65 research outputs found


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    Aikido is a Japanese martial art established by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969). A major characteristic is that there are neither competitions nor is there practice in form of competition. Generally, practice involves an instructor demonstrating a technique, after which it is practiced in pairs. The present study therefore sought to perform a three-dimensional analysis of the "Tenkan" a typical aikido technique, and to clarify the differences and factors related to the techniques for experts, intermediates, and beginners. We discussed the difference of deviation of the center of mass and evaluation of the ground reaction forces

    Condescriptive Statistics of Health Indices

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    A Multiple Regression Model for Physiological Age : On the Case of Females

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    The purpose of this study was to establish the multiple regression equation to predict females\u27 physiological age. Data for this study were collected during the course of survey of various indices on the degree of health and fitness and life-style of healthy women who aged 23 through 59 years old. Collected information included the followings :systolic blood pressure (=SYSBP), plasma creatinine (=CREAT), plasma albumin (=ALBUM), sum of skinfold thickness of upperarm and subscapulars (=FAT), grip strength (=GRIP), back strength (=BACK), standing trunk flexion (=FLEX), vital capacity (=VITAL), one-foot blind balance (=BALANCE), maximal aerobic power (=MAP, by Margaria\u27s method), and chronological age (=AGE; dependent variables). Forward stepwise regression analysis examined the reliability of the physiological and internal medicine and anthropometric measurements as the indicator of age. At the each step, the statistics of degree of fitness, that is. Akaike\u27s AIC, Mallows\u27 Cp and R* (adjusted for d.f. R) adding to multiple correlation coefficient R and SEE (standard error of estimates) were calpulated. The results obtained were as follows. 1) In terms of following variables order, all variables were entered into equation ; SYSBP, BALANCE, VITAL. FAT, ALBUM, CREAT, FLEX, BACK, GRIP. The multiple correlation coefficient R, and standard error of estimates (SEE) were 0.738, 6.1 (age of years), respectively. 2) Each equation obtained at each step, which included m independent variables at m step, in general, were evaluated by several statistics such as Akaike\u27s AIC, Mallow\u27s Cp. R* and R. According to Cp, the equation III which had SYSBP, BALANCE and VITAL was evaluated as the best equation. According to AIC, the equation IV which was added FAT to preceding equation (III) was evaluated as best. 3) By the forward stepwise regression analysis, of which stopping rule for variable selection was F-statistics=2.0, equation IV was selected as the best equation. Equation IV was descrived as follows and R=0.721, SEE=5.9 (age of years). , respectively. Y=24.1+0.182×SYSBP−0.064×BALANCE−0.0030×VITAL+0.111×FAT 4) The high reliability was verified by analysis of residuals. And, the validity of this equation was verified by the results of preceding studies. 5) When MAP was added to these independent variables, at the 1st step MAP entered into the equation by the forward stepwise method (FENTER-2.0). SYSBP at the 2nd step, and BALANCE at the 3rd step were respectively entered. In this case, multiple correlation coefficient was 0.773. However, the calculated MAP was unequal to other variables as for the indicator of age changes because this variables were essentially designed to correlate to chronological age


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    The purpose of this study was to establish the multiple regression equation to predict females' physiological age. Data for this study were collected during the course of survey of various indices on the degree of health and fitness and life-style of healthy women who aged 23 through 59 years old. Collected information included the followings :systolic blood pressure (=SYSBP), plasma creatinine (=CREAT), plasma albumin (=ALBUM), sum of skinfold thickness of upperarm and subscapulars (=FAT), grip strength (=GRIP), back strength (=BACK), standing trunk flexion (=FLEX), vital capacity (=VITAL), one-foot blind balance (=BALANCE), maximal aerobic power (=MAP, by Margaria's method), and chronological age (=AGE; dependent variables). Forward stepwise regression analysis examined the reliability of the physiological and internal medicine and anthropometric measurements as the indicator of age. At the each step, the statistics of degree of fitness, that is. Akaike's AIC, Mallows' Cp and R* (adjusted for d.f. R) adding to multiple correlation coefficient R and SEE (standard error of estimates) were calpulated. The results obtained were as follows. 1) In terms of following variables order, all variables were entered into equation ; SYSBP, BALANCE, VITAL. FAT, ALBUM, CREAT, FLEX, BACK, GRIP. The multiple correlation coefficient R, and standard error of estimates (SEE) were 0.738, 6.1 (age of years), respectively. 2) Each equation obtained at each step, which included m independent variables at m step, in general, were evaluated by several statistics such as Akaike's AIC, Mallow's Cp. R* and R. According to Cp, the equation III which had SYSBP, BALANCE and VITAL was evaluated as the best equation. According to AIC, the equation IV which was added FAT to preceding equation (III) was evaluated as best. 3) By the forward stepwise regression analysis, of which stopping rule for variable selection was F-statistics=2.0, equation IV was selected as the best equation. Equation IV was descrived as follows and R=0.721, SEE=5.9 (age of years). , respectively. Y=24.1+0.182×SYSBP−0.064×BALANCE−0.0030×VITAL+0.111×FAT 4) The high reliability was verified by analysis of residuals. And, the validity of this equation was verified by the results of preceding studies. 5) When MAP was added to these independent variables, at the 1st step MAP entered into the equation by the forward stepwise method (FENTER-2.0). SYSBP at the 2nd step, and BALANCE at the 3rd step were respectively entered. In this case, multiple correlation coefficient was 0.773. However, the calculated MAP was unequal to other variables as for the indicator of age changes because this variables were essentially designed to correlate to chronological age.緒言 / 研究方法 /  1. 対象 /  2. 独立変数 /  3. 重回帰分析 / 結果並びに考察 /  1. 基本統計量 /  2. 相関係数 /  3. 変数の投入と回帰式の評価 /  4. 独立変数の検討 /  5. 残差分析 /  6. 持久性指標の導入について / 結論ならびに討論 / 文


