1,177 research outputs found

    The distribution of atomic hydrogen in the Jovian atmosphere

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    An analysis is presented of the Voyager and IUE lyman alpha spectra of the Jovian equatorial emission in which was derived a zonal asymmetry in the hydrogen column abundance. Using two estimates of the fraction of Lyman alpha which is due to direct excitation by charged particle precipitation from the ionosphere, upper and lower limits were derived to the H column abundance within and without the perturbed region. That the asymmetry in H abundance may be due to localized heating near the homopause with a consequent rise in scale height is shown. The derived exospheric temperature remains fairly constant with longitude. The required additional heat input over the bulge region, 0.02 erg/cm/s, is supplied by an additional flux of magnetospheric electrons due to Jupiter's magnetic anomaly

    Eyes Wide Shut: Expanding the view of portfolio management

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    This conceptual paper examines our existing world-view portfolio is defined the management of that portfolios from that of project and new product development portfolios to other portfolios that exist in an organisation, such as the asset portfolio, resource portfolio and ideas portfolio. Portfolios do not exist in isolation in an organisational context, but instead overlap and interact. This paper argues that there is a need to move another step higher, and examine the relationships between portfolios of projects and related activities across an organisation in order to optimise outcomes across the organisation. We propose the need for `enterprise portfolio management and suggest that this approach has the potential to improve organisational efficiency, and in the longer term could be a source of competitive advantage

    Elemental Mercury Diffusion Processes and Concentration at the Lunar Poles

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    In 2009, the Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) spectrograph onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft made the first detection of element mercury (Hg) vapor in the lunar exosphere after the Lunar Crater Observing and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Centaur rocket impacted into the Cabeus crater in the southern polar region of the Moon. The lunar regolith core samples from the Apollo missions determined that Hg had a devolatilized pattern with a concentration gradient increasing with depth, in addition to a layered pattern suggesting multiple episodes of burial and volatile loss. Hg migration on the lunar surface resulted in cold trapping at the poles. We have modeled the rate at which indigenous Hg is lost from the regolith through diffusion out of lunar grains. We secondly modeled the migration of Hg vapor in the exosphere and estimated the rate of cold-trapping at the poles using a Monte Carlo technique. The Hg vapor may be lost from the exosphere via ionization, Jeans escape, or re-impact into the surface causing reabsorption

    Impact Vaporization as a Possible Source of Mercury's Calcium Exosphere

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    Mercury's calcium exosphere varies in a periodic way with that planet's true anomaly. We show that this pattern can be explained by impact vaporization from interplanetary dust with variations being due to Mercury's radial and vertical excursions through an interplanetary dust disk having an inclination within 5 degrees of the plane of Mercury's orbit. Both a highly inclined dust disk and a two-disk model (where the two disks have a mutual inclination) fail to reproduce the observed variation in calcium exospheric abundance with Mercury true anomaly angle. However, an additional source of impacting dust beyond the nominal dust disk is required near Mercury's true anomaly () 25deg +/-5deg. This is close to but not coincident with Mercury's true anomaly (=45deg) when it crosses comet 2P/Encke's present day orbital plane. Interestingly, the Taurid meteor storms at Earth, which are also due to Comet Encke, are observed to occur when Earth's true anomaly is +/-20 or so degrees before and after the position where Earth and Encke orbital planes cross. The lack of exact correspondence with the present day orbit of Encke may indicate the width of the potential stream along Mercury's orbit or a previous cometary orbit. The extreme energy of the escaping calcium, estimated to have a temperature greater than 50000 K if the source is thermal, cannot be due to the impact process itself but must be imparted by an additional mechanism such as dissociation of a calcium-bearing molecule or ionization followed by recombination

    Monte Carlo Model Insights into the Lunar Sodium Exosphere

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    Sodium in the lunar exosphere is released from the lunar regolith by several mechanisms. These mechanisms include photon stimulated desorption (PSD), impact vaporization, electron stimulated desorption, and ion sputtering. Usually, PSD dominates; however, transient events can temporarily enhance other release mechanisms so that they are dominant. Examples of transient events include meteor showers and coronal mass ejections. The interaction between sodium and the regolith is important in determining the density and spatial distribution of sodium in the lunar exosphere. The temperature at which sodium sticks to the surface is one factor. In addition, the amount of thermal accommodation during the encounter between the sodium atom and the surface affects the exospheric distribution. Finally, the fraction of particles that are stuck when the surface is cold that are rereleased when the surface warms up also affects the exospheric density. In [1], we showed the "ambient" sodium exosphere from Monte Carlo modeling with a fixed source rate and fixed surface interaction parameters. We compared the enhancement when a CME passes the Moon to the ambient conditions. Here, we compare model results to data in order to determine the source rates and surface interaction parameters that provide the best fit of the model to the data

    The Effect on the Lunar Exosphere of a Coroual Mass Ejection Passage

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    Solar wind bombardment onto exposed surfaces in the solar system produces an energetic component to the exospheres about those bodies. The solar wind energy and composition are highly dependent on the origin of the plasma. Using the measured composition of the slow wind, fast wind, solar energetic particle (SEP) population, and coronal mass ejection (CME), broken down into their various components, we have estimated the total sputter yield for each type of solar wind. We show that the heavy ion component, especially the He++ and 0+7 can greatly enhance the total sputter yield during times when the heavy ion population is enhanced. Folding in the flux, we compute the source rate for several species during different types of solar wind. Finally, we use a Monte Carlo model developed to simulate the time-dependent evolution of the lunar exosphere to study the sputtering component of the exosphere under the influence of a CME passage. We simulate the background exosphere of Na, K, Ca, and Mg. Simulations indicate that sputtering increases the mass of those constituents in the exosphere a few to a few tens times the background values. The escalation of atmospheric density occurs within an hour of onset The decrease in atmospheric density after the CME passage is also rapid, although takes longer than the increase, Sputtered neutral particles have a high probability of escaping the moon,by both Jeans escape and photo ionization. Density and spatial distribution of the exosphere can be tested with the LADEE mission

    Effects of an ICME on the Lunar Exosphere

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    The lunar exosphere is produced in part by the sputtering of atoms off of the Moon's surface by solar wind ions. We present simulations of He, Na, K, Mg, and Ca in the lunar exosphere under nominal conditions. Next, we examine the resulting exospheric enhancement that occurs during the passage of an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME). Enhanced sputtering under ICME conditions can increase the mass of the lunar exosphere 10-50 times the nominal value. The increase occurs rapidly within the onset of the ICME. Similarly, after the storm passes the Moon, the return to nominal exospheric density is also rapid. Because sputtered particles are energetic, many escape the Moon. Thus ICMEs induce a mass loss from the Moon. However, the implantation of solar wind into the lunar regolith is also enhanced during an ICME, resulting in mass addition to the Moon. This partially mitigates the mass loss caused by ICME sputtering. We present model estimates of the net lunar mass loss induced by ICME