31 research outputs found

    Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva mesa janjadi ličke pramenke uzgajane u poluintenzivnom proizvodnom sustavu: utjecaj spola, tjelesne mase pri klanju i sezone.

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    The purpose of this study was to determine influence of sex, slaughter weight and slaughtering season on the physicochemical properties of meat of Lika Pramenka lambs raised in accordance with the traditional farming system in the Lika region. Male lambs had higher cooking loss (P≤0.05), higher proportions of linoleic and α-linolenic fatty acids (P≤0.05), and n-6 PUFA (P≤0.05) and n-6/n-3 ratio (P≤0.01) than female lambs. An increase in slaughter weight significantly affected carcass weight (P≤0.01), dressing percentage (P≤0.01) and the parameter a* (P≤0.05) of the meat colour. The season significantly affected slaughter weight (P≤0.01), carcass weight (P≤0.01), meat colour parameters (P≤0.05) and fatty acid composition (P≤0.05). Lambs slaughtered at a similar age and reared under similar conditions will have very similar expressions of meat quality traits, regardless of gender. Apart from yield and the redness of the meat, it is expected that slaughter weight will not notably affect any other trait that could be of interest for buyers. The season affected almost all the investigated traits, which was primarily due to the different availability of forage.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj spola, tjelesne mase pri klanju i sezone na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva mesa janjadi ličke pramenke uzgajane u skladu s tradicijskim načinom na području Like. U trupovima muške janjadi utvrđen je značajno veći kalo kuhanja (P≤0,05), značajno veći udio linolne i α-linolenske masne kiseline (P≤0,05), n-6 PUFA (P≤0,05) i kvocijent n-6/n-3(P≤0,01) negoli u trupovima ženske janjadi. Povećanje tjelesne mase pri klanju značajno je utjecalo na klaoničku masu (P≤0,01), randman (P≤0,01) te a* pokazatelj boje mesa (P≤0,05). Sezona je značajno utjecala na tjelesnu masu pri klanju (P≤0,01), klaoničku masu (P≤0,01), sve pokazatelje boje (P≤0,05) i masnokiselinski sastav (P≤0,05) janjećeg mesa. Rezultatima predmetnog istraživanja je utvrđeno da janjad koju se uzgaja u podjednakim uvjetima i zakolje kod ujednačene dobi, neovisno o spolu, ima vrlo ujednačenu ekspresiju svojstava kakvoće mesa. Izuzev radmana i crvenila mesa, tjelesna masa pri klanju nije značajnije utjecala na ostala svojstva koja mogu biti od značajnijeg interesa za potrošače. Sezona je značajno utjecala na gotovo sva istraživana svojstva što se prvenstveno pripisuje različitoj dostupnosti krme

    Utjecaj uzgoja u srodstvu na porodnu masu jaradi sanske pasmine

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    The study aimed to examine the effect of inbreeding on the birth weight (BW) of Saanen goat kids under the framework of the genetic animal model for maternal traits. The BW of the kids was analyzed as the inherent phenotypic trait of the kid, and not of their mothers (does) which means that the impact of the direct inbreeding (not maternal) was examined. The estimated ratios of variance components for direct genetic, indirect maternal genetic, maternal permanent environmental, and herd effects were 0.127, 0.026, 0.163, and 0.373, respectively. The average coefficient of inbreeding (F) was 2.5%, and 4.2% among the inbreds. The results of the preliminary conducted glm ANCOVA analysis implicated statistically significant inbreeding depression for BW (βF=-0.0076, P0.05).Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj uzgoja u srodstvu na porodnu masu jaradi sanske pasmine koza genetskim “animal” modelom za materinska svojstva. Pritom je svojstvo porodne mase promatrano kao inherentno svojstvo jaradi, a ne njihovih majki (koza) što znači da je analiziran utjecaj direktnog, a ne maternalnog uzgoja u srodstvu. Procijenjeni udjeli komponenti varijance za direktne genske učinke, indirektne materinske genske učinke, trajne materinske učinke te učinke stada bili su redom 0,127, 0,026, 0,163 i 0,373. Prosječni utvrđeni koeficijent uzgoja u srodstvu (F) bio je 2.5%, a inbirdiranih jedinki 4.2%. Rezultati preliminarno provedene glm ANCOVA analize upućivali su na postojanje statistički značajne inbriding depresije za porodnu masu jaradi (βF=-0,0076, P 0,05)

