11 research outputs found

    Fan-Beam Dual Energy X-ray Computed Tomography Codes (C language)

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    The three zip files are folders containing the Dual Energy X-ray CT codes written in C language for Unix on a Silicon Graphics. They were created sometime between 1992-1997 mainly by Dr Liew Soo Chin, assisted by Dr Kheng Lim Goh, who was Dr Liew's postgraduate student. These codes were used in the following studies (published):Correction of energy-dependent systematic errors in dual-energy X-ray CT using a basis material coefficients transformation method, KL Goh, SC Liew, BH Hasegawa, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 44 (6), 2419-2424, 1997Energy dependent systematic errors in dual-energy X-ray CT, KL Goh, SC Liew, BH Hasegawa, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 44 (2), 212 - 217, 1997Dual-energy x-ray approach for object/energy-specific attenuation coefficient correction in single-photon emission computed tomography: effects of contrast agent, KL Goh, SC Liew, Journal of Medical Imaging 8 (5), 052106-052106, 2021</p

    White Paper: Advancing Sustainable Composites in Materials Technology for Sustainability

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    This white paper outlines a strategic vision for the future of Materials Technology for Sustainability (MTS), focusing on the advancement of sustainable composites. Recognizing global priorities such as climate change and biodiversity loss, this initiative aims to address challenges in composite materials, emphasizing mechanics, and repair for enhanced durability.</p

    The code for Gaussian distribution modelling of the frequency versus fibril diameter

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    <div>The code, fibriprogram_v5.m, manages the optimisation process for fitting the gaussian curves to the frequency versus D dataset by calling on sub-routines generation of a gaussian function (gaussiansingle_v5.m), linear combination of the gaussian functions (gaussiancomposite_v5.m), SA (simulanneal_v5.m) and the metropolis rule (metrop_v1.m). </div><div>Similarly, software Matlab version 6.1 was used for running the code.</div

    The code for generating and processing the dataset for load-displacement and stress-strain

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    <div>The code, strainenergy_v4_1.m, was used for generating and processing the dataset for load-displacement and stress-strain. </div><div>Software Matlab version 6.1 was used for running the code. The specific variables of the parameters used to generate the current dataset are as follows:</div><div>•ip1: input file containing the load-displacement data</div><div>•diameter: fascicle diameter</div><div>•laststrainpt: an estimate of the strain at rupture, r</div><div>•orderpoly: an integral value from 2-7 which represents the order of the polynomial for fitting to the data from O to q</div><div>•loadat1percent: y/n; to determine the value of the load (set at 1% of the maximum load) at which the specimen became taut. ‘y’ denotes yes; ‘n’ denotes no.</div><div><br></div><div>The logfile.txt, contains the parameters used for deriving the values of the respective mechanical properties.<br></div

    Clean Drinking Water Data (Analysis)

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    This dataset relates to the analysis of the mechanical properties, the fibre structural properties and the mathematical models. <div><br></div><div>The analyses were computed using four MS Excel spreadsheets:</div><div>ANALYSIS Mech Prop ...xls: analysis of mechanical properties from each specimen</div><div>ANALYSIS Fibre Diam...xls: analysis of fibre diameter</div><div>ANALYSIS Pore Diam...xls: analysis of pore size</div><div>analysis_dib...xls: analysis of the mathematical models used in this paper to predict stiffness (E), fracture strength (sU) and water flux</div><div><div><div> </div></div></div

    The fascicle diameter

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    <div><br></div><div>The quantitative data relating to the fascicle diameter measurements of the respective specimenn in each age group are contained in a MS Excel file, ANALYSIS_FASCICLES_DIAM-ALL_SCI_DATA.xls. </div><div><br></div><div>The file contains eight worksheets corresponding to the respective age groups, namely 'mtt01', 'mtt02', 'mtt04', 'mtt11', 'mtt23', 'mtt29', 'mtt31' and 'mtt35'. </div><div><br></div><div>The column descriptions for each worksheet are as follows:</div><div>COLUMN A: File name of the individual specimen</div><div>COLUMN B: Fascicle Diameter (micrometer)</div><div>COLUMN C: Standard error of mean (micrometer)</div><div><br></div

    The fascicle load-displacement data

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    <div>The fascicle load-displacement data </div><div><br></div><div>The quantitative data relating to the fascicle load-displacement characteristics are contained in tab-delimited text files. </div><div><br></div><div>These files are found in archived (zip) files, organized by age groups (Files 1–8).</div

    The collagen fibril area fraction

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    The quantitative data relating to the derived fibril area fraction for the respective age groups are contained in a MS Excel file, FIBRIL_AREA_FRACTION-SCI_DATA.xls. <div><br></div><div>The file contains one worksheet. The column descriptions for the worksheet 'FIBRIL AREA FRACTION', i.e. COLUMN A to H, contains the fibril area fraction of fascicle specimens derived from the individual mouse of the respective age group.</div

    The fascicle mechanical properties

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    <div>The quantitative data relating to the derived fascicle mechanical properties are contained in a MS Excel file, mechprop.xls</div><div><br></div><div>The file contains the following worksheets, namely 'Fascicle diameters', 'Derived parameters', 'Mean-individual mouse' and 'Mean-age group'. The data in the 'Derived parameters' worksheet have been derived using the algorithm found in the code 'strainenergy_v4_1.m'. This dataset was used in the study reported in the paper, Goh et al. 2012, J. Applied Physiology, 113: 878–888, 2012. Of note, an earlier version of the strainenergy code has generated a dataset (see Goh et al. 2008, ASME J Biomech Eng, 13: 021011) which yielded slightly different values of sU and E to those reported in these worksheets, namely 'Derived parameters', 'Mean-individual mouse', and 'Mean-age-group'. However, the age-variation trend in the values reported in the current worksheets, the final quantitative results (i.e. statistical conclusions) and the interpretations are still the same as those reported in the Goh et al. 2008 paper.</div

    The fibril structural properties

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    <div>The quantitative data relating to the derived collagen fibril diameter from TEM images of the respective age groups are contained in a MS Excel file, strucprop.xls</div><div><br></div><div>The file contains the following worksheets, 'Fibril area fraction', 'Fibril diameter'.</div