263 research outputs found


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    金沢大学理工研究域電子情報通信学系本研究で明らかにしたことは、以下の機能の実現である。これらの機能を申請者がこれまで開発してきた独居老人介護システムの機能として追加する。1.犯罪/災害を判定するシステムに装備予定の推論システムのスピードを向上させた。2.マルチプルアライメントを応用して、独居老人の生活環境から、未知の機能や状態を予測するために、マルチプルアライメントの最適解探索手法を開発した。3.ペットロボットを用いた感情認識システムを開発した。4.独居老人の行動パターンを分類するために、環境の変化によって生じる複雑な形をした雪の結晶に対応ずけて、類似パターンを生成する手法を開発した。5.独居老人の行動パターンを遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いて予測するために、多様性の維持が必要となり、そのために改善集団と改悪集団による進化的停滞を回避する手法を開発した。6.癒し設備実現のための感情認識システムを開発した。7.独居老人の近い未来の行動予測のためのPSO(粒子群最適化)の改良を試みた。8.超音波センサを用いた浴槽内の異常検知システムを開発した。9.独居老人宅でのセンサエージェントを用いた空気汚染方向診断システムを開発した。10.温度センサと荷重センサを用いた就寝時健康モニタリングシステムを開発した。11.歩行特性に基づく老人歩行支援システムを開発した。12.感覚概念を導入したニオイセンサによる独居老人環境認識システムを開発した。13.マルチエージェントを用いた店舗内老人行動シミュレータを開発した。14.マルチエージェントとニオイセンサを用いて室内空気汚染方向の推定を可能にした。15.風速の変化に伴って植物の生体電位応答が変化することを実証した。16.ゲシュタルト心理学に基づく抽象図形の群化領域の認識方法を開発した。In this research, we executed the foundation of research of the Intelligent Care System of Healing Type for the Aged. The results are as follows.1. State prediction for bather using ultrasonic sensors2. Automatic Generation of MetaData for Semantic Web3. The Straight Walk Support System for Visually Impaired with Walk Characteristics4. New Evaluation for Risk Quantification Needed5. Discovery of Knowledge for Treatment Support of School Phobia6. The Study of an Individual Authentication using Pet Robot7. A Study on Bidding Agent with Price Expectatio for Internet Auction8. DSS for Strategic Arrangement of Goods Shelves in Supermarket9. GENDER DETERMINATION OF PEDESTRIAN USING AREA SCANNER10. A Study on Environment Recognition by Oder Sensor with SenseConcept11. A Study on Recognition of Environment using Sensor-agent with Human Sense12. A Speedup Algorithm for Repetition of Hypothetical Reasoning13. GENDER DETERMINATION OF PEDESTRIAN USING AREA SCANNER14. A Study on a Guardian Distinction System15. A Study on Web Page Search Support System Using Web Annotatio16. Research on Diagnosis Support System of School Phobia17. Prediction Model about Risk Degree for Companies18. Portfolio Selection Using Particle Swarm Optimization19. Identifying System for Cusromer\u27s Gender Using Infrared Area Scanners20. Information Hiding for Hardcopy by Using Cutting Processed Characters and Morse Code.研究課題/領域番号:17500106, 研究期間(年度):2005 – 2006出典:研究課題「独居老人のための癒し型知的介護システム」課題番号17500106(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-17500106/175001062006kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作


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    金沢大学経済学部研究課題/領域番号60780032, 研究期間(年度):1985出典:研究課題「データフロー計算機におけるコード最適化問題の研究」課題番号60780032(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-60780032/)を加工して作


