2 research outputs found

    Serotonin limits generation of chromaffin cells during adrenal organ development

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    Adrenal glands are the major organs releasing catecholamines and regulating our stress response. The mechanisms balancing generation of adrenergic chromaffin cells and protecting against neuroblastoma tumors are still enigmatic. Here we revealed that serotonin (5HT) controls the numbers of chromaffin cells by acting upon their immediate progenitor "bridge" cells via 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A (HTR3A), and the aggressive HTR3A(high) human neuroblastoma cell lines reduce proliferation in response to HTR3A-specific agonists. In embryos (in vivo), the physiological increase of 5HT caused a prolongation of the cell cycle in "bridge" progenitors leading to a smaller chromaffin population and changing the balance of hormones and behavioral patterns in adulthood. These behavioral effects and smaller adrenals were mirrored in the progeny of pregnant female mice subjected to experimental stress, suggesting a maternal-fetal link that controls developmental adaptations. Finally, these results corresponded to a size-distribution of adrenals found in wild rodents with different coping strategies

    Single-cell transcriptomics of human embryos identifies multiple sympathoblast lineages with potential implications for neuroblastoma origin

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    Characterization of the progression of cellular states during human embryogenesis can provide insights into the origin of pediatric diseases. We examined the transcriptional states of neural crest– and mesoderm-derived lineages differentiating into adrenal glands, kidneys, endothelium and hematopoietic tissue between post-conception weeks 6 and 14 of human development. Our results reveal transitions connecting the intermediate mesoderm and progenitors of organ primordia, the hematopoietic system and endothelial subtypes. Unexpectedly, by using a combination of single-cell transcriptomics and lineage tracing, we found that intra-adrenal sympathoblasts at that stage are directly derived from nerve-associated Schwann cell precursors, similarly to local chromaffin cells, whereas the majority of extra-adrenal sympathoblasts arise from the migratory neural crest. In humans, this process persists during several weeks of development within the large intra-adrenal ganglia-like structures, which may also serve as reservoirs of originating cells in neuroblastoma