177 research outputs found

    Automatic Code Placement Alternatives for Ad-Hoc And Sensor Networks

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    Developing applications for ad-hoc and sensor networks poses significant challenges. Many interesting applications in these domains entail collaboration between components distributed throughout an ad-hoc network. Defining these components, optimally placing them on nodes in the ad-hoc network and relocating them in response to changes is a fundamental problem faced by such applications. Manual approaches to code and data migration are not only platform-dependent and error-prone, but also needlessly complicate application development. Further, locally optimal decisions made by applications that share the same network can lead to globally unstable and energy inefficient behavior. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of a distributed operating system for ad-hoc and sensor networks whose goal is to enable power-aware, adaptive, and easy-to-develop ad-hoc networking applications. Our system achieves this goal by providing a single system image of a unified Java virtual machine to applications over an ad-hoc collection of heterogeneous nodes. It automatically and transparently partitions applications into components and dynamically finds a placement of these components on nodes within the ad-hoc network to reduce energy consumption and increase system longevity. This paper outlines the design of our system and evaluates two practical, power-aware, online algorithms for object placement that form the core of our system. We demonstrate that our algorithms can increase system longevity by a factor of four to five by effectively distributing energy consumption, and are suitable for use in an energy efficient operating system in which applications are distributed automatically and transparently

    Relaxation in Conformal Field Theory, Hawking-Page Transition, and Quasinormal/Normal Modes

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    We study the process of relaxation back to thermal equilibrium in (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional conformal field theory at finite temperature. When the size of the system is much larger than the inverse temperature, perturbations decay exponentially with time. On the other hand, when the inverse temperature is large, the relaxation is oscillatory with characteristic period set by the size of the system. We then analyse the intermediate regime in two specific models, namely free fermions, and a strongly coupled large k\tt k conformal field theory which is dual to string theory on (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime. In the latter case, there is a sharp transition between the two regimes in the k={\tt k}=\infty limit, which is a manifestation of the gravitational Hawking-Page phase transition. In particular, we establish a direct connection between quasinormal and normal modes of the gravity system, and the decaying and oscillating behaviour of the conformal field theory.Comment: 10 pages, latex, no figure

    STM Spectroscopy of ultra-flat graphene on hexagonal boron nitride

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    Graphene has demonstrated great promise for future electronics technology as well as fundamental physics applications because of its linear energy-momentum dispersion relations which cross at the Dirac point. However, accessing the physics of the low density region at the Dirac point has been difficult because of the presence of disorder which leaves the graphene with local microscopic electron and hole puddles, resulting in a finite density of carriers even at the charge neutrality point. Efforts have been made to reduce the disorder by suspending graphene, leading to fabrication challenges and delicate devices which make local spectroscopic measurements difficult. Recently, it has been shown that placing graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) yields improved device performance. In this letter, we use scanning tunneling microscopy to show that graphene conforms to hBN, as evidenced by the presence of Moire patterns in the topographic images. However, contrary to recent predictions, this conformation does not lead to a sizable band gap due to the misalignment of the lattices. Moreover, local spectroscopy measurements demonstrate that the electron-hole charge fluctuations are reduced by two orders of magnitude as compared to those on silicon oxide. This leads to charge fluctuations which are as small as in suspended graphene, opening up Dirac point physics to more diverse experiments than are possible on freestanding devices.Comment: Nature Materials advance online publication 13/02/201

    Ultrafast optical control of entanglement between two quantum dot spins

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    The interaction between two quantum bits enables entanglement, the two-particle correlations that are at the heart of quantum information science. In semiconductor quantum dots much work has focused on demonstrating single spin qubit control using optical techniques. However, optical control of entanglement of two spin qubits remains a major challenge for scaling from a single qubit to a full-fledged quantum information platform. Here, we combine advances in vertically-stacked quantum dots with ultrafast laser techniques to achieve optical control of the entangled state of two electron spins. Each electron is in a separate InAs quantum dot, and the spins interact through tunneling, where the tunneling rate determines how rapidly entangling operations can be performed. The two-qubit gate speeds achieved here are over an order of magnitude faster than in other systems. These results demonstrate the viability and advantages of optically controlled quantum dot spins for multi-qubit systems.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Transfer of molecular recognition information from DNA nanostructures to gold nanoparticles

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    DNA nanotechnology offers unparalleled precision and programmability for the bottom-up organization of materials. This approach relies on pre-assembling a DNA scaffold, typically containing hundreds of different strands, and using it to position functional components. A particularly attractive strategy is to employ DNA nanostructures not as permanent scaffolds, but as transient, reusable templates to transfer essential information to other materials. To our knowledge, this approach, akin to top-down lithography, has not been examined. Here we report a molecular printing strategy that chemically transfers a discrete pattern of DNA strands from a three-dimensional DNA structure to a gold nanoparticle. We show that the particles inherit the DNA sequence configuration encoded in the parent template with high fidelity. This provides control over the number of DNA strands and their relative placement, directionality and sequence asymmetry. Importantly, the nanoparticles produced exhibit the site-specific addressability of DNA nanostructures, and are promising components for energy, information and biomedical applications

