13 research outputs found
A Case Report of a Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma in a T-cell Receptor β Chain and p53 Double-knockout Mouse
A subcutaneous tumor was found in the right abdomen of a 16-week-old male TCRβ and p53
double-knockout mouse. The tumor had indistinct borders with the surrounding tissue. The
cut surface after formalin fixation was pale yellowish white, partially dark red and
partly white. Histologically, the tumor was composed of three distinct regions. The first
region showed pleomorphic cells arranged in sheets. The second region showed spindle cells
arranged in interlacing fascicles. The final region contained a mixture of the above
mentioned two types of cells. Furthermore, a small amount of collagen fibers, round cells,
multinucleated giant cells, and cells with eosinophilic granules were observed between
these tumor cells. Immunohistochemical examination and electron microscopy identified that
the pleomorphic cells and spindle cells were histiocytes and fibroblasts, respectively,
and that the round cells were undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. Based on these findings,
the tumor was diagnosed as a malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Identification of oral isolates based on 16S-rDNA partial sequencing.
<p>Identification of oral isolates based on 16S-rDNA partial sequencing.</p
Screening of human oral probiotic candidates with potential oral health benefits and no harmful effects.
<p>Screening of human oral probiotic candidates with potential oral health benefits and no harmful effects.</p
Adherence of oral LAB isolates to two different human oral epithelial cells.
<p>The adherence of 206 LAB (62 lactobacilli and 144 streptococci) isolates was evaluated on cell sheets of HO and HSC cells derived from human buccal and tongue tissue, respectively, i<i>n vitro</i>. The number of adhering cells was averaged for 6 different fields per well. <i>L</i>. <i>crispatus</i> YIT 12319 (*1) and <i>L</i>. <i>fermentum</i> LBS 17–31 (*2) show higher adherence activity to HSC cells. <i>S</i>. <i>mitis</i> MS 21–11 (*3) and <i>S</i>. <i>salivarius</i> MS 07–22 show higher adherence activity to HO cells.</p
Utilization of sucrose for growth of <i>L</i>. <i>gasseri</i> YIT 12321.
<p>Three strains of <i>L</i>. <i>gasseri</i> (2 clinical isolates and 1 type strain) grown in 3 different media: ILS broth without lactose, ILS containing lactose, and ILS containing sucrose instead of lactose. The degree of growth of each strain was evaluated by the O.D. 660 nm value.</p
Ability of oral isolates to produce VSCs and WIG.
<p><sup>a</sup>VSC (volatile sulfur compound) production <i>in vitro</i> was evaluated with an OralChroma. −, < detection limit; +/−, produced H<sub>2</sub>S < 0.7 μg/10 mL/1 OD<sub>550</sub> or CH<sub>3</sub>SH < 1.17 μg/10 mL/1 OD<sub>550</sub>; +, produced H<sub>2</sub>S > 0.7 μg/10 mL/1 OD<sub>550</sub> or CH<sub>3</sub>SH > 1.17 μg/10 mL/1 OD<sub>550</sub>; (CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SH was below the detection limit in all strains.</p><p><sup>b</sup>WIG (water-insoluble glucan) production <i>in vitro</i>: −, non-producer; +/−, attachment of bacterial cells; +, producer.</p><p>Ability of oral isolates to produce VSCs and WIG.</p
Potential to induce experimental infective endocarditis of oral LAB isolates.
<p>The potential to induce experimental infective endocarditis of 14 LAB (4 lactobacilli and 10 streptococci) isolates was evaluated in a rat model. The inducing potential was judged as positive when the bacteria administered were detected in either the blood or vegetation in more than 2 rats per group (6–7 rats). Rows in which there are less than 6 rats in a group show death due to either a technical mishap or infection during the experiment.</p><p><sup>a</sup>Averaged value of the number of detected bacteria.</p><p><sup>b</sup>Positive control.</p><p><sup>c</sup>Below the detection limit.</p><p>Potential to induce experimental infective endocarditis of oral LAB isolates.</p
List of probiotic candidates selected from oral LAB isolates.
<p><sup>a</sup><i>Pg</i>, <i>P</i>. <i>gingivalis</i> ATCC 33277; <i>Pi</i>, <i>P</i>. <i>intermedia</i> ATCC 25611; <i>Sm</i>, <i>S</i>. <i>mutans</i> ATCC 25175; <i>Ss</i>, <i>S</i>. <i>sobrinus</i> ATCC 33478; <i>Aa</i>, <i>A</i>. <i>actinomycetemcomitans</i> Y4.</p><p><sup>b</sup>(−); Without neutralization, (+); with neutralization.</p><p><sup>c</sup>S-HA; salivary-coated hydroxylapatite.</p><p><sup>d</sup>Cells originating from human buccal mucosa carcinoma.</p><p><sup>e</sup>Cells originating from human tongue carcinoma.</p><p>List of probiotic candidates selected from oral LAB isolates.</p