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    Recommendation of Nymegen Growth Study\u27s Design and Its Case Study

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    In growth and development research, the traditional models based on cross-sectional and longitudinal models have usually been employed. In these models, growth and development is assumed to be a function of the two factors of age, time of measurement or cohort. The literatures on tri-factorial model in which growth and development is accout for as a function of age, time of measurement and cohort were summarized by Kessen (1960) and Schaie (1965). The Nymegen Growth Study develops these models and average value on each groups is described by the formula, G0=B+A+C+T+L (where B refers to the base line value ; A, the age effect ; C, the cohort effect ; T, the time of measurement effect ; L, the learning or testing effect). The present paper attempts to analyze the development of running long jump following the tri-factorial model in Nymegen Growth Study. The materials for this study are obtained by testing elementary school children. The measurements of both cohorts were administrated twice at 5-months intervals in 1978. A total of 22 boys is divided into two groups according to their birth periods (cohort). In addition, independently selected control group from younger cohort is employed to assess the impact of testing effect. The results obtained are as follws. 1) Cross-sectionally, the difference between two cohorts in the first measurement was significant. nevertheless, in the second measurement it is not significant. 2) Longitudinally, the younger cohort develops, while the elder cohort develops with non significance. 3) When the corresponding groups compared, it proves that neither the testing effect nor the time of measurement is significant in this design. 4) Consequently, the development or growth of running long jump is due to the net age effect, especially so in the younger cohort. We hope to expand the tri-factorial model by adding more data. Because there are evidences which support the application of this model to our area, and because the present approach would be of great value to the study of growth and development.古典的な発育・発達研究のデザインのうち,横断的な方法はDX=f(A,C),縦断的な方法はDLO=f(A,T)という関数式で表現されているが,KessenやSchaieの三要因モデルは心理学,社会心理学の領域にとり入れられ一定の成果をあげている。本稿では三要因モデルの拡張版としたNymegen Growth Studyのデザインがデータとは年令(A),コホート(C),測定時(T),テスト効果(L)の合成値(Go=B+A+T+C+L)として表現できるものであることを紹介し,このミニマムなタイプをもちいて小学校男子児童の走り幅とびについて適用した事例を報告した。この適用事例の結果を要約すると,以下のようになる。1.春季の5年生と6年生の間には有意な年令効果(a)が認められた。2.春季と秋季の比較では,5年生に有意な年令効果が認められたが,6年生では認められなかった。3.テスト効果(L),測定時効果(t)には有意な効果は認められなかった。4.走り幅とびの時期は5年生の春季頃にピークが一つ存在し,これは正味の年令効果,生理機能の生物学的変化によるものと考えられる。一変数について少数標本を用い,ミニマムなデザインを示して適用を行なったが,デザインのタイプを拡大し,多変数・大標本を用いていく必要性が今後にのこされている