    The Chemical Composition of Two Supergiants in the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy WLM

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    [Abridged] The chemical composition of two stars in WLM has been determined from high quality UVES data obtained at the VLT UT2 (program 65.N-0375). The model atmospheres analysis shows that they have the same metallicity, [Fe/H] = -0.38 +/-0.20, and [Mg/Fe] = -0.24 +/-0.16. This result suggests that the [alpha(Mg)/Fe] ratio in WLM may be suppressed relative to solar abundances (also supported by differential abundances relative to similar stars in NGC6822 and the SMC). The absolute Mg abundance, [Mg/H] = -0.62 is high relative to what is expected from the nebulae though, where two independent spectroscopic analyses of the HII regions in WLM yield [O/H] = -0.89. Intriguingly, the oxygen abundance determined from the OI 6158 feature in one WLM star is [O/H] = -0.21 +/-0.10, corresponding to five times higher than the nebular oxygen abundance. This is the first time that a significant difference between young stellar and nebular oxygen abundances has been found, and presently, there is no simple explanation for this difference. If the stellar abundances reflect the true composition of WLM, then this galaxy lies well above the metallicity-luminosity relationship for dwarf irregular galaxies. It also suggests that WLM is more chemically evolved than currently interpreted from its color-magnitude diagram.Comment: 27 pages, 7 tables, 10 figures. accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Increased Monocyte Turnover from Bone Marrow Correlates with Severity of SIV Encephalitis and CD163 Levels in Plasma

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    Cells of the myeloid lineage are significant targets for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in humans and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in monkeys. Monocytes play critical roles in innate and adaptive immunity during inflammation. We hypothesize that specific subsets of monocytes expand with AIDS and drive central nervous system (CNS) disease. Additionally, there may be expansion of cells from the bone marrow through blood with subsequent macrophage accumulation in tissues driving pathogenesis. To identify monocytes that recently emigrated from bone marrow, we used 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling in a longitudinal study of SIV-infected CD8+ T lymphocyte depleted macaques. Monocyte expansion and kinetics in blood was assessed and newly migrated monocyte/macrophages were identified within the CNS. Five animals developed rapid AIDS with differing severity of SIVE. The percentages of BrdU+ monocytes in these animals increased dramatically, early after infection, peaking at necropsy where the percentage of BrdU+ monocytes correlated with the severity of SIVE. Early analysis revealed changes in the percentages of BrdU+ monocytes between slow and rapid progressors as early as 8 days and consistently by 27 days post infection. Soluble CD163 (sCD163) in plasma correlated with the percentage of BrdU+ monocytes in blood, demonstrating a relationship between monocyte activation and expansion with disease. BrdU+ monocytes/macrophages were found within perivascular spaces and SIVE lesions. The majority (80–90%) of the BrdU+ cells were Mac387+ that were not productively infected. There was a minor population of CD68+BrdU+ cells (<10%), very few of which were infected (<1% of total BrdU+ cells). Our results suggest that an increased rate of monocyte recruitment from bone marrow into the blood correlates with rapid progression to AIDS, and the magnitude of BrdU+ monocytes correlates with the severity of SIVE

    Identification of Genes with Allelic Imbalance on 6p Associated with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Southern Chinese

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    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a malignancy of epithelial origin. The etiology of NPC is complex and includes multiple genetic and environmental factors. We employed case-control analysis to study the association of chromosome 6p regions with NPC. In total, 360 subjects and 360 healthy controls were included, and 233 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on 6p were examined. Significant single-marker associations were found for SNPs rs2267633 (p = 4.49×10−5), rs2076483 (most significant, p = 3.36×10−5), and rs29230 (p = 1.43×10−4). The highly associated genes were the gamma-amino butyric acid B receptor 1 (GABBR1), human leukocyte antigen (HLA-A), and HLA complex group 9 (HCG9). Haplotypic associations were found for haplotypes AAA (located within GABBR1, p-value  = 6.46×10−5) and TT (located within HLA-A, p = 0.0014). Further investigation of the homozygous genotype frequencies between cases and controls suggested that micro-deletion regions occur in GABBR1 and neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 9 (NEDD9). Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using 11 pairs of NPC biopsy samples confirmed the significant decline in GABBR1 and NEDD9 mRNA expression in the cancer tissues compared to the adjacent non-tumor tissue (p<0.05). Our study demonstrates that multiple chromosome 6p susceptibility loci contribute to the risk of NPC, possibly though GABBR1 and NEDD9 loss of function

    Metastasis Suppressors and the Tumor Microenvironment

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    The most dangerous attribute of cancer cells is their ability to metastasize. Throughout the process of metastasis, tumor cells interact with other tumor cells, host cells and extracellular molecules. This brief review explores how a new class of molecules – metastasis suppressors – regulate tumor cell–microenvironmental interactions. Data are presented which demonstrate that metastasis suppressors act at multiple steps of the metastatic cascade. A brief discussion for how metastasis suppressor regulation of cellular interactions might be exploited is presented