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    金沢大学工学部1.アンモニアセンサ,一酸化炭素ガスセンサ,窒素酸化物センサの各出力を可燃性ガスセンサの出力で割った値(NDV)によりガス状室内空気汚染物を同定した。2.日常時の室内空気汚染度を推論し,測定した空気汚染度と比較ができるシステムを発展させ,信頼度を向上させた。また,外乱にも耐え得るようにした。3.4種類の酸化スズ系ガスセンサに周波数解析法を用いて,人間の就寝中の特性を明らかにした。4.複数の酸化スズ系ガスセンサを用いて,独居老人が平常時と同じパターンで活動しているかどうかを検知するシステムを開発した。5.ガスセンサの出力応答信号から抽出した駆動信号を用いて,人間の振る舞い認知の可能性を示した。6.6種類のガスセンサを用いて,家庭内で発生しやすい9種類のガス状室内空気汚染物を同定し,その内,危険なガスに対しては濃度まで出力するシステムを開発した。Four kinds of tin-oxide gas sensors are installed in a home of a solitary elderly person and the sensor outputs are monitored to know the activity of the aged. These sensors are designed to detect a combustible gas (CGS), ammonia (AMS), carbon monoxide (COS) and nitrogen dioxide (NXS), respectively. As the monitoring results indicate, outputs of the sensors are related with daily living patterns. NDVA indeces especially have periodicity. NDVA is a value which is obtained by an putput of AMS divided by an output of CGS,namely NDVA=V (AMS) /V (CGS). The periodical characteristics indicate the daily living patterns of the aged and the system can judge whether the person has been spending a normal life or not. The indoor activity (IA) is derived as a sum total of square of each slipped value from a mean value of a daily sensor-level. The average of IA is about 12 in the experimental house.研究課題/領域番号:08680428, 研究期間(年度):1996 – 1997出典:研究課題「老人のための介護システム」課題番号08680428(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-08680428/086804281997kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作

    Characteristics of plant bioelectric potential and purification function under LED light

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    金沢大学理工研究域Recently, plant factory has been establishing and takes off in world wide countries. In the plant factory, the growing environment can be controlled and the crop can also be controlled. The products are growing in an enclosed environment, therefore agricultural chemicals has no use. Secure and safe food producing system can be constructed. However, efficient production formula for the plant (for example vegetable) is not defined well. It is an effective way to control the growing environmental factors using physiology information which are directly obtained from the vegetable. Light plays a key role in plant growth. There is a difference in the amount of production due to light frequency. In this study, plant bioelectric potential is examined under light emitting diode (LED) which is used in plant factory. In future, plant physiological function and environmental response can be understood by directly monitoring the bioelectric potential. The relationship between the potential and air purification capability was examined as an environmental response. As for the result, it became obvious that blue and red lights had highly influence. The lights make great contribution to photosynthesis. The characteristic agrees with effective wavelength of photosynthesis

    Inference of S-system models of genetic networks using Product Unit Neural Networks

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    In this study, we proposed the method of inference of genetic networks which expresses the regulation of genes. The proposed method does not solve the differential equations, learns the genetic networks using Product-Unit-Neural- Network (PUNN) and infer the S-system model of genetic networks which describes a set of differential equations. The experimental results show the proposal method is 160 times faster than the previous method which estimated S-system model of genetic networks while maintaining equivalent performance to the previous method. © 2008 IEEE

    Collagen gene expression during chondrogenesis from chick periosteum-derived cells

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    AbstractChick periosteum-derived cells, which do not enter the chondrogenic cell lineage during normal bone development and growth, exhibit chondrogenic potential in high cell density culture conditions. In such cultures, collagen gene expression was temporally analyzed at the mRNA level by a reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) procedure, which showed that α1(II) and α1(IX) collagen mRNAs are coordinately increased, coincident with the onset of overt chondrogenesis, and subsequently decreased as chondrocytes exhibited hypertrophic characteristics. α1(X) collagen mRNA was detected well before the onset of chondrogenesis and markedly increased along with the hypertrophic change. For α2(I) collagen, both the bone/tendon form and the cartilage form of mRNA were detected throughout the culture period. This culture system provides an experimental vehicle capable of investigating the molecular events involved in the full range of chondrogenic differentiation starting from uncommitted periosteum-derived mesenchymal stem cells

    A stochastic dynamic local search method for learning Multiple-Valued Logic networks

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    金沢大学理工研究域電子情報学系In this paper, we propose a stochastic dynamic local search (SDLS) method for Multiple-Valued Logic (MVL) learning by introducing stochastic dynamics into the traditional local search method. The proposed learning network maintains some trends of quick descent to either global minimum or a local minimum, and at the same time has some chance of escaping from local minima by permitting temporary error increases during learning. Thus the network may eventually reach the global minimum state or its best approximation with very high probability. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has the superior abilities to find the global minimum for the MVL network learning within reasonable number of iterations. Copyright © 2007 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    The situation of Ag and Pu radioisotopes in soil released from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants

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    Massive radionuclides were released into the environment due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (FDNPP) accident in March 2011. The concentrations of Pu and 110mAg in a soil sample that was collected in Futaba-machi located at 4 km north-west of FDNPP were measured by α-spectrometry and γ-spectrometry, respectively. The analytical result suggests that Pu isotopes are deposited in the soil as particles with high radioactivity (hot particles), although the 110mAg isotope is deposited uniformly like as Cs isotopes in a soil sample.In Pres