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    この研究は,1952-1960年と1968-1976年に実施された九州大学発育発達研究の縦断的な身長と体重の測定値を資料として用いている。すなわち,1946年と1962年生まれの児童の6歳から14歳までの体組成を身長と体重から推定し,16年間の変化を考察している。total body waterはMellits等の方法によって推定し,lean body weightはPace-Rathbunの式から推定している。body fatはWT-(TW/0.72)によって求めている。Secular trends of body composition in Japanese children and abolescents were studied. The material for the present study consisted of serial anthropometric measurements on males and females ranging in age from 6 to 14 years. Fukuoka city born participants in the Kyushu University Longitudinal Growth Study. A total of 137 males and 155 females were divided into two cohorts ; one cohort included the individuals born in 1946 and the other in 1962. Height and body weight measurements from 6 to 14 year old children were colleceted in the years from 1952-60 and 1968-76. Total body water and lean body weight were estimated by the methods of Mellits et al and by the formula of Pace Rathbun, respectively. Body fat was calculated by the equation : FAT WT (TW/0.72). The data indicated that the secular difference of TW and LBW per kg of body weight during this age period is not. significant for males. However, the modern Japanese adolescent females have large FAT per kg of body weight and small TW and LBW per kg of body weight. The LBW height relation, with height held constant, between both the cohorts did not differ during this age period, in both sexes. Only FAT weight relation, with weight held constant, showed that FAT of the modern Japanese adolescents increases at. a faster relative rate than that of the predecessors of 16 years ago. These findings provided a basis for the inferiority of physical performance in the modern Japanese which is known to exist in adolescence

    Extraction of Contributing Factors to Motor Ability : On the Fundamental Motor Skills of Urban Children

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the contributing factor to motor ability of elementary school children. The tests of 30m dash and standing long jump were administrated as dependent variables according to the accepted procedures. The conditioning factors were selected from the following areas : children\u27s domestic atmosphere; experience of disease ; diets, and nutritonal status ; parental attitudes toward the upbringing of their chidren. The variables were obtained by means of questionnair completed by the children\u27s parents. The children were the second grade children of Kusagae elementary school in the center-commercial area of Fukuoka-city. The mean score of each dependent. variable of the respective sexes were computed, and the F-values derived from the analysis of variance formed the basis for finding out. the contributing factors. The results obtained are as follows : 1) The following factors are the more important variables influencing physical performance of children. Boys : physical constitutional tendencies to disease; experience of disease ; quantity of food intake ; tendencies to unbalanced diets. : times of extra snacks ; parental attitude toward child upbringing (encouragement of daily activity, taking nutritional drug) ; degree of daily activity. Girls : birth order; physical consitutional tendencies to disease ; quantity of food intake; attitude concerning of foods of herself, and sisters) ; parental attitudes towards child upbringing (taking nutritional drugs) ; degree of dally activity. 2) The diets nutritional factor and degree of daily activity, among other things, are the most important in both sexes. The former factor shows higher interrelationships among brothers and sisters than between children and parents. 3) Children\u27s health status and history of disease correlate to present status of their motor ability. However, the difference between the weak children who suffer from long term illness and the normal children is not significant. 4) The interaction of their constitutional tendecies to disease and the encouragement of daily activity with a few other factors show significant effect on present status of children\u27s motor ability. The generality of above mentioned results is restricted to present subjects who living at rural district, and dependent variables. The socio-economic status, therefore, should not be rejected.児童の運動能力に貢献し,あるいは制約すると思われる要因を検索する目的で,運動能力(30m走,立幅とび)の測定値を従属変量とし,家庭環境・親兄弟に関する要因,疾病の既往歴・健康に関する要因,栄養・食事に関する要因,養育態度に関する要因を内容とした質問紙の結果を結合し一元配置分散分析,二元配置分散分析をほどこした。対象とした児童は福岡市内中心部の商業地域にある小学校在籍者である。結果は次のように要約できる。(1)従属変量について中央値,最頻値,平均値,尖度,歪度を求めた結果,正規分布と呼べる分布型に近似するといえるが,尖度には問題がある。(2)フェースシート(家庭,親兄弟)に関する項においては有意な効果を認めることはほとんどの場合できなかった。(3)疾病や健康の領域では胃腸消化器系の疾患がかなり効果をもつことが考えられるが,慢性的な虚弱者とそうでないものの間には,運動能力の差が有意とは認められなかった。(4)栄養・食事摂取においては偏食傾向の有無,食事量などに有意な効果を認めることができた。しかしそのlinearityに関しては若干問題が残る。(5)養育態度に関しては栄養剤の投与,友人の年令,運動,遊びの勧めあるいは子ども自身の運動の活発性などに有意な効果があると推察された。(6)交互作用については体質の強弱とその他二,三の要因間の交互作用,運動のすすめ方,活発性とその他一,二の要因間の交互作用に有意性が認められた。上記の結果は,本研究の対象児童,対象地域,従属変量のうちでのみ一般化され得るものであり,それ故えに家庭環境要因を棄却すべき立場のものではない。従属変量,要因の整理もしくは拡大が今後に不可欠な問題であり,また縦断的なデータの蓄積が必要である