9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Terapi Musik Instrumental Terhadap Perubahan Skala Nyeri Pada Pasien Preoperasi Fraktur Di Rumkit Tk.iii R.w.monginsidi Teling Dan RSU Gmim Bethesda Tomohon

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    : Fracture broken bones is the most of disruption of the bone structure. Clinical manifestations in patients with fracture is an acute pain. One of the management of pain non - pharmacological is distraction techniques with music therapy. The purpose of the research to determine the effect of instrumental music therapy to changes in the scale of pain in patients pre - surgery fracture in Tk. III R. W. Monginsidi Teling hospital and GMIM Bethesda Tomohon hospital. The design of this research use pre experimental, to collect the data from pretest then do intervention and then collect the data again through the posttest. The sample used non random (non probability) sampling with the number of samples of 18 people. Result using Wilcoxon signed rank test with confidential value 95% (α=0,05) and get p value 0,000 < 0,05 The conclusion, there is the influence of music therapy instrument to changes pain scale in patients pre - surgery fracture Tk. III R. W. Monginsidi Teling hospital and GMIM Bethesda Tomohon hospital

    Perbedaan Status Psikososial Lanjut Usia Yang Tinggal Di Panti Werdha Damai Ranomuut Manado Dengan Yang Tinggal Bersama Keluarga Di Desa Sarongsong II Kecamatan Airmadidi Kabuaten Minahasa Utara

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    : Elderly psychosocial development is the achievement of personal integrity intact, understanding of the meaning of life as a whole makes the elderly trying to lead the next generation based on the angle of view. Elderly who do not achieve integrity will feel desperate and regretting the past because it does not feel his life is meaningful changes in the elderly psychosocial changes that include the achievement of intimacy generative and integrity intact. The Purpose to determine differences in the psychosocial status of elderly living in Nursing Damai Ranomuut Manado by living with a family in the village Sarongsong II Kecamatan Airmadidi Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. The method descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach the sampling technique used consecutive sampling with sample of 48 people. The results By Chi-Square there is a difference between psychosocial status (psychosocial stress) p=0,001 & Geriatric depression scale p=0,001 where the value α=0,05. Conclusion results showed differences in psychosocial status of elderly living in Nursing Damai Ranomuut Manado by living with a family in the village Sarongsong II Kecamatan Airmadidi Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Suggestions can be used as a reference, insight, and motivation in comprehensive nursing services

    Hubungan Psychological Well Being Dengan Derajat Hipertensi Pada Pasien Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Bahu Manado

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    : Hypertension is the increase in systolic blood pressure from 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg began appearing in two main types, essential hypertension and secondary hypertension. Psychological well being is the full achievement of the potential psychological and a situation when an individual can receive your strengths and weaknesses are, have a purpose in life, develop positive relationships with others, be an independent person, able to control the environment, and continues to grow personally . The purpose of this study to analyze relationships of psychological well being with hypertension degrees on hypertension patients in Bahu\u27s Health Center Manado. The method used is descriptive analytic with cross sectional design. The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling with 75 samples. The data collection is done by using a questionnaire. Processing data using computer programs with chi-square test with a significance level of 95% (É‘ = 0.05). The results showed the number of respondents who have a high PWB as many as 38 respondents, and which are at the pre classification of hypertension by 40 respondents and is currently on the classification of hypertension by 35 respondents and p value = 0.001. This conclusion shows there is a relationship of psychological well being with the degree of hypertension

    Hubungan Riwayat Lama Merokok Dan Kadar Kolesterol Total Dengan Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner Di Poliklinik Jantung RSU Pancaran Kasih Gmim Manado

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    Abstrack: smoking is a cylinder of paper a length between 70 and 120 mm with a diameter of about 10 mm containing tobacco leavels that have been shredded. Cholesterol is a lipid that circulates in the blood. Coronary heart disease, ranging from the occurrence of atherosclerosis and that has to accumulation of fat or plaque on the walls of coronary arteries, both accompanied by clinical symptomps or no symptoms. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship of a long history of smoking and total cholesterol levels with the incidence of coronary heart disease. Samples in this study is 43 respondens. The research is design of case control study with retrospective approaches and instruments used in this study is the observation sheet. The result of research based on chi square tes there is a long history of smoking relationship between p=0.004 and total cholesterol levels of p=0.004 with coronary heart disease events in which the value of α=0.05. Conclusions of this study indicate that there is a relationship between long history smoking and total cholesterol to coronary heart disease events in the cardiac clinic RSU Pancaran Kasih GMIM Manado. Suggestions for future research are expected to be a reference for research on the development of a long history of smoking and total cholesterol with coronary heart disease

    Hubungan Interaksi Sosial Dengan Kualitas Hidup Lansia Di Bplu Senja Cerah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    : Globally, the population of the elderly continue to rise. The increase of the number of elderly people is accompanied with a rise in health problems that are associated with the elderly. The degenerative process on the elderly causes the degeneration of the physical, psychological, and social conditions. One of the impacts of social change that is experienced by the elderly is the self-withdrawal of the elderly from their living environment. The purpose of the research is to analyze the association between social interaction and the quality of life of the elderly at BPLU Senja Cerah in North Sulawesi Province. The method of research is analytical descriptive with a cross-sectional design. The sample-taking technique in the research is purposive sampling with 32 samples. The collecting of data is done using a questionnaire. The processing of data uses the software computer with chi-square with the level of confidence interval of 95% (α=0,05). The results of the research shows the number of respondents with a good level of social interaction is 21 respondents, with 4 (12,5%) respondents having a sufficient quality of life, and 16 (50,0%) respondents with a high quality of life, while there are 12 respondents with a sufficient level of social interaction, where 9 (28,1%) respondents show a sufficient quality of life and 3 (9,4%) of respondents with a high quality of life and there is a p value of 0,004 < 0,05. This conclusion shows that there is a relationship between social interaction and the quality of life in the elderly

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Tentang Terapi Insulin Dengan Inisiasi Insulin Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Di Rumah Sakit Pancaran Kasih Gmim Manado

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    : Most patients with diabetes mellitus insulin resistance despite being advised to useinsulin. Lack of knowledge about diabetes causes the patient was less likely to take decisions inthe use of insulin. The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship betweenknowledge about insulin therapy with insulin initiation on patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus atPancaran Kasih GMIM Hospital Manado. This study's design used observational analytic withcross sectional approach that measured simultaneously, for a moment or just once in one time.The technique of taking sample using random sampling with a sample size of 60 people. Chi squarestatistical test result with a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) and obtained p value of 0,016 <0.05.The conclusion that there is a relationship of knowledge about insulin therapy with insulininitiation on patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus at Pancaran Kasih GMIM Hospital Manado.Nurses should provide the education that can be understood by patients with type 2 diabetes sothat patients can take the right decision in using insulin