345 research outputs found

    Variability of Microbiota under Diverse Conditions of Soil Moistening

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    Special study on microbiota in hydromorphic soils, which are formed with the participation of natural groundwater. А comparative assessment of the seasonal dynamics of the microbial numbers in communities under conditions of soil irrigation and formation of hydromorphic soils outside the irrigation system

    A connection with parallel totally skew-symmetric torsion on a class of almost hypercomplex manifolds with Hermitian and anti-Hermitian metrics

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    The subject of investigations are the almost hypercomplex manifolds with Hermitian and anti-Hermitian (Norden) metrics. A linear connection D is introduced such that the structure of these manifolds is parallel with respect to D and its torsion is totally skew-symmetric. The class of the nearly Kaehler manifolds with respect to the first almost complex structure is of special interest. It is proved that D has a D-parallel torsion and is weak if it is not flat. Some curvature properties of these manifolds are studied.Comment: 18 page

    The role of “Huainanzi” in the context of Taoism social views

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    This paper examines the social views of late Taoists, the authors of the treatise “Huainanzi”. According to the chapter “Craft of the Ruler”, the basic concepts are determined that describe the relationship between people within the state. In the conditions of the unified political space and synthesis of the philosophical teachings the authors of “Huainanzi” introduce the ideas of “benefit” and “good” into the Taoist social theory. The article shows that from the treatise creators’ point of view, “good” is the result of reasonable social differentiation and labor cooperation. Particular attention is paid to the connection between the notion of “common good” and the dao concept. According to the author, one can talk about a significant shift in social views in the bosom of the Taoist tradition. “Huainanzi” demostrates a gradual departure from the ideals of social and spiritual autonomy to the principles of joint practical activity. A positive outlook on society and the state, which is expressed in “Huainanzi”, has become a hallmark of Han Taoism.Рассматриваются социальные воззрения поздних даосов, авторов трактата «Хуайнань-цзы». На материале главы «Искусство владычествовать» определены основные понятия, описывающие взаимоотношения между людьми в рамках государства. В условиях объединенного политического пространства и синтеза философских учений авторы «Хуайнань-цзы» вводят в даосскую социальную теорию идеи «пользы» и «блага». Показано, что, с точки зрения создателей трактата, «благо» есть результат разумной социальной дифференциации и трудовой кооперации. Особое внима ние уделено соотношению концепции «общего блага» с понятием дао. По мнению автора, можно говорить о существенном сдвиге социальных воззрений в лоне даосской традиции. В «Хуайнань-цзы» мы можем наблюдать постепенный уход от идеалов социальной и духовной автономии к принципам совместной практической деятельности. Выраженный «Хуайнань-цзы» позитивный взгляд на общество и государство стал отличительной чертой ханьского даосизма