about the depth of an inclusion. In this study, it is shown that the iso-point exists in some cases. Moreover, it is shown that the iso-point can be used to obtain precise depth information

    Analysis of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy by means of Bayesian inference and separation of the parameters for scattering strength and spectral dependence of the scattering

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    Abstract For many applications in tissue optics, knowledge of the scattering coefficient or at least the reduced scattering coefficient is essential. In addition, its spectral dependence is also an important feature, as this provides information about scatterer sizes. While the characterization of the spectral dependence should be a simple fit, experimental results show strong fluctuations even for the same tissue type. For in‐vivo measurements, this problem is even greater. Therefore, it is the aim of this study to analyze the instabilities of the scattering characterizations and find a solution for it by means of Bayesian inference. In this study, this behavior is investigated using the example of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. It can be shown that the currently used fitting functions are unstable for the fitting as both parameters for characterizing the reduced scattering coefficient describe the spectral dependence as well as the scattering strength. However, by a simple coordinate transform, a stable mathematical description of the scattering is derived. By the fact that a posteriori probability of the reduced scattering coefficient narrows down significantly with the Bayesian inference, the new fitting function is verified