    Heavy metals in edible mushroom Boletus reticulatus Schaeff. collected from Zrin mountain, Croatia

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    Background and Purpose: Trace element contents in genus Boletus from Croatia are very limited. The aim of this study is to give detailed trace element concentrations in ectomychorrhizal edible mushroom Boletus reticulatus from Zrin mountain. Material and Method: Fruiting bodies of the Boletus reticulatus were collected in a study area of Zrin mountain (Croatia). The contents of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn in fruiting bodies of ectomychorrhizal species were carried out by atomic adsorption spectrometry. Results and Conclusions: The results showed that concentrations of the studied elements decreased in order: Zn (91,31 mg kg–1) > Fe (57,27 mg kg–1) > Cu (13,80 mg kg–1) > Pb (4,20 mg kg–1) > Ni (2,67 mg kg–1) > Cr (2,52 mg kg–1) > Hg (2,38 mg kg–1) > Cd (1,66 mg kg–1). The essential elements in fruiting bodies of Boletus reticulatus were much higher than those of toxic elements. The possibility of toxicological effects on human health consumption of investigated species (Boletus reticulatus) is negligible

    Estimation of Variance Components for Litter Size in the First and Later Parities in Improved Jezersko-Solcava Sheep

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    Aim of this study was to estimate variance components for litter size in Improved Jezersko-Solcava sheep. Analysis involved 66,082 records from 12,969 animals, for the number of lambs born in all parities (BA), the first parity (B1), and later parities (B2+). Fixed part of model contained the effects of season and age at lambing within parity. Random part of model contained the effects of herd, permanent effect (for repeatability models), and additive genetic effect. Variance components were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method. The average number of lambs born was 1.36 in the first parity, while the average in later parities was 1.59 leading also to about 20% higher variance. Several models were tested in order to accommodate markedly different variability in litter size between the first and later parities: single trait model (for BA, B1, and B2+), two-trait model (for B1 and B2+), and single trait model with heterogeneous residual variance (for BA). Comparison of variance components between models showed largest differences for the residual variance, resulting in parsimonious fit for a single trait model for BA with heterogeneous residual variance. Correlations among breeding values from different models were high and showed remarkable performance of the standard single trait repeatability model for BA

    Estimation of Variance Components for Litter Size in the First and Later Parities in Improved Jezersko-Solcava Sheep

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    Aim of this study was to estimate variance components for litter size in Improved Jezersko-Solcava sheep. Analysis involved 66,082 records from 12,969 animals, for the number of lambs born in all parities (BA), the first parity (B1), and later parities (B2+). Fixed part of model contained the effects of season and age at lambing within parity. Random part of model contained the effects of herd, permanent effect (for repeatability models), and additive genetic effect. Variance components were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method. The average number of lambs born was 1.36 in the first parity, while the average in later parities was 1.59 leading also to about 20% higher variance. Several models were tested in order to accommodate markedly different variability in litter size between the first and later parities: single trait model (for BA, B1, and B2+), two-trait model (for B1 and B2+), and single trait model with heterogeneous residual variance (for BA). Comparison of variance components between models showed largest differences for the residual variance, resulting in parsimonious fit for a single trait model for BA with heterogeneous residual variance. Correlations among breeding values from different models were high and showed remarkable performance of the standard single trait repeatability model for BA

    Sadržaj teških metala i bioakumulacijski potencijal nekih samoniklih jestivih gljiva

