245 research outputs found


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    Of recent years the population density of the rice green leafhopper in paddy-fields has increased. One of the reasons of this increase is said to be the result of the decrease of the natural enemies of this hopper owing to the wide application of insecticide in the paddy-fields. And so the more informations concerning in the natural enemies of this hopper are needed. Up to now, following natural enemies of this hopper has been listed from Japan. Among these, Nos. 3, 8, 10, 14 and 17 are said to be most useful for the check of this hopper. On the parasitic Dorilaidae, there has been no further informations since the valuable paper of Esaki and Hashimoto (1937). Thus the members of this family have long been throughly neglected. But these flies no doubt play a very important part in helping to keep this pest in check, juding from the high percentage of parasitism found in the data of the hoppers disected and the abundance of hovering adult flies in the paddy-fields. In this paper, four species of the Dorilaid fly reared from the green rice leafhopper are described, of which three are new to the science and one is new to the fauna of Japan- Ecological items and about immature stages of these flies will be given in the forthcoming Series of paper. Before going further, I wish to express my sincer gratitude to the entomologists mentioned below for the loan of materials ; Dr. S. Ito of the College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture, Messrs. H.Hasegawa and N. Fukuhara of the National Institute of Agric. Sciences, Tokyo and Mr. A.Tsuboi of the Okayama Agric. Exp. Station

    ゴボウモグリバエ Melanagromvza lappivora sp. n. について(双翅目農園芸害虫の分類及び生活史の研究 第3報)

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    Recently, Mr. Muto of the Gifu Agric. Exp. Sta. observed that the edible roots of Burdock "Gobo" (Arctium lappa L.) cultivated in Gifu district were severely injured by the larvae of an Agromyzid fly. This is apparently a new pest of Burdock and its bionomics and control measures are being studied by him. After examination of the specimens which recieved from Mr. Muto, I came to the conclusion that this Agromyzid is undescribed form. The present paper deals with the taxonomical study of this fly. The terminology used here are taken from Dr. Frick (1952) with minor exceptions. I wish to express here my sincere thanks to Mr. Toshiro Muto of the Gifu Agricultural Experiment Station for the gift of the specimens, and also to Prof. Dr. Chukichi Harukawa of the Okayama University for his kindness in reading through this manuscript.近年,岐阜地方で問題となつた,ゴボウの根に潜入加害するゴボウネモグリバエに関し,岐阜農試より送附された標本にもとづき,これの分類上の位置並びに形態を明にし,次の新学名を与へた.Melanagromyza lappivora Koizum


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    The zigzag-striped leafhopper, Inazuma dorsalis, is a species familiar as an injurious pest to the rice plant and also as a vector of the dwarf disease of it. But very little is known about the natural enemies of this leafhopper and there is no record of the Dorilaid parasite. Through the rearing of this leafhoppers, I have had a parasitic Dorilaidae in the considerable percentage of parasitism. In the present paper I intend to describe this as new species and at the same time give the notes and descriptions on the paddy-field inhabiting Dorilaidae. To date, I have observed eight species of this family in the paddy-fields mainly in the south western Japan. Four of them are parasitic on Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler as stated in my previous paper, one is parasitic on Inazuma dorsalis and the remaining three are not certain concerning their host relations yet, but they are no doubt parasitic on the leafhoppers injurious to the rice plant

    Effect of Constant Temperature upon the Development of the Potato Tuber Moth, Gnorimoschema operculella (ZELLER).

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    1. 1954年5月広島県川尻町にジャガイモガが侵入土着せるを確認し,わが国に土着した個体群について,その生態を明らかにするため,まず各種恒温の各ステージに及ぼす影響を調査した. 2. 各ステージとも,実験した恒温の10~40℃の範囲にわたり発育がおこる.そして発育日数は10~35℃の間に於いて温度の上昇につれて減少した.発育限界温度は明らかにし得なかつたが発育率及び健全虫率よりみて,各ステージ共,低温限界は10℃以下に,高温限界は40℃付近にあるものと考えられる.10℃に於いても各ステージ共50%の割合で発育出来,小部分ではあるが成虫は正常に交尾,産卵すること, 40℃では孵化はおこらぬが胚子発育は完全におこること,他のステージでは正常な発育が出来ない点等は注目に価する. 3.発育速度曲線,発育の正常さ,蕃殖力等よりみて,適温範囲は各ステージ共,15~33℃にあると考えられる.しかし発育速度の最も速いのは各ステージ共に35℃である. 4. 35°,38℃のような高温に前蛹期,蛹期を経過した雄は不妊となるが,雌は同様の条件で不妊になることはない. 5. 幼虫期は雄が雌に比し短かく,蛹期は逆に長い.前蛹期は両者で殆んど同一である. 6. 各ステージの全発育期間中にしめる割合は各温度を通じて殆んど等しいが,低温に向つて卵期のしめる割合が増大し,逆に幼虫期のしいる割合が減少し,他のステージでは変化がないという傾向がみれる

    Notes on the two Iris-mining Dizygomyza from Japan, with description of a new species. (Diptera, Agromyzidae). : Taxonomy and bionomics of Dipterous pests for farm and garden in Japan. II

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    わが国でIris類の葉に潜葉加害するモグリバエに関しては,さきに駒村氏(1933)がアヤメノハモグリバイAnthomyia sp.として簡単に形態及び習性を記し,松岡氏(1952)がこれを引用しているのが見られるが,其後これらに関して検討したものを見ない.筆者は昭和24年,山形県米沢市において同市内各所のIris類が2種のモグリバェ科(Agromyzidae)のものによつて潜葉加害されているのを観察し,これ等を調査したところ,その葉尖部に潜葉するものは本邦未記録のDizyomyza iraeos R.D.であり,他の根際部に潜葉するものは同じく Dizygomyza属の新しい種類であることが分つた.本報にはこれら2種の形態の記載及び加害習性の概要を報ずる.御指導並びに本文の閲読を賜つた春川忠吉教授及び寄生蜂類同定の労をとられた九州大学安松京三博士に厚く御礼申し述べる

    On the Partial Autumn Emergence of the Far Eastern Urticating Moth, Euproctis flava BREMER (Lepi., Lymantriidae).

