76 research outputs found

    Spatial Investigation of Mineral Transportation Characteristics in the State of Washington

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    This study investigates the spatial relationships between construction aggregate shipments and the per axle payload weights of trucks as they pertain to highway deterioration in the state of Washington. A previous study investigated the transportation characteristics of mined aggregates using a spatial autoregressive model, where a significant positive relationship between payload weights and shipment distances was established. This paper expands the previous study by assessing the contribution of aggregate hauling trucks to pavement deterioration using per-axle loads by truck configuration. Results showed a positive relationship between weights per axle load and several shipment distance categories. According to the well-established per axle weight and pavement damage relationship, incremental changes in per axle payload weights resulting from longer shipment distances clearly suggest that longer haulage increases the magnitude of pavement deterioration. This direct relationship between road impact and the distance hauled emphasizes the importance of the proximity of mine sites to different end users


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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the approach by which companies are solving the problems of optimization of Supply Chain with uncertainties through application of operations research and numerical methods. The problem of Supply Chain maximization is considered on a global scale and the model with uncertainties is developed. An algorithm for optimization is presented for this model


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    Due to a large variation in the current research-based recommendations about economic or environmental cost-benefits, the ethanol industry’s sustainable development may be adversely influenced. Moreover, one of the most important considerations for sustainable development of the ethanol industry – economics of transportation is often overlooked. The primary objective of this paper is to explore economic feasibility of biofuels production in the state of Washington, and to report on the availability, collection and transportation costs of feedstocks for ethanol processing using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The GIS Network Analyst Tool is used to spatially analyze forest residue biomass within given haul time area from the ethanol processing plant with the capacity of 55 million gallons per year (MGY). Using census feature classification codes, speed limit

    The Role of Consumers’ Knowledge of Native and Pollinator-friendly Plants and Their Prioritization of Plant Characteristics in Purchase Decisions

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    There is a growing trend toward planting native and pollinator-friendly plants in residential gardens and landscapes due to concerns about invasive plant species, water conservation, and urban land management. Yet, understanding consumer purchase behavior and how knowledge affects their purchase intent is largely unknown. In this analysis, we integrated national online and in-person surveys to determine the influence of consumers’ subjective and objective knowledge of native and pollinator-friendly ornamental plants on their purchase decisions. Factors influencing plant purchase decisions were measured using a 7-point Likert rating scale. We found that participants with relatively higher knowledge of native and pollinator-attractive plants placed more emphasis on sustainable production methods relative to the plant’s physical attributes (e.g., plant size, shape, etc.) and care-related characteristics (e.g., plant health, easiness of care, etc.). Plant lovers (i.e., frequent purchasers who spent relatively more money on plants than infrequent purchasers) were more likely to prioritize sustainable production methods over the plants’ physical attributes. In contrast, participants primarily buying plants from mass merchandisers/box stores tend to focus on visual appeal or aesthetic characteristics. Consumer marketing implications for the nursery and greenhouse industry stakeholders are discussed

    Homeowners’ Prioritization of Landscape Features Regarding Aesthetic, Environmental, Financial, and Psychological Benefits

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    Maintaining and caring for residential landscapes is a crucial aspect of homeownership in the United States. For homeowners in the United States, residential lawns represent a significant economic investment, signal their social commitments, and reflect their personal characters. To investigate the differences in Florida homeowners’ priorities regarding residential landscape features, an online survey of 1220 homeowners was conducted. Four different groups of homeowners were identified based on their perceived importance of the four landscape features, namely, environmental, financial, aesthetic, and psychological benefits. Factors such as environmental and financial attitudes and social norms influencing homeowners’ decision-making were examined. The findings revealed that homeowners’ knowledge of landscaping practices and environmental attitudes impact their prioritization regarding landscape features

    TB financing in East Europe promotes unnecessary hospital admissions: the case of Armenia

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    Based on cost-effectiveness considerations and on the risk of nosocomial transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international institutions recommend to minimize unnecessary hospitalization of tuberculosis (TB) cases. As in other Former Soviet Union (FSU) countries, the organisations of TB services in Armenia are heavily based on vertical and specialized services. In Armenia, a country of 3.2 million inhabitants, TB is one of the major public health problems with overall notification and estimated mortality rates of 41 and 8.8 cases per 100,000 population in 2011, respectively. The prevalence of multidrug-resistant (MDR-TB) was 9.4% and 43.2% among new and previously treated cases, respectively, with 11.9% of them estimated to be extensively drug-resistant (XDR-TB). Specialized TB services include 9 in-patient TB departments, 73 out-patient TB units (called TB cabinets) based in general health-care facilities, and 31 laboratories providing sputum smear microscopy, while culture and drug susceptibility testing is performed in the National TB Reference Laboratory. Following WHO recommendations, the Armenian National TB Programme (NTP) expanded the basic package of services provided in out-patient settings, allowing free access/free of charge TB diagnosis and treatment to the population, to achieve the global TB targets in the WHO European Region under the National Strategic Plan 2007-2015 and Consolidated Action Plan to Prevent and Combat M/XDR-TB in the WHO European Region 2011-2015.</br
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