399 research outputs found

    Liberation Theology and Catholic Social Teaching

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    The affinities as well as the distinguishing features of two accounts of the socio-poliitcal dimensions of the gospel are here examined, in the light of the apparent marginalisation of the 'social question' in the post-conciliar Church. How can these two discourses re-engage with contemporary debate? The concern of philosophers such as Giorgio Agamben with the notion of a 'state of exception', and the idea of a 'realistic utopia' being propounded by post-Rawlsian theorists of economic and social justice, offer two opportunities for this

    Eucharist and Sacrifice

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    An exploration of different understandings of 'sacrifice' by Christian theologians, and how these affect our understanding of the eucharist, especially in the light of the mimetic of Rene Girard

    Who Really Benefits from Agricultural Subsidies? Evidence from Field-Level Data

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    The idea that agricultural subsidies are fully capitalized into farmland values forms the foundation of the argument that subsidies are entitlements and removing them would drastically reduce farmland asset values. Surprisingly little evidence substantiates this claim. Using field-level data and explicitly controlling for potentially confounding variables we find that landlords only capture between 14 – 24 cents of the marginal subsidy dollar. The duration of the rental arrangement has a substantial effect on the incidence. Initially, landlords extract 44 cents of the marginal subsidy dollar, but the incidence falls by 1.5 cents with each additional year of the rental arrangement. This duration effect reveals that rental market frictions play an important role in the farmland rental market.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Liability for Personal Injuries Caused by Use and Occupation of Real Estate

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    Liability for Personal Injurie


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    Adolescence is a developmental period characterized by maturation across multiple domains. This maturation is not without difficulties, however, as adolescents also display increased negative mood, conflict with parents, and risk-taking behaviors. Increased risk-taking is thought to be the byproduct of changes in reward circuits in the brain, and while a solid foundation of research has provided evidence for changes in reward processing during adolescence compared to adulthood, little is known about the changes that occur from childhood into adolescence. The current study addresses this gap in the literature with an investigation of changes in behavioral performance on a reward-processing task using a cross-sectional sample of children and adolescents. Three primary findings emerged from this study. First, adolescents displayed faster reaction times than 8-year-olds. Second, subjects responded faster and more accurately on trials with greater potential rewards. Finally, individual differences were related to reward sensitivity, reaction times, and response accuracies

    Production Effects of Decoupled Commodity Program Payments: An Instrumental Variables Approach

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    Instrumental Variables, IV, Policy, Agriculture, Subsidies, Production, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics, Q1, Q12, Q15, Q18,

    Who Really Benefits from Agricultural Subsidies? Evidence from Field-Level Data

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    The idea that agricultural subsidies are fully capitalized into farmland values forms the foundation of the argument that subsidies are entitlements and removing them would drastically reduce farmland asset values. Surprisingly little evidence substantiates this claim. Using field-level data and explicitly controlling for potentially confounding variables we find that landlords only capture between 14 – 24 cents of the marginal subsidy dollar. The duration of the rental arrangement has a substantial effect on the incidence. Initially, landlords extract 44 cents of the marginal subsidy dollar, but the incidence falls by 1.5 cents with each additional year of the rental arrangement. This duration effect reveals that rental market frictions play an important role in the farmland rental market
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