381 research outputs found

    Balance of Trade in the Marketplace of Ideas

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    If the Information Systems (IS) field is to exist with other fields in some kind of balance of trade in a marketplace of ideas, the scheme is not working too well, at least when comparing IS with Computer Science (CS). The trade tends to be one-way, from CS to IS. This paper explores why that is the case, and what might be done to change things

    Nothing At The Center?: Academic Legitimacy in the Information Systems Field

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    Researchers in the information system (IS) field have recently called for the field to legitimate itself by erecting a strong theoretical core at its center. This paper examines this proposition, and concludes that it is logically invalid and does not recognize ample evidence to the contrary from the history of other disciplines. We construct a broader concept of academic legitimacy around three drivers: the salience of the issues studied, the production of strong results, and the maintenance of disciplinary plasticity. This analysis suggests that to remain successful, the IS field needs intellectual discipline in boundary spanning across a ¡°market of ideas¡± concerning the application of information technology in human enterprise

    Editors’ Introduction

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    Advanced Technologies: Health Care Anytime... Anywhere?

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    Advanced technology in the medical profession has had a significant impact on the access, efficiency, and cost of health care delivery services over the past decade. Technological advancements in the medical profession can be bucketed into two main categories: mobile and biological/physiological. Some examples of mobile technology include web apps that can monitor a patient’s vital signs remotely and mobile phone attachments that can provide medical imaging data for doctors in the most remote areas of the globe. Remote patient monitoring and the use of mobile health apps to deliver timely, useful information to the patient about their health decision represent a significant shift in health care information delivery. Research conducted with a biological/physiological intent ranging from nanotechnology to molecularly modified proteins and genes designed to provide personalized medicine based on the “context of a patient’s unique biological state.” The health care industry is among the first to develop the semantic web through WC3 which launched the Health Care Life Sciences Interest Group to improve interaction and collaboration through adaptive data mining using the semantic web. “Connected devices” refers to the premise that the semantic web will make the meaningful connections between disparate bits of information through smart and connected devices. EHRs already use APIs (application programming interfaces) to securely share clinical content.https://fuse.franklin.edu/forum-2013/1019/thumbnail.jp

    Globalization of E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in the United States of America

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    The paper outlines a case study of US Ecommerce over the past 5 years. The case describes key factors that position the US for leadership in the realm of global Ecommerce, while pointing out inherent risk areas that could threaten this position. It does so utilizing a list of drivers and inhibitors as the basis for analysis in the context of an overview of the US National Environment; its inherent characteristics and their propensity to promote Ecommerce; the Governmental Policies that serve to enable the diffusion of Ecommerce; the level of Ecommerce Readiness that the US has attained through its infrastructure and societal characteristics; the resulting level of Ecommerce Diffusion and finally the Social and Economic Impacts that Ecommerce has had to date and is expected have in the future
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