74 research outputs found

    High-Throughput Identification and Screening of Novel Methylobacterium Species Using Whole-Cell MALDI-TOF/MS Analysis

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    Methylobacterium species are ubiquitous α-proteobacteria that reside in the phyllosphere and are fed by methanol that is emitted from plants. In this study, we applied whole-cell matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis (WC-MS) to evaluate the diversity of Methylobacterium species collected from a variety of plants. The WC-MS spectrum was reproducible through two weeks of cultivation on different media. WC-MS spectrum peaks of M. extorquens strain AM1 cells were attributed to ribosomal proteins, but those were not were also found. We developed a simple method for rapid identification based on spectra similarity. Using all available type strains of Methylobacterium species, the method provided a certain threshold similarity value for species-level discrimination, although the genus contains some type strains that could not be easily discriminated solely by 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. Next, we evaluated the WC-MS data of approximately 200 methylotrophs isolated from various plants with MALDI Biotyper software (Bruker Daltonics). Isolates representing each cluster were further identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In most cases, the identification by WC-MS matched that by sequencing, and isolates with unique spectra represented possible novel species. The strains belonging to M. extorquens, M. adhaesivum, M. marchantiae, M. komagatae, M. brachiatum, M. radiotolerans, and novel lineages close to M. adhaesivum, many of which were isolated from bryophytes, were found to be the most frequent phyllospheric colonizers. The WC-MS technique provides emerging high-throughputness in the identification of known/novel species of bacteria, enabling the selection of novel species in a library and identification without 16S rRNA gene sequencing

    Novel Self-Transmissible and Broad-Host-Range Plasmids Exogenously Captured From Anaerobic Granules or Cow Manure

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    Novel self-transmissible plasmids were exogenously captured from environmental samples by triparental matings with pBBR1MCS-2 as a mobilizable plasmid and Pseudomonas resinovorans as a recipient. A total of 272 recipients were successfully obtained as plasmid host candidates from granules of an anaerobic methane fermentation plant and from cow manure. The whole nucleotide sequences of six plasmids were determined, including one IncP-1 plasmid (pSN1104-59), four PromA-like plasmids (pSN1104-11, pSN1104-34, pSN0729-62, and pSN0729-70), and one novel plasmid (pSN1216-29), whose incompatibility group has not been previously identified. No previously known antibiotic resistance genes were found in these plasmids. In-depth phylogenetic analyses showed that the PromA-like plasmids belong to subgroups of PromA (designated as PromAγ and PromAδ) different from previously proposed subgroups PromAα and PromAβ. Twenty-four genes were identified as backbone genes by comparisons with other PromA plasmids. The nucleotide sequences of pSN1216-29 share high identity with those found in clinical isolates. A minireplicon of pSN1216-29 was successfully constructed from repA encoding a replication initiation protein and oriV. All the captured plasmids were found to have a broad host range and could be transferred to and replicated in different classes of Proteobacteria. Notably, repA and oriV of pSN1216-29 showed high similarity with one of two replication systems of pSRC119-A/C, known as a plasmid with multidrug resistance genes found in Salmonella enterica serovar Senftenberg. Our findings suggest that these “cryptic” but broad-host-range plasmids may be important for spreading several genes as “vehicles” in a wider range of bacteria in natural environments

    A Bacterial Biosensor for Oxidative Stress Using the Constitutively Expressed Redox-Sensitive Protein roGFP2

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    A highly specific, high throughput-amenable bacterial biosensor for chemically induced cellular oxidation was developed using constitutively expressed redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein roGFP2 in E. coli (E. coli-roGFP2). Disulfide formation between two key cysteine residues of roGFP2 was assessed using a double-wavelength ratiometric approach. This study demonstrates that only a few minutes were required to detect oxidation using E. coli-roGFP2, in contrast to conventional bacterial oxidative stress sensors. Cellular oxidation induced by hydrogen peroxide, menadione, sodium selenite, zinc pyrithione, triphenyltin and naphthalene became detectable after 10 seconds and reached the maxima between 80 to 210 seconds, contrary to Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ and sodium arsenite, which induced the oxidation maximum immediately. The lowest observable effect concentrations (in ppm) were determined as 1.0 × 10−7 (arsenite), 1.0 × 10−4 (naphthalene), 1.0 × 10−4 (Cu2+), 3.8 × 10−4 (H2O2), 1.0 × 10−3 (Cd2+), 1.0 × 10−3 (Zn2+), 1.0 × 10−2 (menadione), 1.0 (triphenyltin), 1.56 (zinc pyrithione), 3.1 (selenite) and 6.3 (Pb2+), respectively. Heavy metal-induced oxidation showed unclear response patterns, whereas concentration-dependent sigmoid curves were observed for other compounds. In vivo GSH content and in vitro roGFP2 oxidation assays together with E. coli-roGFP2 results suggest that roGFP2 is sensitive to redox potential change and thiol modification induced by environmental stressors. Based on redox-sensitive technology, E. coli-roGFP2 provides a fast comprehensive detection system for toxicants that induce cellular oxidation

    Practical Application of Methanol-Mediated Mutualistic Symbiosis between Methylobacterium Species and a Roof Greening Moss, Racomitrium japonicum

