59 research outputs found

    Summary of sliding window analysis across a 300 kb region (chr11∶61467097–61759006, hg19) centered on the <i>FADS</i> gene cluster for two African (YRI and LWK) versus eight non-African populations (IBS, CEU, GBR, FIN, TSI, JPT, CHB and CHS).

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    <p>Genetic diversity π, Tajima’s D, Fay & Wu’s H, and pairwise F<sub>ST</sub> were calculated using a window size of 5 kb and an overlap of 1 kb. The teal shaded box represents the ∼30 kb haplotype block noted within the African samples and the three black bars represent <i>FADS1, FADS2</i> and <i>FADS3</i> from left to right, respectively along with direction of transcription. Dotted lines represent the threshold for an empirical P = 0.01 comparing across all windows in the genome for Tajima’s D, Fay & Wu’s H.</p

    Median-joining network for the relationship of haplotypes of 1,092 individuals in a ∼30

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    <p> <b>kb block of LD including </b><b><i>FADS1</i></b><b>.</b> Circles represent haplotypes with an area proportional to frequency. Singleton haplotypes were not shown. “Ancestral” is a reconstructed haplotype carrying the ancestral (chimpanzee) allele at each position as illustrated in black.</p

    XP-EHH scores across the 300kb region (chr11∶61467097–61759006, hg19) around the <i>FADS</i> gene cluster in populations from Africa (blue) and Europe (red) within the HGDP.

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    <p>SNP rs174737 is illustrated with the black dot on the African curve. The teal shaded box represents the ∼30 kb haplotype block noted within the African samples and the three black bars represent <i>FADS1, FADS2</i> and <i>FADS3</i> from left to right, respectively along with direction of transcription. Dotted line represents the threshold for an empirical P = 0.01 comparing across all windows in the genome for XP-EHH.</p

    Geographic distribution of <i>derived</i> allele frequencies in a 100

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    <p> <b>kb region surrounding rs174537 in the 52 populations represented in the Human Genome Diversity Panel Data. </b><b>Panel A</b> represents physical position of the SNPs relative to genes in the region, <b>Panel B</b> is SNP name (derived allele), <b>Panel C</b> is frequency of derived allele (in orange) in the populations clustered based on geography, <b>Panel D</b> is an indication of the allele associated with increased LC-PUFA metabolism in published association studies, and Panel E is the detailed overview of rs174537 showing is near fixation within Africa.</p

    Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) within Haploview using the D’ statistic for <i>IL13</i>.

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    <p>Intensity of shading indicates the degree of confidence in the D’ value. Dark filled squares indicate a D’ value of 1. Untranslated regions are indicated with black bars, exons with dark gray bars and introns with light gray bars. Exons are numbered from 5′ to 3′.</p