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    The concentration of Fe, Zn and Cu in ten edible mushrooms in Medvednica Nature Park was determined. The similarity between the studied species was deterimend by cluster analysis based on concentrations of the aforementioned metals in the fruit bodies. The analyses of heavy metals were carried out by X – ray fluorescence spectormetry. The highest concentration of Fe (153.96 mg kg–1) was determined in Tricholoma portentosum, and the highest concentration of Zn (90.60 mg kg–1) was determined in Tricholoma terreum. The highest concentration of Cu was determined in Macrolepiota procera (78.18 mg kg–1). The concentrations of Zn and Cu significantly differed (p<0.05; p<0.001) between examined saprophytic and ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. A considerably higher concentration of the analysed elements was found in the cap than in the stipe for all mushroom species. All mushrooms species were bio-exclusors of Fe in relation to the underlying soils. Cluster analysis performed on the basis of the bioaccumulation of the studied metals revealed great similarity of mushroom species belonging to the same genus and partial similarity of species of the same ecological affiliation.Predmetnim istraživanjem utvrđivana je koncentracija Fe, Zn i Cu u deset samoniklih jestivih vrsta gljiva Parka prirode Medvednica. Sličnost između ispitivnih vrsta gljiva ustanovljena je klaster analizom na temelju koncentracije navedenih metala u plodnom tijelu gljiva. Analiza teških metala provedena je metodom XRF – rentgenske fluoroscentne spektrometrije. Najveća koncentracija Fe od 153.96 mg kg–1 utvrđena je u Tricholoma portentosum, dok je najveća koncentracija Zn od 90.60 mg kg–1 ustanovljena u vrsti Tricholoma terreum. Najveća koncentracija Cu utvrđena je u vrsti Macrolepiota procera (78.8 mg kg–1). Analizom teških metala u gljivama ustanovljene su značajne razlike (p<0.05; p<0.001) u koncentraciji Zn i Cu između saprofitskih i ektomikoriznih vrsta gljiva. Utvrđena je znatno veća koncentracija ispitivanih metala u klobuku u odnosu na stručak. Sve istraživane vrste gljiva isključene su kao mogući bioindikatori onečišćenja okoliša željezom. Klaster analiza provedena na temlju koncentracije teških metala u gljivama otkrila je veliku sličnost vrsta gljiva koje pripadaju istom rodu i djelomične sličnosti vrsta iste ekološke pripadnosti

    Genomic estimation of dominance variance and inbreeding depression in a local sheep breed

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    Dominance variance can account for a substantial proportion of total genetic variance depending on the species and trait. Its assessment was historically cumbersome primarily due to the size and structure of available pedigree data and corresponding computational complexities. Estimations were simplified with the availability of genome-wide SNP markers, opening the potential to study non-additive genetic variation even in small populations such as local sheep breeds. Further, it has been argued that when estimating dominance, it is essential to account for genomic inbreeding because a decrease in heterozygosity can lead to an overall decrease in the mean of a trait of interest due to directional dominance. Local livestock breeds are susceptible to inbreeding and inbreeding depression due to small population sizes and the resulting increased relatedness between mates. Local breed conservation should be prioritised because they are reservoirs of genetic diversity and have characteristics that could be essential resources for adapting to future challenges. Therefore, when designing selection programmes for small livestock populations, the effects of dominance and inbreeding need to be considered. We aimed to estimate additive and dominance genetic variances and genomic inbreeding for milk traits in Pag sheep. This local Croatian breed is adapted to a Mediterranean island with a marginal grazing system and is raised for milk (mainly used for cheese) and lamb production. We had 50K SNP array genotype data for 2134 animals, of which 1744 were ewes with milk records. After quality control of genomic data, we imputed sporadic missingness and corrected genotype errors using AlphaPeel. We detected runs of homozygosity (ROH) with Plink 1.9 to estimate genomic inbreeding (FROH). For each recorded milk trait (milk, fat and protein yields in kg, and somatic cell score), we compared four single-trait models with additive and dominance effects, and FROH as a covariate to account for directional dominance, fitted with both Bayesian and REML methods as implemented in BLUPF90. We found additive variance was stable across the different models for each trait, while dominance variance varied and was impacted by the inclusion of FROH covariate in the model. Dominance variance accounted for 10-30% of genetic variance across models and traits. Using a genome-wide association analysis approach, we will also detect regions of the genome with additive genetic, dominance genetic or ROH effects on milk traits. Finding the best approach to utilise available non-additive genetic variation in the local (small) livestock breeding programmes via either optimal contribution selection and mate allocation schemes or leveraging SNP effects associated with the non-additive genetic effects is an important open question. Genomic data has allowed us to estimate additive and dominance variance and inbreeding in Pag sheep, which will contribute to developing sustainable genomic selection programmes for this and other small livestock populations

    Istraživanje porodne mase i rasta do odbića jaradi hrvatske šarene koze.

