3,031 research outputs found

    Data description of ROV BEAST

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    This document describes the folder structure to be used to store BEAST ROV data in such a way, that it can be directly ingested by the AWI Raw Data Ingestion Framework. All Path examples are given for the Polarstern expedition PS101. Data structure will adapt to changes in the vehicle composition

    Light Transmission Through Arctic Sea Ice - Large-Scale Studies on Seasonality and Spatial Variability

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    Arctic sea ice has declined and become thinner and more seasonal during the last decade. One consequence of this is that the surface energy budget of the Arctic Ocean is changing. Solar light transmitting into and through sea ice is of critical importance for the state of sea-ice and the timing and amount of primary production. The light field in and under sea ice is highly variable: horizontally, vertically, and over seasons. At the same time, observations of light transmittance through sea ice are still sparse, because the under-ice environment is difficult to access and high quality measurements are challenging. Furthermore, it is necessary to generalize measurements in order to obtain Arctic-wide estimates of light conditions and energy budgets

    Brief communication: Increasing shortwave absorption over the Arctic Ocean is not balanced by trends in the Antarctic

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    On the basis of a new, consistent, long-term observational satellite dataset we show that, despite the observed increase of sea ice extent in the Antarctic, absorption of solar shortwave radiation in the Southern Ocean poleward of 60Ā° latitude is not decreasing. The observations hence show that the small increase in Antarctic sea ice extent does not compensate for the combined effect of retreating Arctic sea ice and changes in cloud cover, which both result in a total increase in solar shortwave energy deposited into the polar oceans


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi dengan judul ā€œStrategi Guru dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediriā€œ ini ditulis oleh Anis Hidayah, NIM. 1725143024, Pembimbing Dr. H. Abd. Aziz, M. Pd. I. Kata kunci: Strategi, Guru, Membentuk, Karakter Pendidikan berperan penting dalam menyalurkan hal-hal baru sebagai upaya perubahan positif kepada setiap orang. Perubahan tersebut dapat berupa cara bersikap, cara bersosialisasi, mengembangkan potensi dan lain sebagainya. Karakter merupakan watak atau kebiasaan yang dilakukan terus-menerus sehingga tertanam dalam diri. Terwujudnya nilai karakter yang baik salah satu aspek penting yang menjadi perubahan di dalam proses pendidikan, yang ditengarai sebagai keberhasilan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan. Karakter akan mudah tertanam dalam diri peserta didik dengan kegiatan pembiasaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang secara teratur. Untuk membentuk karakter yang baik, guru dituntut untuk terus mengembangkan berbagai strategi, cara dan inovasi baru yang sesuai perkembangan dan kebutuhan zaman. Fokus penelitian dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah (1) Bagaimana guru membentuk karakter religius siswa di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediri? (2) Bagaimana guru membentuk karakter mandiri siswa di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediri? (3) Bagaimana guru membentuk karakter tanggung jawab siswa di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediri?. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan guru membentuk karakter religius, karakter mandiri , dan karakter tanggung jawab siswa dalam pelaksanaanya di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Paparan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan tehnik reduksi data ,penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan cara perpanjangan keikutsertaan, ketekunan pengamatan, dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: berdasarkan paparan data dan diskusi hasil penelitian maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa (1) guru membentuk karakter religius dengan cara pemahaman, pembinaan, dan pengawasan melalui pembiasaan yang telah dilaksanakan di madrasah yaitu shalat dhuhur berjamaah, shalat dhuha setiap hari Jumat, membaca doa sebelum dan mengakiri pemebelajaran, hafalan surat pendek dan doa keseharian, bimbingan membaca Al-Qurā€™an setiap hari Jumat, dan pembelajaran tahfidz. (2) guru membentuk karakter mandiri dengan cara praktik di dalam dan di luar kelas melalui pembiasaan yang telah dilaksanakan yaitu, upacara bendera hari Senin, berbaris sebelum masuk kelas, dan kegiatan kepramukaan. (3) guru membentuk karakter tanggung jawab dengan cara menerapkan aturan yang telah dibuat bersama dengan memberikan konsekuensi jika tidak dilaksanakan melalui kebiasaan yang telah ada yaitu, tanggung jawab piket, tanggung jawab tugas , serta kas kelas setiap hari Jumat

    Gordon Research Seminar & Gordon Research Conference on Polar Marine Science in Barga, Tuscany, 16 ā€“ 22 March 2019

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    New insights into radiative transfer within sea ice derived from autonomous optical propagation measurements

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    The radiative transfer of shortwave solar radiation through the sea ice cover of the polar oceans is a crucial aspect of energy partitioning at the atmosphereā€“iceā€“ocean interface. A detailed understanding of how sunlight is reflected and transmitted by the sea ice cover is needed for an accurate representation of critical processes in climate and ecosystem models, such as the iceā€“albedo feedback. Due to the challenges associated with ice internal measurements, most information about radiative transfer in sea ice has been gained by optical measurements above and below the sea ice. To improve our understanding of radiative transfer processes within the ice itself, we developed a new kind of instrument equipped with a number of multispectral light sensors that can be frozen into the ice. A first prototype consisting of a 2.3ā€‰m long chain of 48 sideward planar irradiance sensors with a vertical spacing of 0.05ā€‰m was deployed at the geographic North Pole in late August 2018, providing autonomous, vertically resolved light measurements within the ice cover during the autumn season. Here we present the first results of this instrument, discuss the advantages and application of the prototype, and provide first new insights into the spatiotemporal aspect of radiative transfer within the sea ice itself. In particular, we investigate how measured attenuation coefficients relate to the optical properties of the ice pack and show that sideward planar irradiance measurements are equivalent to measurements of total scalar irradiance

    Relation between sea ice freeboard and draft and its seasonal evolution in the Central Arctic

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    Relating the sea-ice surface to the under-ice topography is a timely scientific effort in the Arctic. This relation is crucial for estimating the ice thickness distribution for largeā€scale modelling, for assessing the mechanical force that ships need to overcome, for risk evaluation of offshore structures, for determining roughness characteristics to derive wind and water drag coefficients for dynamics modelling, for sound scattering, and for the confinement of under-ice oil spills. Existing relations are based on numerical modelling assuming estimates of snow depth, snow density, and ice density or are based on field observations confined to specific areas and short time periods. MOSAiC provided the first year-long, high-resolution dataset of sea-ice draft derived from a multibeam echosounder. In combination with co-located freeboard estimates from airborne mapping of the surface, we construct the 3D sea-ice topography to study the evolution of sea-ice geometry both at the surface and underside. We can obtain direct and high precision relations between draft and freeboard on an almost weekly basis for an ice floe continuously drifting from the North Pole to Fram Strait during winter, spring, and summer. A precise evaluation of total ice thickness, ice density, freeboard, draft and their respective relations on small scales is crucial information to future satellite remote sensing ice thickness retrievals, a key asset of climate monitoring in the Arctic
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