12 research outputs found

    Engaging diverse communities participating in clinical trials: case examples from across Africa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the advent of increasing international collaborative research involving participants drawn from populations with diverse cultural backgrounds, community engagement becomes very critical for the smooth conduction of the research. The African Malaria Network Trust (AMANET) is a pan-African non-governmental organization that sponsors and technically supports malaria vaccine trials in various African countries.</p> <p>Case description</p> <p>AMANET sponsored phase Ib or IIb clinical trials of several malaria vaccine candidates in various Africa countries. In Burkina Faso, Mali and Tanzania trials of the merozoite surface protein 3 -- in its Long Synthetic Peptide configuration (MSP3 LSP) -- were conducted. In Mali, the apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) was tested, while a hybrid of glutamate rich protein (GLURP) and MSP3 (GMZ2) was tested in Gabon. AMANET recognizes the importance of engaging with the communities from which trial participants are drawn, hence community engagement was given priority in all project activities conducted in the various countries.</p> <p>Discussion and evaluation</p> <p>Existing local social systems were used to engage the communities from which clinical trial participants were drawn. This article focuses on community engagement activities employed at various AMANET-supported clinical trial sites in different countries, highlighting subtle differences in the approaches used. The paper also gives some general pros and cons of community engagement.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Community engagement enables two-way sharing of accurate information and ideas between researchers and researched communities, which helps to create an environment conducive to smooth research activities with enhanced sense of research ownership by the communities.</p

    Health research ethics in malaria vector trials in Africa

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    Malaria mosquito research in Africa as elsewhere is just over a century old. Early trials for development of mosquito control tools were driven by colonial enterprises and war efforts; they were, therefore, tested in military or colonial settings. The failure of those tools and environmental concerns, coupled with the desperate need for integrated malaria control strategies, has necessitated the development of new malaria mosquito control tools, which are to be tested on humans, their environment and mosquito habitats. Ethical concerns start with phase 2 trials, which pose limited ethical dilemmas. Phase 3 trials, which are undertaken on vulnerable civilian populations, pose ethical dilemmas ranging from individual to community concerns. It is argued that such trials must abide by established ethical principles especially safety, which is mainly enshrined in the principle of non-maleficence. As there is total lack of experience with many of the promising candidate tools (eg genetically modified mosquitoes, entomopathogenic fungi, and biocontrol agents), great caution must be exercised before they are introduced in the field. Since malaria vector trials, especially phase 3 are intrusive and in large populations, individual and community respect is mandatory, and must give great priority to community engagement. It is concluded that new tools must be safe, beneficial, efficacious, effective, and acceptable to large populations in the short and long-term, and that research benefits should be equitably distributed to all who bear the brunt of the research burdens. It is further concluded that individual and institutional capacity strengthening should be provided, in order to undertake essential research, carry out scientific and ethical review, and establish competent regulatory frameworks

    Data safety and monitoring boards for African clinical trials.

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    The recent increase in funding for diseases endemic in resource-poor countries has led to a progressive rise in the number of trials conducted in Africa for product development purposes or to answer important questions on reduction of disease burden. This causes an increasing demand for data safety monitoring boards (DSMBs) within Africa, where there is currently a shortage of appropriately skilled people. To address this, and in line with capacity-building efforts directed at improved quality research, AMANET invited the authors to create a curriculum and to train selected Africans with the skills required for members of DSMBs. Based on experience, the facilitators made an overview of clinical trial designs, a comprehensive review of data safety monitoring guidelines and other relevant DSMB governance issues. The wealth of guidelines and recommendations available for establishing and running DSMBs focus mainly on trials set in developed countries. The authors drew from these guidelines a practical summary of those relevant for Africa. This interactive process enabled recommendation of a straightforward set of principles to guide the establishment of DSMBs in Africa, which strike that essential balance between protecting trial participants and allowing investigators to answer their scientific questions

    Sixth Africa malaria day in 2006: how far have we come after the Abuja Declaration?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Each year on the 25th April Africa and the rest of the world commemorate Africa Malaria Day as was agreed upon at the African Summit on Roll Back Malaria held in Abuja, Nigeria on 25th April 2000. The summit also called upon the United Nations to declare the period 2001–2010 a decade for malaria. The 1<sup>st </sup>Africa Malaria Day was commemorated with the theme "Communities Play a Central Role in Tackling Malaria". The 6<sup>th </sup>Africa Malaria Day was observed in 2006 with the theme "Get Your ACT Together" and the slogan "Universal Access to Effective Malaria Treatment is a Human Right". This article by the Secretariat of the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM) was also part of the commemorations for the day. MIM was founded in 1997 as an alliance of institutions and individuals concerned with the malaria problem, and aiming at maximizing the impact of scientific research on malaria through strengthening African research capacity and coordinated global collaboration. The MIM Secretariat has been hosted in rotation by the founding institutions, and is being hosted for the first time in Africa by the African Malaria Network Trust (AMANET) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This article reviews the malaria situation in Africa six years after the Abuja Declaration, highlighting the disease burden trends, failures, achievements, challenges, and the way forward.</p