673 research outputs found

    Invariant Regularization of Supersymmetric Chiral Gauge Theory

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    We formulate a manifestly supersymmetric gauge covariant regularization of supersymmetric chiral gauge theories. In our scheme, the effective action in the superfield background field method above one-loop is always supersymmetric and gauge invariant. The gauge anomaly has a covariant form and can emerge only in one-loop diagrams with all the external lines being the background gauge superfield. We also present several illustrative applications in the one-loop approximation: the self-energy part of the chiral multiplet and of the gauge multiplet; the super-chiral anomaly and the superconformal anomaly; as the corresponding anomalous commutators, the Konishi anomaly and an anomalous supersymmetric transformation law of the supercurrent (the ``central extension'' of N=1 supersymmetry algebra) and of the R-current.Comment: 43 pages, PHYZZX. Final version to appear in Prog. Theor. Phy

    Amino acid sequence of a cytotoxin-like basic protein with low cytotoxic activity from the venom of the Thailand cobra Naja naja siamensis

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    AbstractA cytotoxin-like basic protein (CLBP) was isolated from the venom of the Thailand cobra (Naja naja siamensis). The cytotoxicity of CLBP toward FL cells was one order of magnitude lower than those of cytotoxins. The amino acid sequence was determined by a combination of conventional methods. The total number of amino acid residues was 62, giving a molecular mass of 6977 Da. The sequence at residues 25–30 in the CLBP molecule was found to be significantly different from those of cytotoxins. This region might play an important role in the cytotoxic activity of cytotoxins

    Stadies on the seed raising of onion : 1) On the flower period and the flowering behavior 2) On the length of styles and receptive period of pistils

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    1) 葱頭の開花は5月31日に始まつて6月28日に終り,従つて開花期間は29日間であつた. 2) その中で開花数の多かつたのは,6月8日から22日の15日間で全開花数の84.9%であつた. 3) 開花は開花前日及び開花当日の日照量によつて影響されるものの如くである. 4) 1花球に於て最も多く咲いた花数雄842で平均は291であつた. 5) 1花球当りの開花数の多いものは,開花始めも早く,開花期間も長い. 1) 葱頭の花柱の伸長竝に雌蘂の授精力保有期間について実験した. 2) 葱頭の花柱は開花後徐々に伸長するが,その伸長は変異があり,一定の傾向は見られなかつた.最大の長さに達するのは,開花の翌日以後であつて,又葯が全部開葯してからであつた. 3) 雌蘂の授精力は開花2日目より生じ,6日目に終つた. 4) 結局,形態的にも,機能的にも葱頽の雌蘂は開花当日には成熟していなくて,雄蘂先熟の性質をもつていた

    Studies on the Thickening Growth of Melon Fruits. : I. On the Honey Dew and New Melon.

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    1)本実験はメロン及び甜瓜類の果実の発育特に果肉部における細胞分裂の状態を観察するために,ハネデュー,ニューメロンの2品種を用いて行つた. 2)ハネデューにおける反曲点は謝花後5日目位にあつて,反曲点以前の方向指数αは0.215にして細胞分裂が行われておることを示し,反曲点以後のαは1.0105で細胞分裂は認められ無い.反曲点における果径(横)は29.65mm,細胞の大きさは53.09μであつた. 3)ニューメロンにおいては,反曲点は謝花後3~4日目の間にあつて,反曲点以前の方向指数αは0.3043で細胞分裂が行われておることを示し,反曲点以後のαは0.8825で細胞分裂は行われていないものと推定出来る.反曲点における果径(横)は18.86mm,細胞の大きさは54.79μであつた. 4)ハネデューの果肉がニューメロンのそれと比較して遥かに厚いのは,ハネデューはニューメロンに比較して,果肉細胞数が多く,又細胞も大きいためである

    Detection of oncogene rearrangements in human non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.

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    Southern blot hybridization was used to detect the rearrangement and amplification of five proto-oncogenes (bcl-2, bcl-1, c-myc, c-myb and c-Ha-ras) and one tumor suppressor gene (RB-1) in 55 Japanese patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; 16 with T-cell lymphomas and 39 with B-cell lymphomas (7 follicular and 32 diffuse lymphomas). Genetic abnormalities of the proto-oncogenes were detected in 7 of the 55 (13%). Genetic abnormalities of bcl-2 plus other genes were detected in 5 of 7 cases of follicular lymphoma (71%), rearrangements of bcl-2 and c-myc, rearrangement of bcl-2 and amplification of c-myb. Genetic abnormalities were observed in only three cases of diffuse lymphoma. In each of 3 cases of B-cell lymphoma, one of the genes, blc-2 mbr, bcl-2 mcr and c-myc, was rearranged respectively. The incidence of genetic abnormalities in diffuse lymphomas (6.3%) was lower than that in follicular lymphomas. None of diffuse lymphomas had double oncogene abnormality. No abnormalities were found in RB-1, bcl-1, and Ha-ras. These findings suggest that follicular lymphomas are associated with some abnormalities of oncogenes not restricted to bcl-2 that facilitate growth which may be associated with their clinical features.</p

    Verruca on the Fruit of Melon : 1) The Formation of Verruca due to the Artificial Treatment and its Anatomical Observation

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    1.Honey Dewメロンの果実の表面に現われる疣状突起を人為的に起させ,その発生経過を観察すると共に解剖学的に追求した.2.若い果実の表皮に軽い摩擦処理を施し室内においたものには,処理後2日において暗色の斑点を生じた.これは栽培中に生じた疣状突起の初期の変化と同様であつた.3.処理果を湿室に入れると斑点はできなかつた.4.暗色に変つた部分は表皮下0.5~0.8mm位の深さの組織は水浸状を呈していた.これが斑点の原因である.5.斑点部においては表皮下に木化細胞が現れるが,その現われ方は最初斑点部の各所に独立的に発生して出来た木化細胞群が,拡大によつて癒合し複雑な形態をとるようになる.6.木化は損傷を受けた毛茸の基部より起こり,主としてHypodermisの最外層に拡がるが数層に及ぶ団塊状をなすこともある.7.斑点部は果実が完熟するまで発達し疣状突起となるが,よく発達した突起部の先端にはコルク形成層が作られ,コルクを表面に増生する.8.結局,メロンの疣状突起は果実の毛茸の損害が直接原因であり,これに空中湿度等が関係して起るものと思われる