6 research outputs found

    Heart pumping ability in athletes within physical exercise performance to train agility

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    The purpose of the present research was to study motor agility and heart rate indices in athletes engaged in physical exercises differing by the character of performance. The research results of special agility physical exercise facilitated allocation of the features of heart rate change and manifestation of motor agility depending on the tes-tees' sex and character of performance of pysical exercise by athletes within competitive activity. The studies proved that the level of agility development and heart rate change in conditions of performance of special agility physical exercise, depend on the character of competitive exercise and type of motor activity. The technique of agility allocation subjected by the researchers and the worked apparatus were proved to be effective in practical use since they do not require additional charges at further operation. The apparatus is small and comfortable in transportation. The subjected technique can be applied while determining agility in children at specialized children's sport school on the first stages of sports selection in kinds of sport where result mostly depends on the physical quality of agility


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    HighlightsDiagnosis and management of type 2 myocardial infarction present significant challenges nowadays due to variety of its etiological factors and clinical manifestations.  The correct and definitive identification of type 2 myocardial infarction is of paramount importance, since the treatment in most cases differs significantly from that of type 1 myocardial infarction. AbstractCardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among both sexes in developing countries, accounting for a third of all deaths worldwide and almost 50% of all deaths in Europe – more than 4 million annually. Death from cardiovascular diseases accounts for almost half of all cases of mortality in the Russian Federation. Type 2 MI (MI2), defined as MI, developing as a result of an acute imbalance in myocardial oxygen supply and demand without atherothrombosis, has become a very common clinical phenomenon, and it is currently detected twice as often as before. Differential diagnosis between MI1 and MI2 is often difficult. Nevertheless, the correct and definitive identification of MI2 is of paramount importance, since the treatment in most cases differs significantly from that of MI1. The existing clinical guidelines for the management of patients with ACS without STEMI do not affect the algorithm of diagnosis and treatment of MI2, since they mainly relate to MI1. With such a large number of uncertainties regarding the treatment of MI2, there is an urgent need to develop validated recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of this type of MI.  In this article, we propose an algorithm for the diagnosis of MI2, developed on the basis of data from modern literature.Основные положенияДиагностика и терапия инфаркта миокарда 2-го типа на сегодняшний день представляют значительные трудности, что обусловлено разнообразием этиологических факторов и клинических проявлений заболевания. Правильная и окончательная идентификация инфаркта миокарда 2-го типа имеет первостепенное значение, поскольку терапия в большинстве случаев значительно отличается от таковой при инфаркте миокарда 1-го типа. Аннотация Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания являются основной причиной заболеваемости и смертности среди обоих полов в развивающихся странах: на их долю приходится треть всех смертей в мире и почти 50% всех смертей в Европе – более 4 млн ежегодно. В общей структуре смертности в Российской Федерации смерть от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний составляет почти половину всех случаев. Инфаркт миокарда 2-го типа (ИМ2), развивающийся в результате кислородно-энергетического дисбаланса при отсутствии острого атеротромбоза, стал крайне распространенным клиническим явлением: в настоящее время его выявляют в два раза чаще, чем раньше.Дифференциальная диагностика ИМ и 1-го и 2-го типов часто затруднена. Тем не менее правильная и окончательная идентификация ИМ 2-го типа имеет первостепенное значение, поскольку терапия в большинстве случаев значительно отличается от таковой при ИМ 1-го типа. Существующие клинические рекомендации по ведению пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом без подъема сегмента ST не включают алгоритм диагностики и лечения ИМ 2-го типа, так как в основном относятся к ИМ 1-го типа. При таком большом количестве неопределенностей в отношении лечения ИМ 2-го типа возникает острая необходимость разработки валидированных рекомендаций по диагностике и лечению данного типа ИМ. В настоящей статье предложен алгоритм диагностики ИМ 2-го типа, разработанный на основании данных современной литературы


