73 research outputs found

    Josip Broz Tito\u27s Visit To Great Britain In 1953

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    Tito\u27s journey to Britain in 1953 became his first visit to a Western country since the establishment of Communist Yugoslavia in 1945. The visit served Tito to reinforce his power and personal prestige. Moreover, on a state level, the visit allowed Yugoslav authorities to show that one of the world powers had received a leader of a small country. This spoke in favor of both the country and its President and it further emphasized the prime reason for the bond between Yugoslavia and the West - conflict with the USSR


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    U članku se analiziraju događaji u Hrvatskoj 1967. godine vezani uz odlazak iz političkog života Većeslava Holjevca, istaknutoga hrvatskog političara. Na osnovi uvida u arhivsku građu i druge dokumente rekonstruira se djelovanje V. Holjevca kao predsjednika Matice iseljenika Hrvatske.The dismissal of V. Holjevac from the political life of Croatia, confirmed by his resignation of the membership in the Central! Committee of the Association of Communists of Croatia at the end of 1967 had not been a subject of historiographical research. The article analyses, on the basis of original Party documents from that period, the circumstances of this event. Already in spring 1966, Holjevac was subject to political criticism as president of the Committee of the Fund for Nominating the Scientific Awards "Božidar Adžija"

    HISTORICAL EXPLORATION OF COMMUNISM FOLLOWING OPENING OF ARCHIVES: Timothy Garton Ash, The File. A Personal History, Harper Collins, London 1997, 227 str.

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    U radu se daje pregled istraživanja nakon otvaranja arhiva u prijaÅ”njim komunističkim državama, s težiÅ”tem na odnosu ranijih i novih istraživanja, na obilježjima nove građe kao i odnosu istraživača prema izvorima koji su donedavno bili potpuno nedostupni. Kao ilustracija novih radova prikazuje se knjiga koja je izazvala velik interes među historičarima, ali i Å”ire, The File. A Personal History T. G. Asha.The themes which captured the attention of researchers immediately after Communist archives have become available, especially the documents of the Communist International and the police personal files, were political biographies of the victims of Stalinism and the espionage. The author thinks that these works are not always critical towards documents. Former communist countries have regulated the access to the archives in different ways. Germany has adopted the most liberal policy. T. G. Ash\u27 s book is illustrative of new research. He found his dossier in the Stasi files and, with the help of those who produced it, used it for an analysis of the system of repression as well as its consequences for society and the individual


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    U radu se na temelju britanskih diplomatskih izvora i onodobnih domaćih novina analizira posjet britanskih parlamentaraca Jugoslaviji u studenom 1945. Posebna je pažnja pridata dijelu posjeta koji se odvio u Zagrebu, gdje su domaće vlasti parlamentarcima organizirale obilazak jednog zatvora Ozne.In the autumn of 1945 a series of fateful events occurred in Yugoslavia which determined the direction of its political development: the minister of foreign affairs Ivan Å ubaÅ”ić and other members of the federal government submitted their resignations, the opposition abstained from the first postwar elections, which resulted in their total domination by the Peoplesā€™ Front, and in the first session of the new parliament a republic was proclaimed. These developments had come to pass despite the displeasure of the western powers, particularly Britain and the United States. Alongside these matters, the issue of the boundary with Italy was also pressing, which interested both of the western powers who supported the Italian side. Relations between the western powers and Yugoslavia, until recently allies in the anti-fascist coalition, were thus very tense at the time the British Parliamentarians ā€“ mostly Labour Party members ā€“ came to visit Yugoslavia at the invitation of the government. Even though the visit was of an unofficial nature, and the public was made aware of its existence only later, its propaganda value for the Yugoslav side was great, because it seemed to indicate that the Members of Parliament of a great western power supported the existing regime. This visit raised concerns in British political circles and in some sectors of public opinion, however, as some felt that not enough information was made known about the visit of such a high-ranking delegation, while other circles protested because they felt the Yugoslavian regime could not be supported because it failed to live up to British expectations. The visit led to difficulties in the Foreign Office as well, because the Parliamentarians accused the staff of the consulate in Zagreb of prejudice and a lack of professionalism in its relations with the new organs of government. The disagreement arose particularly over diametrically opposed reports concerning the conditions in prisons. The government had allowed the Parliamentarians to tour the OZNA jail in Zagreb during their visit. The Foreign Office later reconstructed these events and established that the government had probably prepared a quick visit for the delegation. However, the issue was not raised further in order to maintain good diplomatic relations between Britain and Yugoslavia