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    Bryophytes, or mosses, are considered the most maintenance-free materials for roof greening. Racomitrium species are most often used due to their high tolerance to desiccation. Because they grow slowly, a technology for forcing their growth is desired. We succeeded in the efficient production of R. japonicum in liquid culture. The structure of the microbial community is crucial to stabilize the culture. A culture-independent technique revealed that the cultures contain methylotrophic bacteria. Using yeast cells that fluoresce in the presence of methanol, methanol emission from the moss was confirmed, suggesting that it is an important carbon and energy source for the bacteria. We isolated Methylobacterium species from the liquid culture and studied their characteristics. The isolates were able to strongly promote the growth of some mosses including R. japonicum and seed plants, but the plant-microbe combination was important, since growth promotion was not uniform across species. One of the isolates, strain 22A, was cultivated with R. japonicum in liquid culture and in a field experiment, resulting in strong growth promotion. Mutualistic symbiosis can thus be utilized for industrial moss production

    Flow Cytometry Analysis of Changes in the DNA Content of the Polychlorinated Biphenyl Degrader Comamonas testosteroni TK102: Effect of Metabolites on Cell-Cell Separation

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    Flow cytometry was used to monitor changes in the DNA content of the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-degrading bacterium Comamonas testosteroni TK102 during growth in the presence or absence of PCBs. In culture medium without PCBs, the majority of stationary-phase cells contained a single chromosome. In the presence of PCBs, the percentage of cells containing two chromosomes increased from 12% to approximately 50%. In contrast, addition of PCBs did not change the DNA contents of three species that are unable to degrade PCBs. In addition, highly chlorinated PCBs that are not degraded by TK102 did not result in a change in the DNA content. These results suggest that PCBs did not affect the DNA content of the cells directly; rather, the intermediate metabolites resulting from the degradation of PCBs caused the increase in DNA content. To study the effect of intermediate metabolites on the DNA content of the cells, four bph genes, bphA1, bphB, bphC, and bphD, were disrupted by gene replacement. The resulting mutant strains accumulated intermediate metabolites when they were grown in the presence of PCBs or biphenyl (BP). When the bphB gene was disrupted, the percentage of cells containing two chromosomes increased in cultures grown with PCBs or BP. When grown with BP, cultures of this mutant accumulated two intermediate metabolites, 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-OHBP) and 3-OHBP. Addition of 2- or 3-OHBP to a wild-type TK102 and non-PCB-degrading species culture also resulted in an increase in the percentage of cells containing two chromosomes. Electron microscopy revealed that cell-cell separation was inhibited in this culture. This is the first report that hydroxy-BPs can inhibit bacterial cell separation while allowing continued DNA replication

    A Rotational Slurry Bioreactor Accelerates Biodegradation of A-Fuel in Oil-Contaminated Soil Even under Low Temperature Conditions

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    An effective bioaugmentation system for oil-contaminated soil under low-temperature conditions was developed with a rotational slurry bioreactor. Mixtures of two Rhodococcus oil-degraders, strain A and C, which are officially permitted to be used in bioaugmentation in Japan, were inoculated and A-fuel oil was added to a final concentration of 2500 and 5000 mg/kg-slurry. Decomposition tests were carried out for the inoculated samples and non-inoculated samples by rotating at 15 °C, the annual average temperature of Japan. The residue of A-fuel oil and the number of bacteria were measured every two days. After 6 days of treatment, more than 95% of the oil was removed in the inoculated samples, which was more than three times faster than a previous degradation experiment without rotation. A semi-continuous treatment was performed by removing 90% of the treated slurry, then adding the same amount of contaminated slurry into the system without additional degraders. Ninety-four percent of A-fuel oil was successfully degraded after 6 days by this repeated treatment. This could drastically reduce the cost of preparing the degraders. Strikingly, semi-continuous treatment showed oil removal in the non-inoculated samples, indicating that the rotational slurry conditions could efficiently promote biodegradation by indigenous degraders. Our rotational slurry bioreactor accelerated the removal of oil contamination without adding further degraders provides an efficient and cost-effective method of removal of A-fuel oil using a semi-continuous system, which can be used in practical applications in areas with a cooler climate

    Analysis of Amino Acid Residues Involved in Catalysis of Polyethylene Glycol Dehydrogenase from Sphingopyxis terrae, Using Three-Dimensional Molecular Modeling-Based Kinetic Characterization of Mutants

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    Polyethylene glycol dehydrogenase (PEGDH) from Sphingopyxis terrae (formerly Sphingomonas terrae) is composed of 535 amino acid residues and one flavin adenine dinucleotide per monomer protein in a homodimeric structure. Its amino acid sequence shows 28.5 to 30.5% identity with glucose oxidases from Aspergillus niger and Penicillium amagasakiense. The ADP-binding site and the signature 1 and 2 consensus sequences of glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductases are present in PEGDH. Based on three-dimensional molecular modeling and kinetic characterization of wild-type PEGDH and mutant PEGDHs constructed by site-directed mutagenesis, residues potentially involved in catalysis and substrate binding were found in the vicinity of the flavin ring. The catalytically important active sites were assigned to His-467 and Asn-511. One disulfide bridge between Cys-379 and Cys-382 existed in PEGDH and seemed to play roles in both substrate binding and electron mediation. The Cys-297 mutant showed decreased activity, suggesting the residue's importance in both substrate binding and electron mediation, as well as Cys-379 and Cys-382. PEGDH also contains a motif of a ubiquinone-binding site, and coenzyme Q(10) was utilized as an electron acceptor. Thus, we propose several important amino acid residues involved in the electron transfer pathway from the substrate to ubiquinone