19 research outputs found

    Systematic framework and measures of economic policy in function of Serbian agriculture improvement requirements

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    One of the most significant economic activities in Serbia is agriculture, which also represents the base for food industry and some other branches of processing industry. In this field Serbia finds its developmental opportunity in future period. Inclusion of the country in EU, as well as in the World Tourist Organization, implies appropriate preparation and qualification in this field, so there could be more successful deal with rising competitiveness of foreign goods, in conditions of increasing liberalization level of foreign trade. Therefore, domestic regulatory rules must be adjusted to EU regulatory rules, like as concrete measures regarding agriculture and rural development improvement must be adjusted to the measures in the Joint EU Agrarian Policy. Serbian agriculture is in quite bad condition, and financial possibilities of the state, to expedite its development by abundant assets, are still insufficient. In terms of recession, caused by world economic crisis, too, incentive assets reduce, while making business in this field become more and more aggravated. This paper points out, in short, to significance and condition of agriculture in Serbia, on regulatory rules and future plan documents important for this field, as well as on concrete measures, which have to be undertaken in order to improve this activity.agricultural production, legislature in the field of agriculture, developmental documents, rural development, incentive measures.


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    More and more keeps encouraging and developing the organic production, based on natural methods, whose products, as healthy safer, are increasingly demanded on the market. This production is simultaneously in compliance with environment preservation and contributes to affirmation of generally accepted concept of sustainable development. The model of agriculture multifunctionality, adequate for improvement of rural development, has been accepted in EU, as integral part of its agrarian policy. As such, it is supported by budget sources both in countries ā€“ candidates and future candidates for EU membership, including Serbia. Here forgets that the multifunctionality method, observed in frames of economic activities diversification, in villages in this region, has existed since ever, as well as total agricultural production in those areas, until few decades ago, had represented organic production. Tradition and experience in application of organic production method in agriculture and development of multifunctional activities in the villages have been represented in this paper according to the author's memory on '50s of past Century and practice of village OtiÅ”ić's inhabitants, located in Dalmatian Zagora, and had been turned into ashes and practically vanished

    Doha round of WTO negotiations and the domestic support for agriculture in Serbia

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    Beside the fact that the green box essential inspection has, obviously, not been carried out, the long expected modality draft in the agricultural sector for July 2006 is full of opposing ponts of view and conflicting solutions to the problem. Thus, the negotiations have been completely suspended, as the very result of the lack of agreement in the field of agriculture (market approach and internal support). It is expected that Doha round of WTO negotiations should result with a significant improvement in reduction of trade distortion support. Serbia is in the process of joining the WTO and is intensively working on meeting the obligations that are expected to be completed in the process; in this case, in the field of internal support to agriculture.


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    The necessity of state taking care of its own agriculture is needless to explain particularly. The agriculture Šµnsures food security. Agricultural production is the main source of raw material for food industry. Therefore, its position in economic policy documents must be secured. This documents are legal framework for operationalization activities which comprise set of development priorities and tasks. Agricultural sector has a significant role in serbian economy. It takes a considerable part in GDP. Substantial financial support for agriculture is provided from the national budget. In past few years, budgetary support to agriculture and rural development differ according to its volume and structure. In 2009, these transfers are substantially lower than in last few years, which will have negative influece on agricultural production.This paper comprises a brief review of the role of agriculture in economic policy in 2009


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    By the end of twentieth century process of transition occurred in countries of formal planned economy and socialistic model of governance. In the analyses of achieved level of progress, three levels can be underlined: - Countries of central Eastern Europe witch accessed European Union in the last wave of accession in 2004. and in witch processes of transition are practically finished, - Countries that are now on doorstep of EU (Romania and Bulgaria), and - Serbia, where transition process are in delay of one decade, from known reasons : country decomposition, war in environment, isolation from international community, NATO actions. This paper works gives overview of applied measures and achieved effects of transition in the area of agrar in listed countries. With significant problems, it is showed that transition in countries that ended this process was successful. Serbia has, in a matter of speaking, stirring times by the end of transition. Experience obtained by countries that finished this process can be still useful for transition in Serbia


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    Agricultural sector have significant share in total foreign exchange, so, the results realized in this sector might have influence on total foreign trade balance enhancement and on balance of total national economy. Nearly half of total volume of agricultural and food products exchange is realizing with EU countries. With democratic changes in FRY, necessary prerequisites for using EU autonomous trade measures have been fulfilled. The exchange of agricultural products with EU is enhancing continuously, while export rise is faster, followed by trade balance suficite increment. In the paper have been analysed the results of agricultural and food products exchange in period 2000-2006. Derived data might be a base for a perception of foreign trade and agricultural policy tendencies in the future. Exchange improvement in the coming period might be expected, especially after Stabilization and Association Agreement ratification. SAA should ensure the persistence of preferential status, with retaining the existing sugar tariff quota, gradually increasing the beef and wine tariff quotas and with the request for cutting the EU export subsidies for the products exported to Serbia


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    In the last decade of twentieth centaury number of organic producers is increasing. At the same tike demand and consumption are in constant increasing and they are higher than offer of these products. It is clear that market of organic food is developing relatively fast, but it's participation in total market of agricultural and food products in still insufficient. Production and market of organic food are regulated with adequate regulations in SCG and EU that refer to production (agricultural product, forest products and medicinal herbs and caterers that are obtained with their processing), labeling, storage, manipulation, transport and certification. Regulations and clauses that refer to import of organic products from third countries to EU are rigid. This paper work is reviewing analysis of EU measurement legislation in SCG

    Agrarian and Rural Entrepreneurship as the Producer of Healthy Food in Conditions of European Legislatives Regulative and Integrations

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    Serbia has opted for European integrations, in other words, trilateral incorporation (EU-USA-Russia), production of healthy food and faster development of entrepreneurship, especially small and middle firms in agriculture and in the village. Some efforts have been taken in aim to finish a transition process and strengthening in private property sector, development of market economy and democracy, getting rid of many mistakes: from past and their consequences in social economic development of our country and the moves closer to the EU member countries. Incorporation of Serbia in mentioned situation especially European integration, represents complex kinds of difficulties, because it is about high developed countries integrations, with high life standards, countries which were not involved in conflicts and wars by national, religion and idealism elements. Therefore, such incorporation of our agricultural, and further, in its subcategory - agribusiness, agrarian and rural entrepreneurship, as well as production and sale of healthy food products on EU market, represents special difficulties and requires a lot of patience, time and efforts