    HISTORICAL EXPLORATION OF COMMUNISM FOLLOWING OPENING OF ARCHIVES: Timothy Garton Ash, The File. A Personal History, Harper Collins, London 1997, 227 str.

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    U radu se daje pregled istraživanja nakon otvaranja arhiva u prijaÅ”njim komunističkim državama, s težiÅ”tem na odnosu ranijih i novih istraživanja, na obilježjima nove građe kao i odnosu istraživača prema izvorima koji su donedavno bili potpuno nedostupni. Kao ilustracija novih radova prikazuje se knjiga koja je izazvala velik interes među historičarima, ali i Å”ire, The File. A Personal History T. G. Asha.The themes which captured the attention of researchers immediately after Communist archives have become available, especially the documents of the Communist International and the police personal files, were political biographies of the victims of Stalinism and the espionage. The author thinks that these works are not always critical towards documents. Former communist countries have regulated the access to the archives in different ways. Germany has adopted the most liberal policy. T. G. Ash\u27 s book is illustrative of new research. He found his dossier in the Stasi files and, with the help of those who produced it, used it for an analysis of the system of repression as well as its consequences for society and the individual

    Mićo Rakić, Od Narodnog fronta do Socijalističkog saveza, Oslobođenje, Sarajevo 1979.

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    U radu se istražuje uloga izbora u uspostavi i funkcioniranju poslijeratnog političkog sustava u Hrvatskoj od 1945. do 1952. godine. Analizom izbornog zakonodavstva i izborne prakse, a osobito doktrinarnih postavki Komunističke partije, dolazi se do osnovnog zaključka: izbori u tom periodu- imaju značaj rituala, služeći kao jedan od organiziranih oblika podrÅ”ke uspostavljenom državnom sustavu, Komunističkoj partiji i istaknutim političkim ličnostima.This article examines the role of elections in the establishment and functioning of political system in Croatia 1945 ā€“ 1952. The objects of analysis are elections far the Sabor 1946 and 1950, federal elections 1945 and 1950, and local elections from the same period. The research is based on archives material, newspapers, documents, and literature. The emphasis is on the following aspects: development of the electoral legislature, characteristics of electoral praxis, and the Communist party conception of the role of elections. Given the monopoly position of the KP in the political system in postwar Croatia and Yugoslavia, its conception of elections determined the nature of electoral legislature and procedure. In accordance with its doctrinal positions, the Communist Party considered elections just a formality by which it organized popular support for the established system. Consequently, the electoral legislature secured victory for its Ā»transmissionĀ«, Nacional Front. The electoral praxis, marked by various methods of party activity and pressure, and often disregarding constrains of legality, was even more significant

    Narodni front Jugoslavije (SSRNJ - razvoj, programsko-teorijske osnove i procesi u druŔtvenoj praksi 1945-1983)

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    Autorica iz različitih aspekata istražuje Narodni front Jugoslavije (Socijalistički savez radnog naroda Jugoslavije) kao sastavni dio političkog sistema: prati njegov povijesni razvitak, analizira teorijska određenja (NF/SSRN), njegove funkcije, organizacijsku strukturu i oblike djelovanja. Nastala kao rezultat specifičnog razvoja jugoslavenske socijalističke revolucije, ta organizacija predstavlja posebnu vrstu političkog organiziranja, različitu od klasičnih političkih organizacija a s elementima koji ga istodobno čine i političkom organizacijom ali i samoupravnom asocijacijom
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