676 research outputs found

    Deformation of Equilibrium Shape of a Vesicle Induced by Injected Flexible Polymers

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    Using field theoretic approach, we study equilibrium shape deformation of a vesicle induced by the presence of enclosed flexible polymers, which is a simple model of drug delivery system or endocytosis. To evaluate the total free energy of this system, it is necessary to calculate the bending elastic energy of the membrane, the conformation entropy of the polymers and their interactions. For this purpose, we combine phase field theory for the membrane and self-consistent field theory for the polymers. Simulations on this coupled model system for axiosymmetric shapes show a shape deformation of the vesicle induced by introducing polymers into it. We examined the dependence of the stability of the vesicle shape on the chain length of the polymers and the packing ratio of the vesicle. We present a simple model calculation that shows the relative stability of the prolate shape compared to the oblate shape.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Particle Monte Carlo simulation of string-like colloidal assembly in 2 dimensions

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    We simulate structural phase behavior of polymer-grafted colloidal particles by molecular Monte Carlo technique. Interparticle potential, which has a finite repulsive square-step outside a rigid core of the colloid, was previously confirmed via numerical self-consistent field calculation. This model potential is purely repulsive. We simulate these model colloids in the canonical ensemble in 2 dimensions and find that these particles containing no interparticle attraction self-assemble and align in a string-like assembly, at low temperature and high density. This string-like colloidal assembly is related to percolation phenomena. Analyzing the cluster size distribution and the average string length, we build phase diagrams and discover that the average string length diverges around the region where the melting transition line and the percolation transition line cross. This result is similar to Ising spin systems, in which the percolation transition line and the order-disorder line meet at a critical point.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Monte-Carlo simulation of string-like colloidal assembly

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    We study structural phase transition of polymer-grafted colloidal particles by Monte Carlo simulations on hard spherical particles. The interaction potential, which has a weak repulsive step outside the hard core, was validated with use of the self-consistent field calculations. With this potential, canonical Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out in two and three dimensions using the Metropolis algorithm. At low temperature and high density, we find that the particles start to self-assemble and finally align in strings. By analyzing the cluster size distribution and string length distribution, we construct a phase diagram and find that this string-like assembly is related to the percolation phenomena. The average string length diverges in the region where the melting transition line and the percolation transition line cross, which is similar to Ising spin systems where the percolation transition line and the order-disorder line meet on the critical point.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for Europhysics Letter

    Coarsening in surface growth models without slope selection

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    We study conserved models of crystal growth in one dimension [∂tz(x,t)=−∂xj(x,t)\partial_t z(x,t) =-\partial_x j(x,t)] which are linearly unstable and develop a mound structure whose typical size L increases in time (L=tnL = t^n). If the local slope (m=∂xzm =\partial_x z) increases indefinitely, nn depends on the exponent γ\gamma characterizing the large mm behaviour of the surface current jj (j=1/∣m∣γj = 1/|m|^\gamma): n=1/4n=1/4 for 1<γ<31< \gamma <3 and n=(1+γ)/(1+5γ)n=(1+\gamma)/(1+5\gamma) for γ>3\gamma>3.Comment: 7 pages, 2 EPS figures. To be published in J. Phys. A (Letter to the Editor