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    The aim of this research was to determine some production characteristics of Croatian multicolored goat kids (birth weight, age and body weight at weaning, and average daily gain) in extensive breeding conditions. The research included 530 goat kids from four family farms in the area of the Šibenik - Knin and Zadar County. The birth weight and body weight of the kids at weaning were determined by individual weighing on an electronic scale with accuracy of ±0.05 kg. The kids were with other goats from birth to weaning and they consumed pasture grass and browsed while consuming milk by suckling. The results of the research indicate that the kids’ birth weights, their body weight at weaning and average daily gain are quite variable and under the influence of sex, type of birth and the season of kidding. After parturition, the kids weighed 2.28 kg on average, and 23.0 kg at weaning (on the 186th day). The kids gained 115.43 g on average daily in the period from birth to weaning, but in comparison to female kids, male kids had significantly (P<0.001) higher average daily weight gain (125.15 : 106.96 g) and significantly (P<0.05) higher body weight at weaning (23.46 : 22.58 kg). The lowest average daily gain (103.92 g) was determined in kids of low birth weight (<1.50 kg), and the highest (163.04 g) in kids of higher birth weight (≥3.50 kg). The significant (P<0.001) influence of the kidding season on birth weight and growth of kids from birth to weaning was determined.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi neke proizvodne karakteristike jaradi hrvatske šarene koze (porođajna masa, dob i tjelesna masa pri odbiću te prosječni dnevni prirast) u ekstenzivnim uvjetima uzgoja. Istraživanje je uključilo 530 jaradi s četiri obiteljska gospodarstva iz Šibensko-kninske i Zadarske županije. Porođajna masa i tjelesna masa jaradi pri odbiću određivani su pojedinačnim vaganjem, uz pomoć elektroničke vage s preciznošću od ±0,05 kg. Jarad je držana s kozama od jarenja do odbića pri čemu je uz sisanje mlijeka bila na paši i brstu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su porođajna masa jaradi, njihova tjelesna masa pri odbiću i prosječni dnevni prirast prilično varijabilni i pod utjecajem spola, tipa porođaja i sezone jarenja. Nakon jarenja jarad je prosječno težila 2,28 kg, a pri odbiću (dob od 186 dana) prosječno 23,0 kg. Jarad je u razdoblju od jarenja do odbića prirastala prosječno 115,43 g dnevno, a u usporedbi sa ženskom jaradi, muška jarad imala je značajno (P<0,001) veći prosječni dnevni prirast (125,15 : 106,96 g) i značajno (P<0,05) veću tjelesnu masu pri odbiću (23,46 : 22,58 kg). Najmanji prosječni dnevni prirast (103,92 g) utvrđen je kod jaradi s malom porođajnom masom (<1,50 kg), dok je najveći prosječni dnevni prirast (163,04 g) ustanovljen kod jaradi s najvećom porođajnom masom (≥3,50 kg). Također je utvrđen i značajan (P<0,001) utjecaj sezone jarenja na porođajnu masu i rast jaradi od jarenja do odbića

