1,393 research outputs found

    The Documentary Hypothesis

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    The Message of Zephaniah: An Urgent Echo

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    Telling the Truth About Truth

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    Though the Heavens Fall

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    Adventist universities today are facing an exceptionally difficult challenge. No longer surrounded by a predominantly Christian culture, students enter Adventist universities having been exposed to the ever stronger tide of secularism and moral relativism. These ideologies teach them that there is no need to take a stand for truth since truth is subjective to an individual’s preferences: what one person considers truth, another considers wrong, and nobody has the right to say otherwise. Many students wrestle with the questions that arise as they struggle to reconcile their Christianity with these philosophies. As Adventist educators, we are called to provide a spiritual and moral education to our students. We are to demonstrate to our students what it means to live out our Christian beliefs, to speak the truth in love and not hatred. We are to have the personal touch that Christ had with those who came to Him for help and with those who rejected Him. In short, we are called to pass on the torch of our Seventh-day Adventist heritage to the next generation

    Interprting Old Testament Historical Narrative

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    U svjetlu sveopće rasprostranjenosti povijesnog narativa u Svetom pismu, od vitalne je važnosti ispravno tumačenje ovog žanra ako želimo ispravno razumjeti Riječ Božju. Ovaj rad će navesti i objasniti neke smjernice koje pomažu u tumačenju povijesnih narativnih dijelova Biblije. Osim toga, uključit ćemo i primjer tumačenja povijesnog narativnog dijela iz Knjige o Ruti. Ovaj članak pretpostavlja korištenje općih hermeneutičkih načela primjenjivih na svaki dio Svetog pisma (tj. posjedovanje točnog prijevoda, razumijevanje konteksta, primjenu, itd.). Međutim, posebne su smjernice osobito važne kad se pristupa određenim žanrovima Biblije, a ovdje ćemo izložiti, razraditi i nijansirati te smjernice tako što ćemo se posebno usredotočiti na tumačenje povijesnog narativa. U skladu s tim konceptom, o ovim će se smjernicama prvenstveno raspravljati u odnosu na retke koji se nalaze u „povijesnim knjigama“ Staroga zavjeta, kao što je navedeno u kršćanskom kanonu (knjige od Jošue do Estere). Međutim, one se primjenjuju i na druge povijesne narativne dijelove Svetoga pisma.In light of the pervasiveness of historical narrative in Scripture, it is vital that this genre be interpreted properly if God\u27s Word is to be understood correctly. This article will list and explain some guidelines that are helpful to use when interpreting the historical narrative sections of the Bible. Additionally, we include a sample interpretation of a historical narrative section from the book of Ruth. This article assumes use of the general hermeneutical principles applicable to every portion of Scripture (i.e., having an accurate translation, understanding the context, application, etc. However, specific guidelines are particularly important when approaching certain genres of the Bible, and here we will set forth, develop, and nuance these guidelines in such a way that they focus specifically on the interpretation of historical narrative. In line with the design of this volume, these guidelines will primarily be discussed in relationship to verses found in the "Historical Books" section of the OT, as given in the English canon (the books of Joshua through Esther). However, they also apply to the other historical narrative sections of Scripture

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    Mathematical modelling of tissue-engineering angiogenesis

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    We present a mathematical model for the vascularisation of a porous scaffold following implantation in vivo. The model is given as a set of coupled non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which describe the evolution in time of the amounts of the different tissue constituents inside the scaffold. Bifurcation analyses reveal how the extent of scaffold vascularisation changes as a function of the parameter values. For example, it is shown how the loss of seeded cells arising from slow infiltration of vascular tissue can be overcome using a prevascularisation strategy consisting of seeding the scaffold with vascular cells. Using certain assumptions it is shown how the system can be simplified to one which is partially tractable and for which some analysis is given. Limited comparison is also given of the model solutions with experimental data from the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay