HISTORICAL EXPLORATION OF COMMUNISM FOLLOWING OPENING OF ARCHIVES: Timothy Garton Ash, The File. A Personal History, Harper Collins, London 1997, 227 str.


U radu se daje pregled istraživanja nakon otvaranja arhiva u prijašnjim komunističkim državama, s težištem na odnosu ranijih i novih istraživanja, na obilježjima nove građe kao i odnosu istraživača prema izvorima koji su donedavno bili potpuno nedostupni. Kao ilustracija novih radova prikazuje se knjiga koja je izazvala velik interes među historičarima, ali i šire, The File. A Personal History T. G. Asha.The themes which captured the attention of researchers immediately after Communist archives have become available, especially the documents of the Communist International and the police personal files, were political biographies of the victims of Stalinism and the espionage. The author thinks that these works are not always critical towards documents. Former communist countries have regulated the access to the archives in different ways. Germany has adopted the most liberal policy. T. G. Ash\u27 s book is illustrative of new research. He found his dossier in the Stasi files and, with the help of those who produced it, used it for an analysis of the system of repression as well as its consequences for society and the individual

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