    Colore come un indicatore di qualità di carne d’agnello

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    Sažetak Kakvoća janjećeg mesa je vrlo kompleksna i višeznačna osobina. Od brojnih čimbenika većina autora ističe važan, a neki od njih i presudan utjecaj boje na kakvoću mesa. Do danas su razvijene brojne metode instrumentalnog mjerenja boje mesa kojima se može mjeriti različit raspon spektra boja. U novije vrijeme, najčešće se koriste uređaji poput Minolte ili Labscana koji prema referentnoj metodi mjere boju mesa L*, a* i b* vrijednostima. Boja svježeg mesa uglavnom je rezultat zastupljenosti mišićnih pigmenata, prvenstveno mioglobina. Osim kemijskog oblika u kojem se mioglobin pojavljuje, boja mesa ovisi i o njegovoj količini koja je pod utjecajem vrste životinje, pasmine, spola, tjelesne mase prije klanja, načina uzgoja i hranidbe te anatomske pozicije mišića. Pri procijeni kakvoće janjećeg mesa osim boje treba uzeti u obzir i druga svojstva koja utječu na cjelokupni dojam od strane potrošača (zamašćenost trupa, količina vidljivo otpuštenog mesnog soka, miris). Svakako ne treba zanemariti i činjenicu da osim spomenutih čimbenika kakvoće kriteriji odabira janjećeg mesa mogu biti uvjetovani tradicijom, običajima i navikama potrošača.Quality of lamb meat is a very complex and multifaceted characteristic. Out of many factors, most authors emphasize the important, according to some even crucial effect of color to meat quality. Up to this day there have been developed numerous methods of instru- mental measuring of meat color which can be used to measure different spans of range of colors. Lately, the most frequently used are devices like Minolta or Labscan, which measure meat color by L*, a* and b* values according to the reference method. The color of fresh meat is mostly the result of share of muscle pigments, mostly myoglobin. Except for the chemical form which myoglobin appears in, meat color also depends on its share which is under the influence of animal species, breed, sex, body weight at slaughter, breeding manner and feeding, as well as anatomical position of muscle. At evaluation of quality of lamb meat, other characteristics should be taken into account, those which influence the total impression by the consumers (fattiness of carcass, share of visibly released meat juice, odor). There certainly shouldn’t be neglected the fact that, except for the abovementioned factors of quality, the criteria of cho- osing lamb meat can be influenced by tradition, customs and consumer habits.Zusammenfassung Die Qualität des Lammfleisches ist eine sehr komplexe und mehrdeutige Eigenschaft. Viele Autoren heben von zahlreichen Faktoren den Einfluss der Farbe als Indikator für Fleischqualität hervor, u.zw. betonen manche Autoren, dass dies ein bedeutender und sogar ein entscheidender Faktor ist. Bis heute wurden zahlreiche Methoden für instrumentale Messung der Fleischfarbe entwickelt, womit verschiedene Spannweite des Farbenspektrums gemessen werden kann. In der neueren Zeit werden am häufigsten Einrichtungen wie Minolta oder Labscana benutzt, die nach der referenten Methode die Fleischfarbe mit L*, a*und b* messen. Die Farbe des frischen Fleisches ist hauptsächlich das Resultat der vertretenen Muskelpigmente, in erster Linie Mioglobin. Außer der chemischen Form, in welcher Mioglobin erscheint, hängt die Fleischfarbe auch von dessen Menge ab, die unter dem Einfluss der Tiersorte, der Rasse, des Geschlechtes, der Körpermasse beim Schlachten, Art der Zucht und Futter, sowie der anatomischen Position der Muskel steht. Bei der Schätzung der Qualität des Lammfleisches müssen außer Farbe auch andere Eigenschaften in Betracht gezogen werden, die auf den Gesamteindruck beim Verbraucher einen Einfluss haben (Fettigkeit, die Menge des sichtbar ausgelösten Fleischsaftes, Ge- ruch). Auf jeden Fall darf auch die Tatsache nicht vergessen werden, dass außer der erwähnten Faktoren in Bezug auf die Qualität, die Wahl des Lammfleisches die Tradition, die Sitten und die Gewohnheiten des Verbrauches bedingen.Sommario La qualità di carne d’agnello è una caratteristica molto complessa e multiforme. La maggior parte di autori tra gli indicatori numerosi sottolinea l’influsso di colore alla qualità di carne, perché lo ritengono molto importante, ed alcuni di loro lo considerano cruciale. Fino ad oggi sono stati sviluppati i metodi numerosi di misurazione strumentale del colore di carne con i quali è possibile misurare diverse parti dello spettro di colori. Ultimamente vengono usati gli apparecchi tipo Minolta e Labscan che rispetto al metodo di riferi- mento misurano il colore della carne con i valori L*, a* e b*. Il colore della carne fresca è prevalentemente il risultato di percentuale dei pigmenti muscolari, soprattutto la mioglobina. Salvo la forma chimica in cui si presenta la mioglobina, il colore della carne dipende anche dalla quantità della carne stessa, influenzata dalla specie di animale, la razza, il sesso, il suo peso corporeo nel momento di macellazione, il modo d’allevamento, la nutrizione e dalla posizione anatomica dei muscoli. Durante la valutazione di qualità della carne d’agnello non basta prendere in considerazione solo il colore, ma anche le altre caratte- ristiche che influiscono l’impressione intera del consumatore (pinguedine animale, quantità del succo di carne notevolmente uscito, odore). Anzi, bisogna aver cura che, salvo i suddetti indicatori di qualità, i criteri di scelta della carne d’agnello sono (spesso) condizio- nati dalla tradizione, costumi e abitudini dei consumatori