    Elastic energy of polyhedral bilayer vesicles

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    In recent experiments [M. Dubois, B. Dem\'e, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, J.-C. Dedieu, C. Vautrin, S. D\'esert, E. Perez, and T. Zemb, Nature (London) Vol. 411, 672 (2001)] the spontaneous formation of hollow bilayer vesicles with polyhedral symmetry has been observed. On the basis of the experimental phenomenology it was suggested [M. Dubois, V. Lizunov, A. Meister, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, J. M. Verbavatz, E. Perez, J. Zimmerberg, and T. Zemb, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Vol. 101, 15082 (2004)] that the mechanism for the formation of bilayer polyhedra is minimization of elastic bending energy. Motivated by these experiments, we study the elastic bending energy of polyhedral bilayer vesicles. In agreement with experiments, and provided that excess amphiphiles exhibiting spontaneous curvature are present in sufficient quantity, we find that polyhedral bilayer vesicles can indeed be energetically favorable compared to spherical bilayer vesicles. Consistent with experimental observations we also find that the bending energy associated with the vertices of bilayer polyhedra can be locally reduced through the formation of pores. However, the stabilization of polyhedral bilayer vesicles over spherical bilayer vesicles relies crucially on molecular segregation of excess amphiphiles along the ridges rather than the vertices of bilayer polyhedra. Furthermore, our analysis implies that, contrary to what has been suggested on the basis of experiments, the icosahedron does not minimize elastic bending energy among arbitrary polyhedral shapes and sizes. Instead, we find that, for large polyhedron sizes, the snub dodecahedron and the snub cube both have lower total bending energies than the icosahedron

    Geographical distribution of Phagocata vivida in the Far East

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    Phagocata vivida (Ijima et Kaburaki, 1916) is common in cold-water habitats in mountainous and hilly regions in Japan; in Northern Japan it occurs in lowland areas. Comparative studies of the material from South Korea and Primorskiy in Northeast Siberia, Russia, show that Ph. vivida is distributed widely in these geographic areas. Phagocata miyadii Okugawa, 1939, reported from North Korea and Northeastern China is a synonym of Ph vivida. Geographical distribution of this species in the Japanese Islands now becomes very clear. Judging by its geographical and vertical distributions, the species probably is a preglacial faunal element that entered Japan by the northern route to Old Honshû Island along the coast of the Old Sea of Japan. © 1995, Kluwer Academic Publishers. All rights reserved

    Phase ordering and shape deformation of two-phase membranes

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    Within a coupled-field Ginzburg-Landau model we study analytically phase separation and accompanying shape deformation on a two-phase elastic membrane in simple geometries such as cylinders, spheres and tori. Using an exact periodic domain wall solution we solve for the shape and phase ordering field, and estimate the degree of deformation of the membrane. The results are pertinent to a preferential phase separation in regions of differing curvature on a variety of vesicles.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to PR

    Nanomechanical structures with 91 MHz resonance frequency fabricated by local deposition and dry etching

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    We report an all-dry, two-step, surface nanoengineering method to fabricate nanomechanical elements without photolithography. It is based on the local deposition through a nanostencil of a well-defined aluminum pattern onto a silicon/silicon-nitride substrate, followed by plasma etching to release the structures. The suspended 100-nm-wide, 2-mum-long, and 300-nm-thick nanolevers and nanobridges have natural resonance frequencies of 50 and 91 MHz, respectively. The fabrication method is scalable to a full wafer and allows for a variety of materials to be structured on arbitrary surfaces, thus opening new types of nanoscale mechanical systems

    Coarsening Dynamics of a One-Dimensional Driven Cahn-Hilliard System

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    We study the one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation with an additional driving term representing, say, the effect of gravity. We find that the driving field EE has an asymmetric effect on the solution for a single stationary domain wall (or `kink'), the direction of the field determining whether the analytic solutions found by Leung [J.Stat.Phys.{\bf 61}, 345 (1990)] are unique. The dynamics of a kink-antikink pair (`bubble') is then studied. The behaviour of a bubble is dependent on the relative sizes of a characteristic length scale E−1E^{-1}, where EE is the driving field, and the separation, LL, of the interfaces. For EL≫1EL \gg 1 the velocities of the interfaces are negligible, while in the opposite limit a travelling-wave solution is found with a velocity v∝E/Lv \propto E/L. For this latter case (ELâ‰Ș1EL \ll 1) a set of reduced equations, describing the evolution of the domain lengths, is obtained for a system with a large number of interfaces, and implies a characteristic length scale growing as (Et)1/2(Et)^{1/2}. Numerical results for the domain-size distribution and structure factor confirm this behavior, and show that the system exhibits dynamical scaling from very early times.Comment: 20 pages, revtex, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