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    Effects of a synthetic protease inhibitor (gabexate mesilate) and a neutrophil elastase inhibitor (sivelestat sodium) on acid-induced lung injury in rats

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    The present study was designed to examine the combined effects of a synthetic protease inhibitor, gabexate mesilate, with a specific neutrophil elastase inhibitor, sivelestat sodium, on acid-induced lung injury. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 300-350 g were anaesthetised intraperitoneally with pentobarbitone sodium and the right jugular vein was cannulated. Following tracheostomy, rats were ventilated mechanically and underwent intratracheal instillation of hydrochloric acid (HCl, 0.1 N 1.5 ml/kg) or normal saline. Gabexate mesilate (10 mg/kg, i.p.) and/or sivelestat sodium (10 mg/kg/h, i.v.) were administered 30 min before HCl instillation. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples were obtained 5 h after HCl instillation. in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, the HCl-induced increases in total nucleated cell counts, neutrophil counts, optical density at 412 nm as an index of pulmonary haemorrhage, concentrations of albumin and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC) were significantly attenuated by either gabexate mesilate or sivelestat sodium treatment. Gabexate mesilate or sivelestat sodium treatment also significantly attenuated the wet to dry weight ratio induced by HCl. However, combined treatment with both gabexate mesilate and sivelestat sodium did not show additive effects on HO-induced lung injury, compared with single treatments. These findings suggested that gabexate mesilate and sivelestat sodium each exhibited protective effects on acid-induced lung injury, but that synergistic effects of both agents are limited in this acid-induced lung injury model.ArticleEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 641(2-3):220-225 (2010)journal articl

    Studies on the Biology and Control of Cutworms. : I. Cutworm Faunal Compositions in the Tobacco Field at the Planting Season in Okayama Prefecture.

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    Comparison of acid-induced inflammatory responses in the rat lung during high frequency oscillatory and conventional mechanical ventilation

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    The present study was performed to compare the effects of high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) with conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV) on pulmonary inflammatory responses in a rat acid-induced lung injury model. Anesthetized rats were instilled intratracheally with HCl (0.1 N, 2 mL/kg) and then randomly divided into three mechanical ventilation settings: HFOV (an oscillatory frequency of 15 Hz, mean airway pressure (MAP) of 9 cmH(2)O), CMV at tidal volume of 12 and 6 mL/kg for 5 h. After HCl instillation, HFOV significantly attenuated the increases in neutrophil infiltration and TNF-alpha concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid compared with the CMV groups. During HFOV, there was an inhibition of an increase in TNF-alpha mRNA expression and a decrease in SP-A mRNA expression induced by acid instillation. This animal study demonstrates that HFOV is a suitable form of mechanical ventilation to prevent inflammatory responses in acid-induced lung injury.ArticleINFLAMMATION RESEARCH. 59(11):931-937 (2010)journal articl

    Organotypic Tissue Culture of Adult Rodent Retina Followed by Particle-Mediated Acute Gene Transfer In Vitro

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    BACKGROUND: Organotypic tissue culture of adult rodent retina with an acute gene transfer that enables the efficient introduction of variable transgenes would greatly facilitate studies into retinas of adult rodents as animal models. However, it has been a difficult challenge to culture adult rodent retina. The purpose of this present study was to develop organotypic tissue culture of adult rodent retina followed by particle-mediated acute gene transfer in vitro. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We established an interphase organotypic tissue culture for adult rat retinas (>P35 of age) which was optimized from that used for adult rabbit retinas. We implemented three optimizations: a greater volume of Ames' medium (>26 mL) per retina, a higher speed (constant 55 rpm) of agitation by rotary shaker, and a greater concentration (10%) of horse serum in the medium. We also successfully applied this method to adult mouse retina (>P35 of age). The organotypic tissue culture allowed us to keep adult rodent retina morphologically and structurally intact for at least 4 days. However, mouse retinas showed less viability after 4-day culture. Electrophysiologically, ganglion cells in cultured rat retina were able to generate action potentials, but exhibited less reliable light responses. After transfection of EGFP plasmids by particle-mediated acute gene transfer, we observed EGFP-expressing retinal ganglion cells as early as 1 day of culture. We also introduced polarized-targeting fusion proteins such as PSD95-GFP and melanopsin-EYFP (hOPN4-EYFP) into rat retinal ganglion cells. These fusion proteins were successfully transferred into appropriate locations on individual retinal neurons. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This organotypic culture method is largely applicable to rat retinas, but it can be also applied to mouse retinas with a caveat regarding cell viability. This method is quite flexible for use in acute gene transfection in adult rodent retina, replacing molecular biological bioassays that used to be conducted in isolated cultured cells