    Comparazione degli esistenti sistemi di classifica degli addomi d’agnello e di pecora nei paesi dell’Unione europea e in Croazia

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    Sažetak U cilju stvaranja što ujednačenije ponude nekog proizvoda na tržištu neophodno je postojanje zakonski reguliranog sustava pomoću kojeg se obavlja njegova klasifikacija. Zbog navedenog, u sektoru ovčjeg mesa u zemljama EU i Hrvatskoj postoje zakonski klasifikacijski standardi koje se nastoji provoditi što učinkovitije. Pri klasifikaciji laganih trupova (trup < 13 kg) u obzir se uzimaju tri pokazatelja: klaonička masa, boja mesa i stupanj prekrivenosti trupa masnim tkivom. U EU je za trupove lakše od 13 kg dodatno prihvaćena metoda ocjenjivanja prekrivenosti trupova masnim tkivom prema fotografskim standardima. Ovisno o težinskom razredu, boji i stupnju zamašćenosti lagane trupove se razvrstava dodatno u dvije klase. Teže trupove (trup > 13 kg) se klasira po "S.E.U.R.O.P“ klasifikaciji. Za razliku od Hrvatske, u zemljama EU pri klasifikaciji trupova težih od 13 kg dodatno se uzima u obzir i stupanj prekrivenosti trupova masnim tkivom. Za kontrolu ocjenjivanja trupova i polovica na linijama klanja je u EU odgovorna svaka zemlja članica, odnosno akreditirana klasifikacijska i inspekcijska tijela. U Hrvatskoj je za navedenu kontrolu odgovorna Hrvatska poljoprivredna agencija (HPA) i Ministarstvo poljoprivrede. Klasifikacija janjećih i ovčjih trupova i formiranje cijene u nekim zemljama EU pa tako i u Hrvatskoj, s obzirom na postojeću zakonsku regulativu, nije u potpunosti provediva. Sukladno tome nastoje se nadopuniti pa čak i izmijeniti pojedine stavke zakona kako bi se uvažile specifičnosti u proizvodnji i trgovini janjećim (ovčjim) mesom.In order to obtain uniform offer of any product on the market it is necessary to develop legislative system for its classification. Due to mentioned, in production and trade of ovine meat in EU countries, as well as in Croatia there are legislated classification rules that should be conducted as effectively as possible. Classification of lighter carcasses (< 13 kg) is based on three factors: slaughter weight, meat colour and fat cover. In EU for carcasses lighter than 13 kg there is additionally accepted method for assessment of fat cover with photographic standards. Depending on weight class, colour and fat cover, light carcasses are additionally segregated into two classes. Heavy carcasses (> 13 kg) are classified under “S.E.U.R.O.P“classification. Compared to Croatia, in classification of carcasses heavier than 13 kg in EU countries there is additionally considered a degree of fat cover. Within EU, each country itself, i.e. accredited assessors and inspectors are amenable for control of carcass assessments on slaughter lines. In Croatia, the aforementioned classification is accredited by Croatian Agriculture Agency which is under jurisdiction of Ministry of Agriculture. Regarding to current law regulation, classification of lamb and sheep carcasses and pricing in some EU countries as well as in Croatia is hard to accomplish. Therefore, great efforts are made into augmentation and in some cases even substitution of current laws that regulate ovine meat production and trade of ovine meat.Zusammenfassung Mit dem Ziel, ein ausgeglichenes Angebot eines bestimmten Erzeugnisses auf dem Markt zu machen, ist es nötig ein gesetzlich reguliertes System zu schaffen, mit dessen Hilfe die Klassifizierung desselben durchgeführt werden kann. Deshalb