13 research outputs found

    Relationship between protein intake and PheOx.

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    <p>6 participants completed 34 metabolic trials with a range of test protein intake (0.2–2.8 g·kg<sup>-1</sup>·d<sup>-1</sup>). The breakpoint estimated the average protein requirement. The breakpoint was determined by using a biphasic linear regression crossover analysis. The average protein requirement and recommended protein intake were estimated to be 1.53, 1.70 g·kg<sup>-1</sup>·d<sup>-1</sup> respectively (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.85).</p

    Amino acid composition of reference protein and selected test protein intakes<sup>1</sup>.

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    <p>Amino acid composition of reference protein and selected test protein intakes<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0157406#t002fn001" target="_blank"><sup>1</sup></a>.</p

    The effect of protein intake on phenylalanine fluxes.

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    <p>Values are means ± SD. No significant differences (P > 0.05) in phenylalanine flux were observed within each participant because of various test protein intakes.</p

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of A new bioassay for measuring the strength of IL-6/STAT3 signal inhibition by tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Transition in CDAI for each group of patients administered TCZ at different intervals. Transition in CDAI for the 3-week group (A), 4-week group (B) and 5-week group (C). TCZ tocilizumab, CDAI clinical disease activity index. (TIF 1404 kb

    Petasin Activates AMP-Activated Protein Kinase and Modulates Glucose Metabolism

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    Petasin (<b>1</b>), a natural product found in plants of the genus <i>Petasites</i>, has beneficial medicinal effects, such as antimigraine and antiallergy activities. However, whether or not <b>1</b> modulates metabolic diseases is unknown. In this study, the effects of <b>1</b> on AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is considered a pharmacological target for treating metabolic diseases, are described. It was found that an extract of <i>Petasites japonicus</i> produces an increase in the phosphorylation of AMPK in vitro, and the main active compound <b>1</b> was isolated. When this compound was administered orally to mice, activation of AMPK in the liver, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue was observed. Moreover, pretreatment with <b>1</b> enhanced glucose tolerance following the administration of a glucose solution to normal mice. The mechanism by which <b>1</b> activates AMPK was subsequently investigated, and an increased intracellular AMP/ATP ratio in the cultured cells treated with <b>1</b> occurred. In addition, treatment with petasin inhibited mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I. Taken together, the present results indicated that <b>1</b> modulates glucose metabolism and activates AMPK through the inhibition of mitochondrial respiration. The preclinical data suggested that petasin (<b>1</b>) could be useful for the treatment of metabolic diseases in humans

    Risk of disease flares after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    This study aims to elucidate the effectiveness and safety of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We enrolled uninfected SLE patients who received two vaccine doses (BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273) and historical unvaccinated patients. Neutralizing antibodies, adverse reactions, and disease flares were evaluated 4 weeks after the second vaccination. Ninety patients were enrolled in each group. Among the vaccinated patients, SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI), and prednisolone doses before vaccination were 2, and 5 mg/d, respectively. After the second vaccination, 19 (21.1%) had no neutralizing antibodies. Adverse reactions occurred in 88.9% within 3 d. Negative antibodies were associated with anemia and mycophenolate mofetil administration. SLEDAI increased modestly but significantly after vaccination, with 13 (14.4%) experiencing flares and 4 (4.4%) severe flares (nephritis in three and vasculitis in one). The flare rate was higher in vaccinated patients than unvaccinated controls. The mean duration between the second vaccination and flares was 35 d, and flares occurred at least 8 days after vaccination. Multivariable analysis showed that high SLEDAI and anti-dsDNA antibodies were associated with flares. The vaccine type, neutralizing antibody titer, and adverse reaction frequency did not affect flares. Therefore, residual disease activity before vaccination increases flare risk.</p

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Identification of definitive serum biomarkers associated with disease activity in primary Sjögren’s syndrome

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    Functional annotation of differentially expressed proteins in pSS patient sera. Nodes indicate molecular concepts or set of biologically related genes. Name of each node is indicated in black text on the node. The node size represents the proportion of differentially expressed gene symbols in the concepts (e.g., the “chemokine signaling pathway” and “extracellular region” concepts contain 14 and 58 genes, respectively). Length of lines between nodes represents degree of overlap between symbols. Colored lines indicate strength of functional relationship from strong to weak, as follows: red, yellow, green and gray. Green nodes indicate immune response-related molecular concepts, and red nodes indicate platelet-related molecular concepts. (TIF 9752 kb