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    Abstract. Objectives The main aim is to develop a mathematical model of a centrifugal compressor and carry out a parametric diagnostics of a centrifugal supercharger's technical condition during operation. Methods  A model is proposed for calculating the thermodynamic properties of natural gas, reducing the parameters of a centrifugal compressor to the initial conditions and to the rotation frequency, as well as the integral indicators of the supercharger's technical state. The technical state of the gas path of the centrifugal supercharger of the compressor unit is determined by the parametric diagnostic method. Results  The software implementation of the mathematical model of centrifugal compressor is carried out using a DVIGwT PC. The analysis of calculations indicates that the model is appropriate, with the error being due to taking into account the properties of iso-butane and i-hexane, in contrast with the VNIIGAZ technique. The evaluation studies of a centrifugal compressor's state are indicative of the presence or absence of its defects. Conclusion  Among a number of the diagnostic methods for evaluating a centrifugal supercharger, the most effective is vibrodiagnostics. However, the search for malfunctions and nascent defects in the flowing part of the centrifugal compressor cannot be limited only to vibrodiagnostic data, which provides about 60% of the reliable information about the state of the gas-air tract. About 20% of the compressor's malfunctions and approximately half of the dangerous modes of the supercharger's flow-through part is detected using thermogasdynamic parametric analysis (parametric diagnostics). The main difficulty of the control over the technical state of the flow-through part of the centrifugal supercharger is in the complication of the quantitative evaluation of the processes taking place in the supercharger, which leads to problems in providing reliable diagnosis during a reasonable period of time


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    Objectives. Ways to prevent the onset of rollover in the liquefied natural gas storage.Method. The article deals with modern methods of mathematical modeling and software when solving problems in a nonlinear formulation. A regulatory analysis of existing methods of LNG transportation has been carried out.Result. Using the mathematical program ANSYS, the rollover process in the liquefied natural gas storage was modeled. In the ANSYS software package, 3d modeling of the process of heat and mass transfer of the stratified liquid in the liquefied natural gas storage was performed. When simulating a rollover phenomenon, the time to its occurrence was 30 minutes, which differs from the experimental value by 1.7%. Based on the results of the calculations, it can be determined that the time to the onset of rollover depends on the concentration of the component layers, on the filling and geometry of the reservoir. These factors lead to an increase in evaporation of liquefied natural gas of 0.04%.Conclusion. The method of numerical experiment allows to determine the distribution of pressure, temperature, density, concentration in the object under study, without resorting to real experiments. The use of the ANSYS software package of computational fluid dynamics in the process of heat and mass transfer of the stratified liquid in the liquefied natural gas storage is necessary when calculating the increased accuracy

    Heart pumping ability in athletes within physical exercise performance to train agility

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    The purpose of the present research was to study motor agility and heart rate indices in athletes engaged in physical exercises differing by the character of performance. The research results of special agility physical exercise facilitated allocation of the features of heart rate change and manifestation of motor agility depending on the tes-tees' sex and character of performance of pysical exercise by athletes within competitive activity. The studies proved that the level of agility development and heart rate change in conditions of performance of special agility physical exercise, depend on the character of competitive exercise and type of motor activity. The technique of agility allocation subjected by the researchers and the worked apparatus were proved to be effective in practical use since they do not require additional charges at further operation. The apparatus is small and comfortable in transportation. The subjected technique can be applied while determining agility in children at specialized children's sport school on the first stages of sports selection in kinds of sport where result mostly depends on the physical quality of agility

    Heart pumping ability in athletes within physical exercise performance to train agility

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    The purpose of the present research was to study motor agility and heart rate indices in athletes engaged in physical exercises differing by the character of performance. The research results of special agility physical exercise facilitated allocation of the features of heart rate change and manifestation of motor agility depending on the tes-tees' sex and character of performance of pysical exercise by athletes within competitive activity. The studies proved that the level of agility development and heart rate change in conditions of performance of special agility physical exercise, depend on the character of competitive exercise and type of motor activity. The technique of agility allocation subjected by the researchers and the worked apparatus were proved to be effective in practical use since they do not require additional charges at further operation. The apparatus is small and comfortable in transportation. The subjected technique can be applied while determining agility in children at specialized children's sport school on the first stages of sports selection in kinds of sport where result mostly depends on the physical quality of agility