bestehen im Sektor des Lammfleisches in den EU Ländern und in Kroatien gesetzliche Klassifizierungsstandarde, die man möglichst effizient durchzuführen versucht. Bei der Klassifizierung leichter Kadaver (Kadaver < 13 kg) werden drei Indikatoren in Betracht gezogen: Schlachtmasse, Fleischfarbe und Grad der Überdeckung des Kadavers mit Fettgewebe. In den EU-Ländern ist für die Kadaver leichter als 13 kg zusätzlich die Bewertungsmethode der Überdeckung des Kadavers mit Fettgewebe nach Fotostandarden angenommen. Abhängig von der Gewichtklasse werden leichte Kadaver nach Farbe und Fettigkeitsgrad zusätzlich in zwei Klassen geordnet. Schwerere Kadaver (Kadaver > 13 kg) werden nach "S.E.U.R.O.P.“ klassiert. Zum Unterschied zu Kroatien wird in den EU-Ländern bei der Klassifizierung der Kadaver schwerer als 13 kg zusätzlich auch Grad der Überdeckung des Kadavers mit Fettgewebe in Betracht gezogen. Für die Kontrolle der Bewertung von Kadavern und Hälften an den Schlachtlinien ist in EU jeder Mitgliedstaat verantwortlich, bzw. akkreditierte Klassifizieruns- und Inspektionskörper. In Kroatien sind dafür die Kroatische Agentur für Landwirtschaft (HPA) und das Landwirtschaftsministerium verantwortlich. Die Klassifizierung von Lamm- und Schafskadavern und die Preisgestaltung sind in einigen EU-Ländern sowie auch in Kroatien, in Bezug auf das gesetzliche Regulativ, nicht in Ganzheit durchführbar. In diesem Sinne strebt man, einzelne Gesetzabsätze zu ergänzen oder zu ändern, damit spezifische Gegebenheiten in der Herstellung und im Handel mit Lammfleisch (Schafsfleisch) beachtet werden können.Sommario Per poter creare un’offerta quanto più equilibrata di un prodotto sul mercato, è necessario che esista un sistema regolato dalla legge con il quale si effetua la sua classifica. Per questo nel settore della carne di pecora nei paesi dell’Unione europea e in Croazia esistono gli standard legittimi di classifica che bisogna rispettare in maniera quanto più efficiente. Durante la classifica degli addomi leggeri (addome < 13 kg) si prendono in considerazione 3 indicatori: peso macellazione, colore di carne e grado del grasso di copertura dell’adome. Nell’Unione europea hanno accettato a posteriori un metodo di valutazione per gli addomi che pesano meno di 13 chiloghrammi con cui è possibile misurare il grasso di copertura dell’adome in accordo con gli standard fotografici. In dipendenza della categoria di peso, colore e grado di ingrassamento, gli addomi leggeri vanno divisi in due categorie: gli addomi più pesanti (addome > 13 kg) vanno categorizzati secondo la classifica “S.E.U.R.O.P.”. A differenza della Croazia, nei paesi dell’Unione europea durante la classifica degli addomi che pesano più di 13 chilogrammi si prende in considerazione anche il loro grasso di copertura. Per il controllo della valutazione degli addomi e dele mezzene sulle linee di macellazione è responsabile ogni membro dell’Unione europea , cioè i suoi organismi di classifica e ispezione. In Croazia per questo è responsabile Agenzia agraria di Croazia (HPA = AAC) e il Ministero delle politiche agricole. La classifica degli addomi d’agnello e di pecora, e la formazione del loro prezzo in alcuni paesi dell’Unione europea e così anche in Croazia, non è possibile eseguire completamente. Perciò ci sono delle trattative che in futuro completeranno e cambieranno certi punti della legge dando così importanza alle situazioni specifiche nel processo di produzione e nel commercio della carne d’agnello e la carne di pecora