2 research outputs found

    Fabric as a Narrative: Constructing a Global Quilting Tradition

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    OVERVIEW – The tradition of quilting is engaging people of all ages, genders and classes around the globe CULTURE – Quilting empowers women and provides them an outlet for expression MUSEUMS – Museum exhibitions and academics have shown quilting in a different light THE WHITNEY – The exhibition that changed it all IQSC – A strong quilting tradition prompts a couple to let their 900-quilt collection establish a museum AQSG – High standards in quilt-related studies DOCUMENTATION – Preserving and cataloging quilts make sure information is not lost for future generations ART QUILTS – As the perception of quilting changes, the craft is increasingly accepted in the world of art AFRICA – The popularity of quilting, though not a native craft, rises with indigenous people ASIA – A continent with a deep textiles history celebrates culture through fabric JAPAN – Ancient sewing techniques once used to create beautiful kimonos now guide modern-day Japanese quilters EUROPE – Centuries of tradition led contemporary quilters to push for revival WHOLE CLOTH – Tradition in style and detail AUSTRALIA – After a fascinating beginning, Australian quilting continues to use techniques inspired by its surroundings AMERICAS – Immigrants started to shape the American quilt before they finished shaping the country HAWAII – Bold, bright patterns are reflected through the distinct appliqué style of Hawaiian quilts AFRICAN AMERICAN – Pieces made with purpose convey meaning through strong patterns and bold colors BUSINESS – Love of the craft guides business owners to provide quilters with tools OUTREACH – Quilting as a form of outreach goes beyond state boundaries and spans generations and continents as people worldwide use quilts to connect with others AIDS QUILT – Piece-by-piece, a quilt is formed by victims’ families and friends to create a fabric legacy YOUNG QUILTERS – Established quilters strive to garner interest from a younger generation A non-optimized version of the PDF file (210 MB) is attached below as an Additional file

    Renovating the Republic: Unified Germany confronts its history – both deep and recent – as it defines itself for the 21st century

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    Germany and America go way back. German soldiers fought in the American Revolutionary War, and German settlers already had begun finding their way to America before the colonies became a nation. By the 1850s, many Germans had settled in the Midwest, and they followed the frontier west to the Great Plains. Germans were the largest group of immigrants arriving in Nebraska between 1854 and 1894, and by 1900, almost 20 percent of the state was first- and second-generation Germans. For the past year, a group of University of Nebraska-Lincoln journalism students has closely examined this foreign country that, perhaps more than any other, helped shape the Cornhusker State. In January, 13 students spent 10 days in Berlin, interviewing Germans in government offices and nightclubs, at universities and mosques. To a large extent, what they found was a tale of two 9/11’s. Without question, Germany’s long and complicated relationship with the United States – as a source of substantial immigration, as an enemy in two world wars and as a key ally in a protracted East-West Cold War – was changed by the events of Sept. 11, 2001. Germany, less inclined to rely on military power to solve international crises, supported U.S. moves in Afghanistan but not in Iraq, straining relations with the U.S. Since then, Germany’s own security has been tested by global terrorism. But there was an earlier, even more profound 9/11 for Germany. On Nov. 9, 1989 – which, when written European-style, with the day before the month, becomes 9.11.1989 – Germans began tearing down the Berlin Wall. When the dust settled, the Soviet Union was gone, and Germany – split into East and West for 40 years – was reunited. These two dates – British writer Timothy Garton Ash argues that one marks the end of the 20th century and the other the beginning of the 21st – color nearly everything happening today in Germany. Our students’ work was aided immensely by Germany’s Goethe-Institut, especially our Berlin tour guides Gerrit Book and Anna Held, and by the German Foreign Office, which assisted with travel expenses. We would also like to thank Viola Drath for her help and inspiration, and Wolfgang Drautz, consul general, and Winfried Völkering, vice consul, in the German Consulate General in Chicago. Contents Opening Essay: The Road to Rebirth Culture: Endless Possibilities Economy: Struggle for Success Health Care: Splintered Coverage Social Market: Cornerstone of a Democracy Currency: All About Change Military: Beyond Their Borders Checkpoint Charlie: From Tanks to Tourism Terrorism: A New Sense of Urgency Religion: Living Side by Side Government and Religion: Assessing Religion Memorials: Monumental Debate Immigration: No Place to Call Home Citizenship: Seeking Acceptance Education: Failing Grade Kennedy School: Bridging the Divide Universities: Change in Focus Women: Redefining Their Roles European Union: Coming Together A non-optimized version of the PDF file (170 MB) is attached below as an “Additional file.