8 research outputs found

    Alat Ukur Tinggi Dan Massa Badan Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega 8535

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    This combination; Automatic mass and high measurement device based on microcontroller ATMega 8535, is a combination which can measure for high and mass digitally. This combination consist of some blocks, power supply 5V and there are 2 censors; ultrasonic and optocoupler which is an input of this device, and microcontroller ATMega 8535 is as a program controller and LCD is as presenter. Censor ultrasonic HSCR-04 will detect things surrounding censor, censor radiator will send ultrasonic phase. If ultrasonic phase bounches back to the receiver, it means there is an object surroundings censor and optocoupler censor will count the hole in analog weights. Then, the second result is sent to microcontroller to be calculated to LCD to be shown. Keywords

    Prototipe Alat Pengukur Suhu Panas (Hot Point) Pada Peralatan Gardu Induk Pln Secara Wireless Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 8535

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    Lately, the problem of hot point on substation equipment in PLN be an interesting thing to say. Mainly about heat problem which is uncontrolled and unable to be checked continually, this issue deals with the system's safety and reliability that happens in the substation To overcome this issue, study on the solution which is by making a prototype device to measure real time temperature or hot point continually and by using wireless has been held. This device uses ATMEGA 8535 and heat sensor TPA 81 then it sends the data bay FM signal and later on, this data can be shown and save in computer Using the prototype, the problem that PLN faces these days can be solved, because this prototype device can monitor the hot point change continually and real tim

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pemanas Air Dan Konservasi Energi Pada Mesin Pendingin Ac 1pk

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    Presidential Instruction recently about saving and energt efficiency, it is necessary that efforts should be made to support the program. In energy savings in the household sector can be done in various wavs from the smallest thing turning off lights that are not necessary to the utilization of waste heatfrom air conditioning to hot water purposes. Alternative technologies, the heat energy generated by the air conditioning unit is the potential energy that can be utilized to get hot water for free. Given theclimate in Indonesia is quite hot, many hospitals, hotels, residential upper middle or apartment is equipped with air-conditioning and heat generated in the cooling system is disposed into the environment. Infact. the heat energy can be used for heating water can be usedf or water bath or otherpurposes. It is necessary to develop a means of combined cooling and heating water. These devices are expected simultaneously to increase comfort and save energy

    Pengaruh Over Eksitasi Pada Transformator Distribusi Di Gardu Induk Serpong Terhadap Penuaan Isolasi Kertas Ditinjau Dari Sisi Termal

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    Distribution of electricity to consumers through some process that begins from power plants to substations supplied (sub-station), then lowered into the substation -a low-voltage distribution substations. The distance is too far between the point on the voltage distribution in particular between the IBT to the parent distribution substation secondary voltage drop triggers, It is as well as on the distance between new or IBT IBT cilegon Gandul to trigger serpong substation secondary voltage drop at substation serpong.To stabilize the voltage of the secondary to the primary voltage on distribution transformer tap changer operation. Problems arise when the tap changer to operate too much will lead to the over-excitation of the distribution transformer. The side effects of the over-excitation also trigger an increase in temperature of the thermal transformer, so the effect on the components within it, is no exception to the isolation of paper inthe process of thermal temperature rise is accelerating aging insulating paper it self. The exixtence of aging insulating paper must be accompanied by the estimated number of clear that the replacement of aging insulating paper on time, so it requires the calculation of accurate data on the thermal temperature kenaiakan to aging transformer paper insulation

    Rancang Bangun Solar Power Meter Berbasis Arduino Uno dengan Data Logger untuk Pengukuran Insolasi dan Iradiasi Sinar Matahari

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    In planning the installation of solar panels at a location, it is necessary to have solar irradiance data at that location. Solar irradiance data is obtained through direct measurements using a solar irradiance meter. Solar irradiance measuring instruments usually use one of three types of sensors, including thermopile (pyranometer), solar cells, or photodiodes. Each has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of solar cell sensors are that they have a Faster response to sunlight, are more in line with the production of energy produced by solar panels and have a more economical price compared to other sensors. Solar irradiance is directly proportional to the short-circuit current of the solar cell. The aim of this research is to design an Arduino Uno-based device to measure the insolation and irradiance of sunlight, equipped with a data logger to support data analysis. The solar power meter is designed using a solar cell reference with a short circuit current of 455 mA. The microcontroller board used is Arduino UNO ATmega328 while the current sensor used is WCS2801 with a sensitivity of 2mA/mV. Irradiation, current and insolation data are recorded and stored every minute using a datalogger to SD card with a capacity of 16 GB. the average of % error when testing the comparison of readings with photodiode-based solar power meter is 1.747%. The highest point of sun insolation is 5.56.kWh/m2 during three-day period of data logging and it is achieved when solar cell is positioned horizontally on the terrace