1,346 research outputs found

    Hydrogen atom as an eigenvalue problem in 3D spaces of constant curvature and minimal length

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    An old result of A.F. Stevenson [Phys. Rev.} 59, 842 (1941)] concerning the Kepler-Coulomb quantum problem on the three-dimensional (3D) hypersphere is considered from the perspective of the radial Schr\"odinger equations on 3D spaces of any (either positive, zero or negative) constant curvature. Further to Stevenson, we show in detail how to get the hypergeometric wavefunction for the hydrogen atom case. Finally, we make a comparison between the ``space curvature" effects and minimal length effects for the hydrogen spectrumComment: 6 pages, v

    Perturbation spectrum in inflation with cutoff

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    It has been pointed out that the perturbation spectrum predicted by inflation may be sensitive to a natural ultraviolet cutoff, thus potentially providing an experimentally accessible window to aspects of Planck scale physics. A priori, a natural ultraviolet cutoff could take any form, but a fairly general classification of possible Planck scale cutoffs has been given. One of those categorized cutoffs, also appearing in various studies of quantum gravity and string theory, has recently been implemented into the standard inflationary scenario. Here, we continue this approach by investigating its effects on the predicted perturbation spectrum. We find that the size of the effect depends sensitively on the scale separation between cutoff and horizon during inflation.Comment: 6 pages; matches version accepted by PR

    Harmonic oscillator with nonzero minimal uncertainties in both position and momentum in a SUSYQM framework

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    In the context of a two-parameter (α,β)(\alpha, \beta) deformation of the canonical commutation relation leading to nonzero minimal uncertainties in both position and momentum, the harmonic oscillator spectrum and eigenvectors are determined by using techniques of supersymmetric quantum mechanics combined with shape invariance under parameter scaling. The resulting supersymmetric partner Hamiltonians correspond to different masses and frequencies. The exponential spectrum is proved to reduce to a previously found quadratic spectrum whenever one of the parameters α\alpha, β\beta vanishes, in which case shape invariance under parameter translation occurs. In the special case where α=β≠0\alpha = \beta \ne 0, the oscillator Hamiltonian is shown to coincide with that of the q-deformed oscillator with q>1q > 1 and its eigenvectors are therefore nn-qq-boson states. In the general case where 0≠α≠β≠00 \ne \alpha \ne \beta \ne 0, the eigenvectors are constructed as linear combinations of nn-qq-boson states by resorting to a Bargmann representation of the latter and to qq-differential calculus. They are finally expressed in terms of a qq-exponential and little qq-Jacobi polynomials.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages, no figure, minor changes, additional references, final version to be published in JP

    Field theory on evolving fuzzy two-sphere

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    I construct field theory on an evolving fuzzy two-sphere, which is based on the idea of evolving non-commutative worlds of the previous paper. The equations of motion are similar to the one that can be obtained by dropping the time-derivative term of the equation derived some time ago by Banks, Peskin and Susskind for pure-into-mixed-state evolutions. The equations do not contain an explicit time, and therefore follow the spirit of the Wheeler-de Witt equation. The basic properties of field theory such as action, gauge invariance and charge and momentum conservation are studied. The continuum limit of the scalar field theory shows that the background geometry of the corresponding continuum theory is given by ds^2 = -dt^2+ t d Omega^2, which saturates locally the cosmic holographic principle.Comment: Typos corrected, minor changes, 23 pages, no figures, LaTe

    1-D Harmonic Oscillator in Snyder Space, the Classic and the Quantum

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    The 1-D dimension harmonic oscillator in Snyder space is investigated in its classical and quantum versions. The classical trajectory is obtained and the semiclassical quantization from the phase space trajectories is discussed. In the meanwhile, an effective cutoff to high frequencies is found. The quantum version is developed and an equivalent usual harmonic oscillator is obtained through an effective mass and an effective frequency introduced in the model. This modified parameters give us an also modified energy spectra.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    One dimensional Coulomb-like problem in deformed space with minimal length

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    Spectrum and eigenfunctions in the momentum representation for 1D Coulomb potential with deformed Heisenberg algebra leading to minimal length are found exactly. It is shown that correction due to the deformation is proportional to square root of the deformation parameter. We obtain the same spectrum using Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition.Comment: 11 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Ultraviolet cut off, black hole-radiation equilibrium and big bang

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    In the presence of a minimal uncertainty in length, there exists a critical temperature above which the thermodynamics of a gas of radiation changes drastically. We find that the equilibrium temperature of a system composed of a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by radiation is unaffected by these modifications. This is in agreement with works related to the robustness of the Hawking evaporation. The only change the deformation introduces concerns the critical volume at which the system ceases to be stable. On the contrary, the evolution of the very early universe is sensitive to the new behavior. We readdress the shortcomings of the standard big bang model(flatness, entropy and horizon problems) in this context, assuming a minimal coupling to general relativity. Although they are not solved, some qualitative differences set in.Comment: 10 pages revtex, 1 figur

    WKB approximation in deformed space with minimal length

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    The WKB approximation for deformed space with minimal length is considered. The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule is obtained. A new interesting feature in presence of deformation is that the WKB approximation is valid for intermediate quantum numbers and can be invalid for small as well as very large quantum numbers. The correctness of the rule is verified by comparing obtained results with exact expressions for corresponding spectra.Comment: 13 pages Now it is avaible at http://stacks.iop.org/0305-4470/39/37

    Online Demodulation and Trigger for Flux-ramp Modulated SQUID Signals

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    Due to the periodic characteristics of SQUIDs, a suitable linearization technique is required for SQUID-based readout. Flux-ramp modulation is a common linearization technique and is typically applied for the readout of a microwave SQUID multiplexer as well as since recently also for dc-SQUIDs. Flux-ramp modulation requires another stage in the signal processing chain to demodulate the SQUID output signal before further processing. For cryogenic microcalorimeters, the signal contains events that are given by a fast exponentially rising and slowly exponentially decaying pulses shape. The events shall be detected by a trigger engine and recorded by a storage logic. Since the data rate can be decreased significantly by demodulation and event detection, it is desirable to do both steps on the deployed fast FPGA logic during measurement before passing the data to a general-purpose processor. In this contribution, we show the implementation of efficient multi-channel flux-ramp demodulation computed at run-time on a SoC-FPGA. Furthermore, a concept and implementation for an online trigger and buffer mechanism with its theoretical trigger loss rates depending on buffer size is presented. Both FPGA modules can be operated with up to 500 MHz clock frequency and can efficiently process 32 channels. Correct functionality and data reduction capability of the modules are demonstrated in measurements utilizing magnetic microcalorimeter irradiated with an Iron-55 source for event generation and read out by a microwave SQUID multiplexer

    Horizon Problem Remediation via Deformed Phase Space

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    We investigate the effects of a special kind of dynamical deformation between the momenta of the scalar field of the Brans-Dicke theory and the scale factor of the FRW metric. This special choice of deformation includes linearly a deformation parameter. We trace the deformation footprints in the cosmological equations of motion when the BD coupling parameter goes to infinity. One class of the solutions gives a constant scale factor in the late time that confirms the previous result obtained via another approach in the literature. This effect can be interpreted as a quantum gravity footprint in the coarse grained explanation. The another class of the solutions removes the big bang singularity, and the accelerating expansion region has an infinite temporal range which overcomes the horizon problem. After this epoch, there is a graceful exiting by which the universe enters in the radiation dominated era.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, to appear in GER
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